Just a reminder not to forget my giveaway!!! It closes tomorrow, for more information see my original post here and follow the instructions. I'll have another post later today, but wanted to remind everyone of this fun opportunity for FrEe StUfF!!! I will announce the winner TOMORROW!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fair Weather Blogger ...
Well, apparently when I have things like days off from work and/or holidays I am MIA in the blog world. Ooops. Sorry about that. Luckily (for my blog, but not so much for me per se) I don't have too many of those coming up, so the posts should be back to their previous frequency.
Thanksgiving was great, it was the traditional bounce from one house to another which is all I know and therefore is tradition for me. First we went to my Aunt Kathy's house for a brunch schmorgesborg of turkey, dressing and all the fixin's, followed by heading to the Fulmer's house for a lunch schmorgesborg of turkey, dressing and all the fixin's (anyone seeing a pattern here?), and on to my Mama's for a dinner schmorgesborg of turkey, dressing and all the fixin's. I have a love hate relationship with this day. I love it because Thanksgiving food is one of my FAVORITE foods ever (I know it's not a type, but it is to me) and I get THREE FANTASTIC VERSIONS of it in the same day! I hate it because I get THREE FANTASTIC VERSIONS of it in the same day and am usually in need of maternity pants by nightfall. Thankfully through our training for the half marathon (in 2 weeks YIKES!) I think my body somehow balanced it all ... pretty well. At least as good as can be expected. I'm not going to lie and still feel like I need to be in a food coma for at least 2 more days. However I am going to run 8 to 10 miles tonight so I'm thinking I should sweat out a good amount of triptophan. Gross.
Here is a picture of my family at my Aunt Kathy's house. A table full of cousins. Yes we still all have to sit at the kids table, even though most of us are over 21.
Here is a picture of my family at my Aunt Kathy's house. A table full of cousins. Yes we still all have to sit at the kids table, even though most of us are over 21.
Here are some of the grown ups at the grown up table ...
Me and the husb by the fireplace. My favorite spot. Next to him and next to a roaring fire. :0)
*Note: I did not take pictures at the Fulmer house or at my Mama's due to the fact that my camera died. Isn't that the way it always goes?
After the last Eat-A-Rama '09 (and some of my Mama's banana pudding, my favorite thing on the PLANET) we left for Coon Creek. The boys hunted and ate and watched football, the girls shopped and ate EVEN MORE (seriously, I think I need to add another week to the coma now that I think of it ...) and we all stayed up late playing games and acting silly.
Speaking of silly, here is a picture OF my Silly and me. At Coon Creek. Being, well silly.
And these are our initial cups, since we all kept "misplacing" our drinks and getting new cups. This is my attempt at going green.
Here is what happens when you don't wash your hair for 2 days. Gross. But cute of my outdoorsy mister.
And then someone introduced me to the shower ... and it was good.
But they forgot to introduce Matt. But it's okay. Because I just love boys in camo. Yep, that's MY mister. I'm not a hunter and would never be able to kill ANYTHING (seriously, I free bugs when they are in the house), but he sure does make hunting look good.
And today we trekked back to civilization. It's so nice to go to Coon Creek. The phones barely work, you wear your comfy pants the whole time, there's always a fire and you pretty much stay in the "about to nap, just woke up" state of relaxed all day long. Sometimes you just need a few days like that. For us, it was just what the doctor ordered.
I will leave you with a picture of my handsome baby boy I took. Isn't he just so good looking? And he's oh so sweet. Precious boy.
Back to work and real life and the CrAzInEsS that is the month of December; i.e. Christmas parties, fun events, celebrations and busyness galore! And I'm looking forward to every minute. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!! Soak it all up, it'll be over before you know it!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Proverbs 3:5-6
This verse is listed below the title of my blog. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and HE will make your paths straight." Trust is a big deal. The dictionary defines trust as: "reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence." If there is anything or anyone in this world that we can attribute all those qualities to, shouldn't it be the Lord? Psalm 9:10 says "And those who know Your name put their trust in you, for you, oh Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you." I know many of us come from situations or backgrounds where our trust is either broken or hard to give without reserve. Often times, because of those situations, we make those around us pay for the results of that lack of trust in our lives. Trust can be an issue you have in your work place, with your friends, with your spouse or family, even with the Lord. Sometimes people go through horrible situations where they no longer trust that the Lord will do what He has promised in His Word. James 1:2-6 says "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have it's full effect, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind." I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a doubter, like the waves tossed by the wind. Many people turn and run from the Lord when things get hard or they feel their trust is broken, but God tells us to count it as joy. A lot of the time, trials and testing come as a result from drawing nearer to the Lord. The enemy doesn't like it when we become effective for God. He'd rather us sit, uneffective, lukewarm than press in towards our Savior, long to be near Him and Praise Him in all things, good and bad. It's easy to say you trust someone or something, but your actions, in all reality, is what reflects the truth of that claim. Trust is a lot like faith, as the defintion of faith is: "confidence or trust in a person or thing." You have to give it freely without expectations. If you, like me, have had things or situations in the past cause you to have a problem or hard time with trusting, fix your trust on Him first. I believe that if your trust in the Lord is secure, your trust in other areas will in the same way, fall in line. And then, even if you are ever hurt, let down or have your trust broken again by someone or some situation you've put your trust in, you will know that you have your Rock of Salvation, THE One you can always put your trust in, and He will never let you down or disappoint you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I am thankful for The Living Trust and confidence I have in Jesus Christ who is The Giver of all things, trust being one of them.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My Thanksgiving ...
I am SO excited, one of my sweet friends, Amanda Yocum, has started up a new business and she has offered to do a giveaway via my blog! Her Etsy Store, Tiny Bit More, is PRECIOUS as is her blog! She makes all kinds of cute personalized baby items, so all you mommys, mommys-to-be and even aspiring mommys (wink) take a look at the cuteness that is on her site! After all, doesn't everyone like ...
Okay here's what you do to enter ...
1. Leave a comment telling me you are a follower along with your email address so I know how to get in touch with you (and/or become a follower first!)
2. Post something on your blog about my giveaway and leave me another comment here with a link to your post about it!
My giveaway starts today and will close December 1st! This will give you all ONE WEEK to enter and pass along my giveaway! After I close the giveaway I will draw a name (email) at random and then send it on to Amanda at which point she'll contact you to see what you want, get it made and ship it your way! Thanks ladies, and good luck!!!
Holiday Hellos!
My fabulous blog designer, Fabulous K came up with a fabulous idea ...

If you read my blog, I'd LOVE to know who you are and hear from you. Go on and be a follower why dontcha? You know you want to :0)
There are so many things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving and one of them is all of you that leave me sweet comments and notes letting me know you enjoy these crazy mutterings I call my blog. Feel free to visit Kelly's page to grab your own "Holiday Hello" graphic and encourage your blog readers to leave you some love too! Happy almost Thanksgiving!
P.S. - I have another post, regarding MY FIRST GIVEAWAY! More on that later today, yay!
P.S. - I have another post, regarding MY FIRST GIVEAWAY! More on that later today, yay!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Long Time No Blog!
Okay, I know it's only been a few days, but since I missed Friday I feel like I went on vacation! Let me assure you I didn't but I WAS off from work on Friday to spend the day with my mom, Mama and (this year) my cousin Britney at Chi Omega Christmas! This has been a tradition for me and my mom since I was a senior in high school. She let me play hookie that year from school and when I was in college I drove home Thursday night and skipped school that Friday and now that I'm a working girl I take that day off and have done so since I entered the working world. We just started "allowing" (ha - I'm kidding but my mom and I are really ridiculous about this being our tradition together) Mama to come a few years back and I just LOVE it! We usually get there around 10:30am and stay until 5:30pm. The hours are 10am-6pm so we might as well have been there the whole day. This year we did something different. There was a boothe set up on our way in with an ADORABLE Santa (he was very authentic, even had the bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks!) and my mom suggested that we take a picture with him! I sat on his lap (I must admit this was a little weird at 28 yrs old) and my mom and Mama stood beside him. I almost asked him if he needed a Mrs. Santa (my Mama) but thought I might embarass him. Then his cheeks would really be rosy! The picture ended up pretty cute, but it was a professional picture so I don't have one to post :0( I DO have a picture of the three of us on our way into the shop-athon.
We went on to get TONS of goodies, mainly clothes and jewelry and my mom did get a few Christmas presents to put under the tree for me :0) I must note, that my mom told me to dress comfy and then what does she do? She goes and wears boots (very CUTE boots I might add) that kill her feet half-way through. I was happy to switch with her because I had on flat boots that were the same color ... then Britney enters the picture with her pointy toed heels. We tried FOR.EVER to find her some slippers, cute flats, etc. but to no avail, so I took off my mom's uncomfortable boots, gave Britney my socks so she could take her shoes off and go barefoot, and went sockless in my mom's uncomfortable boots. And I was the one prepared! How did I end up sockless in uncomfortable boots? I guess I just love my family too much, darn them. It ended up being fine and after a day of shopping and aching feet we went to a new sushi restaurant off Knox-Henderson, Sushi Axiom. It was FANTASTIC. Here is a picture of the happy sushi-full girls after dinner ...
It was SUCH a fun day and definately kept my mind off the fact that my mister was out of town on a Friday night. I love that I can always count on my family.
Now, let's back up a bit. Thursday night. OH Thursday night. My good friend Alysia and I went to the New Moon Premier. Our plan was to leave a little early, get to North Park, attend a little Happy Hour and then head to the theater at 9ish (our special passes got us in at 9:30pm, 2 1/2 hours BEFORE the midnight showing) Well on the way there we sat in an HOUR of traffic. I have this tendency to get ... aggravated in traffic. Sometimes I yell. It's okay. No one can hear me. It's just a situation that I can do nothing about which MAKES.ME.FRUSTRATED. Thankfully we did get to the mall around 7:45 (about an hour later than we wanted to be) went to Luna De Noche, enjoyed some happy hour and got to the theater just in time. How was the movie? A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Well, between the giggling 13-year-olds ... I have never had the urge to let out a "SSHHHHHHHH" in a movie theater so much as I did that night. Seriously little girls? You've read the books, you know what's going to happen, must you giggle incessantly when Jacob takes off his shirt? Or when Bella says something that COULD be perceived as funny? Seriously. I'm pretty sure I'll see it once if not several more times before it makes it's way onto my shelf in DVD form. The BEST part was when we were leaving. First off, in the line for the midnight showing was a girl, in normal clothing, with a WOLF MASK ON! Hilarious. I'm thinking she's Team Jacob. As Alysia and I kept walking we realized it was complete pandamonium outside that theater. There were people, I should say little girls (even guys, I was SHOCKED, I would have to drag my drugged unconscious husband to the theater to ever get him anywhere near it) LINED up from the front of the theater in a line that wrapped ALL THE WAY around the mall! Insane! And MAN were they giving us some looks when they saw our badges! That's as close to feeling like Britney Spears as I'll ever get. You would've thought these we just walked off the movie set they way they were looking at us! One girl actually stopped us and said "How did you get those badges, I'm just curious?" It was SO much fun, I just can't wait to see it again. I think next I'll see it with my MOH!
Here's me with my badge ...
Here's Alysia and I's theater bracelets that got us into "theater 5"
And here's us super excited about being in the theater AND our badges ...
Okay. I think I'm caught up. I'm super pumped about the holidays coming up, first and foremost Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. There are so many things I'm thankful for this year. What are you thankful for? Make sure you take time to think about that and give thanks for everything you're blessed with. Until tomorrow ...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Weeds ...
Sometimes weeds are pretty ... they look like flowers or fuzzy little cotton balls. They grow like bunches of flowers and are pleasing to the eye. But the reality is they are choking the rest of the plants and flowers in your garden or flower bed. They are sucking the life out of them and even though they appear beautiful or appealing, they are in fact, not. Isn't this the same with certain areas of your life? Things, people, thoughts and situations that APPEAR beautiful, appealing, upright, honorable, but in all actuality are suffocating you with fear, doubt, worry, distrust and unbelief. God's Word says "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil 4:7-9. Whatever is true, which Websters defines as: "sincere; not deceitful", whatever is honorable: "worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable", whatever is just: "righteous", whatever is pure: "untainted with evil; innocent", whatever is lovely: "of a great moral or spiritual beauty", whatever is commendable: "to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness", the Lord tells us to think about these things. I don't know about you, but my thoughts are not always consumed with truth, honor, just, purity, loveliness and commendability. But it should be. The Bible also tells us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. How many of us listen to the lies that satan whispers in our ear, instead of going to God's Word to see what He tells us about those lies. I encourage you to do that this week "take every thought captive" and it will settle your heart and soul and bring you a peace that passes all understanding. I have wrestled with the lies the enemy puts in my mind, throughout all areas of my life. And I'm done doing it. It will be a process, but I am done with being fed lies only to make me question what I know is true and pure. It's not fair to my husband, it's not fair to my family, it's not fair to me, but first and foremost it's not fair to Jesus. He gave up His life so that we didn't have to listen to those lies, and gave us His Word so that we knew what to do when they started. Now it's up to us to open it up and defend ourselves. I will not let the enemy win and neither should you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pink Door Design ...
Drum roll please! My Silly has just given me the go ahead to debut her website to the public! Pink Door Design has the cutest CUSTOM baby announcements, invitations, save the dates, moving cards & CHRISTMAS CARDS! I believe she is still taking orders for the Christmas Cards, but you'll need to contact her pretty quickly if you want to place an order. The best part about it all is you can TELL her what you want it to say! Mine were custom-worded for the pictures I wanted to use and I must tell you, they are ADORABLE! Some of you may recognize your munchkins as models for part of the cards and I HAVE to mention that the little boy snow bunny is none other than my little brother (my Silly's husband) which I just think is adorable! Okay friends, enjoy and order away! Way to go Silly!
Me and my Silly being ... well silly.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Girl's Night Birthday Celebrations ...
My mom's side of the family, of which my cousins are primarily girls (really fun and cute ones at that) always does a girl's birthday dinner for each cousin, aunt or Mama's birthday. Last night was Britney's birthday celebration. Before going to dinner we went to a little craft fair for about 20 minutes (yes another one, I know, I may need an intervention) at Stonebriar and then headed over to Cantina Laredo (L.O.V.E.) for some dinner and girly fun time. I have to say, Britney CLEANED UP with her presents. I won't go into what she got I will just say that it took all of my rationale and knowledge of ethics not to steal some ... Here is a pic of the birthday girl blowing out her candle (it was actually a sparkler not even a candle, which I thought was much cuter)
Doesn't that look yummy? Surprisingly I didn't even try it ...
Here is a pic of her and Mama and one of the presents she gave her. I swear I have the cutest Mama ever ...
There's an inside joke with the cashews. Thankfully I didn't get those. Because I would so make myself sick on them. S.I.C.K. Believe me, I know from experience. Once you pop you can't stop. Mmm mmm cashews.
And here is a pic of all my beautiful family. I just love the ladies that I've been blessed to call relatives.
From left to right, top to bottom, my cousin Natalie, my cousin (Mike's wife) Joanna, my Silly, me, my momma, my Mama, my cousin Britney and my aunt Belinda. Funnest girls around. And I get to know them all my life. Blessed I tell ya, blessed!
And here is where the margarita starts to kick in ...
My Silly and I (I think more so I than her) decided we should give each other Eskimo kisses ... and stick out our tongues. I don't know ... but I do know one thing that it's for sure, SILLY!
I'll end with a regular one of my Silly, my mom, me and Jo. I heart my family. A lot. Next birthday celebration is my Silly's! December 6th, bring on the girly fun!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Things I Don't Do While My Husband Is Out of Town ...
You know how they say "when the cat's away the mice will play"? Well I won't compare my husband to a cat, because he hates them, but this mouse gets a little lacksadaisical when the ... well when he's gone. One thing I don't do when he's not home ...
That's right, I leave it like this all week. To be fair, I don't fully unmake the bed, I just pull up my side, mainly because it makes me feel better about not making the bed and second because our big boy jumps up and sleeps with me when his dad's out of town and I'd rather he be on top of the sheets shedding his white hair than under. There are a few other things I "leave unattended" when he's out of town, but we'll leave those to the imagination, since I assume he'll read this at some point. Hey, I have to have SOMETHING to somewhat look forward to when he's out of town. But believe you me I'd take making the bed three times a day to have him sleeping in it with me every night. Oh and on a side note, tune into 103.7 Lite FM, it's officially turned into The Christmas Station!
P.S. - THANK YOU to everyone that came over from Fabulous K's blog and left me sweet comments! I am so happy to have you, please follow me so I can know who you are and come check out your blogs as well!
P.S.S - Sorry for all the amateur pictures, I take these with my iPhone people. They come out about as well as our 4 year old digital camera's do. I am not fancy like a lot of you bloggers and have one of those cameras that has a lense bigger than my head. Oh but do I ever wish I did ... maybe someday ... :0) I am not quite sure why this picture came out so off-white/yellowish but I PROMISE the bed is black and white and I PROMISE we just washed those sheets!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Late Sunday Night Ramblings ...
I can't end a blog title without an exclamation point or a "...". I've tried. Several times. It just looks weird to me. Therefore you will always get one or the other with me. Sorry about that. Well, my love left today again, this time for six nights, seven days. Off to sunny Orlando, WITHIN walking distance to Epicot's gate I might add ... No? I'm not jealous? Why? I'm an odd-shade of green you say? My skin just changes color with the clothes I wear. You know, like some people's eyes do? I happen to be wearing all green today ... so, what of it? Anyways, I'm not going say I'm not having a hard time with him being in my literal, happy place. THE happiest place on earth if you will. But again, I realize he's not skipping around all day with Mickey (which is what I'd be doing, teaching for work or no teaching for work. That's probably why no one has ever asked me to be a national instructor ... they'd find me in the Magic Kingdom, inside Cinderella's Castle, having tea with the princesses, and I'd no longer be employed ...) and is actually doing something REALLY cool. He's been selected to be an instructor for his company. Let me dote on my husband a bit (he will hate this), this is not something they ask everyone to do. It's something a lot of the higher-ups have to actually recommend you for ... and he was ... two years in a row. And I couldn't be more proud of him. He has such an engaging personality, understanding of how to communicate things to others, things that might not make sense if someone else explained them, and a patience for those who don't catch on the first time (thank GOODNESS ... I mean ... not that I do that ... much ...) He really enjoyed it the first time he did it and I'm super pumped to hear how this time goes. Teaching just lights him up. And what lights him up lights me up. So I'm fired up for him to be able to teach. AND, before he left this morning (I was even a wake he's super sneaky!) he left me sticky notes, several around the house, but this one really got me thinking ...
(I totally got Koda busted for being on the bed, he does this when his dad's out of town ... and his mom doesn't stop him ...)
I don't know if you can tell, but it's on my mirror. My full length one at that. I am not sure if he realized what he was doing when he placed it there, but the mirror is one place that I and I think most women don't look at ourselves as Christ looks at us. We look ourselves as the world views us, and how we think we should look to the world. We take a critical eye and think "My hips are too big" or "I wish I could lose that 10 lbs, if I could JUST lose that 10 lbs, then I'd be happy with myself" or "If I only was tanner, then I'd feel prettier" and the reality is, we should be looking for a reflection of Christ. God's Word says "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalms 139:12-14. How can we question a masterpiece of the Lord? Every freckle, ever hair, every eyelash, even every curve or lack thereof, HE formed it. He made it and He knew just what He was doing. And believe me, I question and pick and criticize myself, probably more than the average woman, several times a day. But then I remember that I AM so beautiful. And not just to my husband, but to my Maker. To my Creator. And to the King of Kings. And that, my friends, makes me FEEL beautiful. Deep down, to the deepest, innermost place of my heart. And I hope it does you too. Find your worth in HIM friends. It's a much better place to look, than in the mirror. Good night for now, blog world.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Original Katie Pickering
I went over to my Mamo's house today. We like to sit and catch up, sometimes play Scrabble and usually, before I leave, she gives me some amazing 50+ year old treasure from their house or a classic story that just brightens my day (and a lot of time my home!) My Mamo is and was super crafty. She made vests, scarves, jewelry and all sorts of crafts with the Women's Club when she was a stay at home mom to three kids. She is and always has been SUCH a classy woman, I am truely honored and humbled to be her name-sake. So, on that crafty note, a week from today we are going to be doing a FUN craft project together at her house. Macaroni Christmas Trees! They will grace my mantle, and probably several other places, this year for Christmas so be looking for pictures of the finished product! My Mamo, like me, LOVES all things girly and frilly and ruffley. She has been making these DARLING ruffled-like scarves except they are sewn together at the end, like one big ruffle all around. She then has big flower pins that she pins onto the ruffle making the most beautiful neck adornment you've ever seen. The best way to explain it is to show you ...
Is that not the cutest thing ever? You just wear it with a black shirt/dress/whatever and you have SUCH girly cuteness added to your outfit! She gave me this one, the flower is actually black and I have another red flower that is interchangeable. I am pretty sure she is where I get a lot of my need to be crafty from. I guess my husband now knows who to blame ;0) While I was there she gave me an old picture of my Papa (who passed about 2 years ago and I miss him like crazy) holding my dad as a baby. I almost cried when I saw it. My brother looked SO much like my dad when he was a baby it's unbelievable. I am not sure what I'm going to do with this picture because it's small and old, but I have an obsession right now with old black and white pictures of family that I am currently working on collecting and figuring out how to display. After the Lord of course, your family is who has helped shaped you into who you are today. I am SO blessed to have two wonderful grandmothers left on this earth. Both of my sweet grandpas (my Papaw and Papa) went on to be with the Lord and since then, everytime I see a little old man I have this compelling urge to hug him. I miss my grandpa's hugs. They were the best, most comforting hugs, and when they hugged you it was like no one could ever hurt you. I look forward to those hugs one day when I see them again, singing and rejoicing with the angels to their glorious Savior. I know they are happy in His prescence, no more heart disease, no more forgetting things, no more back problems or trouble swallowing. Just pure joy in the prescence of their Maker. Soon I'll do a post about my Mama and her sweetest, most giving and loving heart in the world and how she's taught me to love and adore my family. And how to give to others before we worry about ourselves. In the meantime I'll leave you with the picture of my Papa and my daddy.
Precious. I miss you Papa and Papaw.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hostess With A Postess ...
Can I just tell you that I have a love/hate relationship with hosting parties? I LOVE it, get SO excited, love having people at my house, but then the second they get there, I start to sweat profusely, act like a COMPLETE weirdo (seriously Katie, these people are your friends, not the CIA) and don't spend any time talking to ANY of them, except brief, two to three sentence long conversations, until I need to refill my drink or someone elses or put more food out or clean something up or keep my dog (when he's out) from sticking his face in their food/lap/drink/crotch. And then the evening ends, I FEEL like I've had fun, but I also feel like I'm saying goodbye 10 minutes after I said hello. Thus making me feel like the WORST HOSTESS EVER and like I might as well just say "Hi, thanks for driving all the way out to my house in Oklahoma (that's where my "South of LBJ Dallas friends" think we live) have some food, here's a drink, maybe I'll have time to talk to you ... on my way to the bathroom ... actually just come in with me, it'll give us extra time." SHEESH. So to all you sweet lovelies that came to my house last night, I'm SO SORRY if the four words I said to you were "Hi {insert name here}!" and "Bye {insert name here}!" I feel like a terrible friend. And on top of that I took two, yes you read that right, TWO pictures! I'm really starting to think maybe I am sick ... ? I hope you all know I LOVE and APPRECIATE you coming! Don't worry, for the next one (the Christmas one that will be in a month or so) we will all sit in a circle and play telephone ... or do something that makes us all interact. One huge bonus of my party last night was my sweet friend, Ellen of Elaborations brought my mouse pad she made me! Isn't this cute ...
I heart it. A lot.
I heart it. A lot.
Another one of the sweet lovelies that attended last night was none other than the miss Fabulous K! Yes friends, my amazing blog designer. Kelly brought this A.M.A.Z.I.N.G shoepeg corn dip ... which I'm going to have to make in the very near future. Because it's sinful and delicious. Not only did she make my blog and bring an amazing dip, but she also featured me on her Fabulous Friday Feature! Go check her out if you haven't, which you probably already have. She has like 852 billion followers. Go be one of them. You know you want to. And if you're reading this because she featured me, welcome to Life in the Fulmer Lane! I can promise you a silly, fun and fantastically crazy ride!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
One Week From Today ...
Disclaimer: My husband will HATE this post ... I'm just warning you sugar.
I will be so excited I won't be able to sit still at my desk! The reason being is because I get to see this ...
SWOON. Sorry. That's right, ONE DAY EARLY ladies! My MOH (who now can't go, boo) called me frantically from Nordstrom about a month ago with the news that if you spent $50 at Nordstrom BP you got a pass to the PREMIER of New Moon the day before it came out at The Northpark Mall theater! So what did I do being at work and not having $50 to spend on myself? I called my mom, BEGGED her to go buy herself a little something pretty and give ME this wonderful perk of her spending! I really thought it wasn't going to happen ... she was too busy that day to do it and I was pretty sure they were going to be out of them, BUT low and behold when I showed up to meet her at the first of our Craft Fair-A-Thons, she pulled THE LANYARD (yes, I know, oh so dorky, but oh so magical) out of her purse and I swear I almost cried. ALONG with a Starbucks gift card. Who has the best momma ever? That's right. I do. So, one week from today, at 9:30 PM I will be feasting my eyes on one of my guiltiest pleasures I openly admit. And ... I.CAN'T.WAIT. PLUS one of my bestest friends, Alysia, will now be attending with me. She took Andrea's lanyard off her hands. And yes, she's obsessed too. And we're both Team Edward. Jake, who? I mean the kids cute and all but he's no immortal gorgeous vampire ... just sayin'.
Oh holy excitement. I may even just scream like a 13 year old. Heaven knows I have already, several times, in my head ...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Craft and Other such Af-FAIRS ...
... and thought I'd go ahead and inform my "readers" (not that I have many) of this wonderful shopportunity! My mom and I go every year, it's a little tradition for us and kind of "our thing". It is basically a holiday bazaar. Booth after booth of adorable items, from baby clothes, accesories, blankies, etc. to items for momma or anyone else your heart desires to buy gifts for. There is jewerly, purses, clothes, shoes, Christmas decor for your house as well as home decor accessories, dip mixes and salsas, bar-b-que sauces and pie mixes. PLUS the whole time they play Christmas music and have a booth serving Mimosas. It really makes my heart happy just telling you about it, so go make your heart happy by endulging in the fun that is Neath the Wreath! It is so girly and so fun, but whatever you do, do NOT I repeat DO NOT, impress this upon your poor husbands. Go with a girlfriend, mom, sister, etc. Trust me, they will hate you (and me) for taking them, it is pretty much a kick in the pants for men. It'd be like you having to spend ALL day at the hunting store ... or man-stuff store ... or something equivalent to that. Who knows, maybe my mom and I will run into you there!
On another note, my Thanksgiving Girl's Night is TOMORROW night, I have 24 people coming so far and I'd LOVE you to make it 25 if you'd like to attend. Just let me know and I'll add your email to the Evite, and I'll see those of you there that have already replied yes!!!
PS - if you're reading this, and you heart me, scroll down a bit ... there you go, just a bit more ... that's right ... now click that little "follow" button, and show a sista some love by following my blog. It makes my day. Fo' reals. Thanks lovelies!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The 12 Days of (Almost) Christmas ...
This is the greatest video. These guys can really sing. And I mean REALLY. But the best part is the end ...
Wasn't that just greatness? Not to mention the end is one of my favorite songs. Mixed in with some Christmas music. What could be better? One other thing that made my week this week, yesterday, on 80's on 8 on my XM Radio in my car they announced that NEXT MONDAY The Holly Channel will be hitting the XM airwaves! CAN.NOT.WAIT. Non-stop Christmas music? In my car? All the time? Yes please. I heart the holidays. They are like Prozac to the soul. And Christmas music is like a double dose. That is one thing I'll happily overdose on :0) AND if you'd like a prescription refill, type this little link http://player.play.it/player/player.html?id=2989 in your browser and enjoy 103.7 Lite FM's Christmas Station online until it TOO breaks onto the airwaves and plays nonstop Christmas music until New Year's Day. LOVE IT. Bring on the cheer.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Falling in love with Fall!
Okay, so I lied. I took zero, well none worth sharing, pictures this weekend. I know. You're worried. I promise I'm not sick. Nor do I have a fever. We were pretty much constantly in the car and there really wasn't an opportune time to snap any photos. And the worst part about that is that it was beautiful. BEE-U-TI-FUL. Arkansas looks like it's supposed to look during fall. Every tree is some gorgeous shade of red, orange, or yellow. I hate to have to admit this because I have become a pro at the strong disliking and opposing of Arkansas. Why you ask? Well after my best friend got married, it claimed her and stole her away from me, and then shortly after I got married, it whisked my husband away for 5 weeks after returning from our honeymoon bliss and continues to whisk him away every Spring for about 2 to 3 months. Like I said before in the other post, don't worry, I'm okay. We have a big love of a dog that keeps me safe and company while he's gone, and I'm so used to it now it's like clock work. But I still hold to my strong dislike of Arkansas. Well, I should say I DID. Now I can't hate it. It's too pretty. And quaint. I really felt like someone was surely about to yell "ACTION" on a set of some movie called "The Perfect Thanksgiving" or "The Cutest Neighborhood Ever" or "The Cleavers Do Fall" ... I probably shouldn't be a movie titler, those are just terrible. Anywho, seriously, there were leaves EVERYWHERE, people out raking them, hills for miles, and trees, OH the trees! For roads upon stretches of rows, trees and more trees! I didn't know what to do with myself, not seeing bulldozers and concrete and construction EVERYWHERE. It just seems so cozy and homey (I don't know how to spell that where it doesn't look like "g-funk wud up homey" ... you know what kind I mean). So I guess I can't hate it anymore. Dangit. I was so good at it. And since we can't have the gorgeousness that is Arkansas fall in Texas, I will try and bring it into The Fulmer Household ... with fake leaves and pumpkins ...
Now I'm not going to act like this new-found love of Arkansas makes me like the fact it steals my husband away from me 1/4th of the year, BUT I do know and appreciate that HE'S the one that has to endure packing and unpacking week in and week out, airports, airplanes, hotels, working late, not sleeping in his own bed, and travelling 1/4th of the year and that he does it all, without complaining I might add, for our little family. Plus he makes it much easier to handle when I wake up to these planted around our house ...
Sticky notes. This one was on my computer. It's not a very good picture but I wanted to share the sweetness that is my husband. I tried to take a picture of the ones on my mirror, but the reflection issue was getting on my last nerve. He leaves me these when he leaves for the week. It's like Christmas waking up on the mornings he leaves. Except the fact that he's not there. It sure helps ease the wait until he comes back home at the end of the week. I tend to just leave them up. I'm such a lucky girl. It also helps me realize and appreciate how little time and not big of a deal it is when he's gone for four days home for three when I think of my sweet friend Amber. Amber's husband, Josiah, is deployed right now leaving her with no idea when he'll come home. She just has to be patient and wait. She is such a strong girl. You are my hero Mrs. Rawlings! With that in mind let's all remember to say a prayer for our troops during this holiday season and in particular for Amber and Josiah who are pretty much newlyweds and have to sacrifice so much to make our country the free and safe one it is. Thank you both so much!
Well, that's all for today kids. And remember, my Girl's Night Thanksgiving Party is THIS Thursday, so if you want to come and you didn't get the Evite, shoot me your email and I'll send it your way!
Friday, November 6, 2009
"Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain!" Did you sing it when you saw the title? You know you did. If you didn't I'm assuming you've never seen the movie or play, which in that case is un-American and you should be ashamed. It's fantastic. And I feel bad for you if you've never seen it. Really, go rent it. You won't be sorry. I just love old movies. Well, that's right folks. We're going to Oklahoma tomorrow for Chris (Waugh) and Gena's wedding! I'm super excited, I just love weddings. Dancing and hanging out with friends you never get to see PLUS an excuse to dress up? Yes please. The wedding festivities are beginning at 4pm and I'm thinking probably won't go later than 8 or 9pm. Mr. Fulmer's informed me there are casinos in the area and we have a few good couple friends that are going to be staying the night in ole OK after the wedding as well so I'm thinking that's where we may end up. I'm all about some slot machines. Mainly because I don't have to think and the fate of my winning is not in my hands. My mom took me on a trip to Atlantis when I graduated from BU and I won $500 on the slot machine. Thankfully (ha. thankfully? right. I can feel my husband's eyes rolling) there was a Gucci store (tax-free!) IN the hotel so I walked my happy, lucky self right in there and got a purse with my winnings. I feel like it was a good investment. Then, on Sunday we are going to get up bright and early, and head to ...
Matt travels to Arkansas every year for business. He has a big client up there and he spends 2 to 3 months (home on weekends people, it's okay, don't cry for me Argentina) out of the year having to go to Conway, AR for their audit. He's been doing this every year since we've been married and I'm completely used to it, but I've always wanted to know what this place looks like that he has to go to every year. I'm weird and just like to have a visual. So then I can picture him when he whisks away every Monday returning on Friday, in the little town of Conway, along with what the restaurants and hotel he stays at look like. Then it won't feel like he's in this magical made up place in my head that looks somewhat like a cross between a desert and Disney World mixed with a bunch of hillbillies (sorry if you're from AR) running to and fro. PLUS on top of him working there, my sweet Mr. was born there! Well not in Conway, but in Little Rock, so we're going to go see the house he grew up in, the school he went to, the hospital he was born in and eat somewhere for lunch that's authentic to Arkasas. I'm SO excited for a mini road trip with my love. They are always so much fun. It should be a fun-filled weekend. Oh, don't you worry, I am sure there will be 842 pictures. Much to my husband's despise. It's okay, he's used to it ...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ramblings On A Thursday ...
TGIAF (Thank God it's Almost Friday) Seriously. Isn't that the truth? Okay, first off. Tuesday night my mom invited me, my Silly, my Mama (it's pronounced Mamaw and I usually type it that way so people don't think I mean Momma, but really it's spelled Mama so that's how it's gettin' spelled!) and my Aunt Kathy to a Bingo, shopping, cocktail night at Stonebriar, their Country Club. Let's stop for a second. Has anyone ever wondered why the heck they call it a Country Club? I mean it is far from County that's for dang sure. It should be called a Costly Club. Everyone knows it's expensive to be in one and it's expensive to participate in one. If it REALLY was a "Country" Club, the people would dress in flannel, not Chanel, they would have beer pong parties, not cocktail parties, and the activites would include hunting and Nascar not golfing and tennis. And the yearly dues would be paid in livestock, i.e. one pig/cow/chicken/horse for one year of membership. Anyhow, sorry, side note. Back to the fun cocktail, shopping, Bingo girl's night. We had 5 girls at our table, which means 5 different Bingo cards, 2 to 3 raffle tickets each for the raffles and we didn't win a dang thing! What are the odds!?!?! I THOUGHT pretty good but apparently not. I did get some really cute stuff (a couple of rings, a scarf and a cute bracelet) and my Silly and I took a cute picture in the boas we were given for buying the unlucky raffle tickets. We did have a blast, even though we didn't win. Don't worry. I'm not bitter.
In other news, I have a new goal, or milestone I guess you might say ... if you know me at all, you know that I have had acrylic nails pretty much since I was a freshman at Baylor. My issue is, if I don't have them, I chew, pick, bite, the CRAP out of my cuticles. I mean it's bad. It looks like I've stuck the tips of my fingers in acid and burnt the skin off of my cuticles. If I DO have them, well, then I can't do this. Oh believe me. I've tried. Something about the acrylics, whether it's the thickness I don't know, keeps me from devouring my fingers. Well, I've decided I'm going to take the dang things off and TRY not to ravage my cuticles. They are expensive, it's time consuming to go get them filled and on top of that I've got to believe that my nail beds are a LITTLE happier without being choked and smothered to death and having some air to breathe. The PROBLEM is, most of the time I have no idea I'm chewing the business out of them! I will sit through a whole movie and then look down at my hands after and think "Who ate all my cuticles!?!? Let me at 'em, where are they?!?!" And yes, it is yours truely that's at fault, no one did, in fact, grab my hand and chew off my cuticles during the movie without me knowing. But that could've completely happened for all I know due to the fact that I'm a unknowning cuticle wrecker. SO here are my "healthy" (as much as they can be after ripping off acrylics, yes I did it with my teeth, another thing for them to notice when I get my FIVE cavities filled ... dangit) nails and cuticles. Let's see how long they stay in tact (notice on my thumb, the cuticle gnome has already gotten to that one a bit ... dadgumit this is going to be harder than I thought ...) I will keep you updated on how my progress (or lack thereof) is going ...
Lastly, does anyone's calender already look like this ...
The 5th day in November and it's already getting filled up? Mostly this excites me because it's a lot of fun stuff, but at the same time, sometimes it overwhelms me because I know I have a lot to do for each of these things. Let's all make sure we don't get so overwhelmed this holiday season that we miss the blessings and the joy that each one brings. Take time to tell God you are thankful. Thankful for family, thankful for friends, thankful you have the means to do all these things that keep you so busy. Then all the sudden you are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude instead of stress and busyness. Happy Holiday time everyone, soak it up, they DO only come once a year you know!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wishful Wednesday ...
I have seen this on a few of my friend's blogs and followed the links to find out where it started. Kelsey Smith (she's from Texas and I feel like I may have met/known her growing up?) has an adorable blog, The Seattle Smith's and she started this little fun idea. So here is my first Wishful Wednesday post ...
"I wish I could re-live MY WEDDING DAY over and over again!!!
I would give anything to be able to re-do that day. Over and over again. In slow motion and take it in. All of it. Dance more with my husband, feel those butterflies of "Oh my gosh I just married the man of my dreams", EAT THE FOOD WE PAID FOR and talk to everyone I didn't get to talk to. I wouldn't mind having a nice long gorgeous honeymoon to Bora Bora to look forward to right after either ... (oh and let's be honest, I'd also love to weigh 89 lbs again (kidding I weighed more than that) ... I'm working on that ... you'd THINK running 15 - 20 miles every week would be accomplishing that wouldn't you!?!?!)
SO if you want to do a Wishful Wednesday, head over to Kelsey's blog, grab the button and tell everyone what YOU would re-live over and over again!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Talented Tuesday!
I wanted to take today's post to feature three talented ladies. These ladies have started online businesses to share their talents with all of you, and for very reasonable prices I might add! The first talent I want to share is my sister-in-love's. She is starting a website to sell her items. It is not up and running yet, but she is going to be featuring invitations, CHRISTMAS CARDS (yes, I know, great timing right?) birth announcements AND amazing photo name frames (she can do them in baby's names, last names, different color mats, pretty much whatever you'd like). She has a degree in graphic design so she can design anything you want in the way of invitations and Christmas cards and customize it to say whatever you need. She is doing my Christmas cards and has already finished them, but I'm not going to let you see them due to the fact that most of you will be getting them in the mail :0) Here is an example of the name frames (this one she did for her parents) I thought I had an example of her cards but don't worry there will be plenty on her website!
The next talented friend I want to tell you all about is Mrs. Amanda Yocum. She just started an Etsy site and right now she makes adorable wreaths, great for birthdays or to put on the door (hospital or house) when a new little one enters the family! She also paints some really cute name wall art! Here is the link to her Etsy site, go on over and check out the cuteness! http://www.etsy.com/shop/asyocum Below is a example of one her items for sale. L.O.V.E.
Lastly, my friend Ellen does amazing embroidery work and for a GREAT price! She is at least half the price of most embroidery places and does a much better job (in my opinion!) She also got a "bedazzler machine" (kidding, it's much more high-tech than that) and can do shirts that say almost anything you could dream up. Hop on over to her site and take a look at all the cute things she has to offer! http://www.elaborationsemb.com/ Here is a pic of some items I love, I am sure whenever kids come into The Fulmer Household I will be all over the monogrammed items and taking full advantage of her talent ...

There you have it friends. I know I have more talented friends and I'm sure I will feature more in the future, but these are three I heart and thought I would share them (my momma always taught me to share) with all of you in the blog world. Enjoy the fruits of their labor!
Monday, November 2, 2009
One Holiday Down, Two To Go!
If there is one thing I DON'T like about the holidays, it's taking down the decorations. Halloween is made a little easier with the idea that Christmas is around the corner. For some reason, I don't have any Turkey Day decor. I really don't know why. I do love Thanksgiving and I think it's a very important holiday to celebrate. A time to stop, and give thanks for the many blessings that God so freely gives us that we take for granted every day. Really every day should be a day of Thanksgiving, returning to the Lord the praise and honor He so greatly deserves for just waking us up every day, keeping us safe during it, and returning us home to our loved ones safely to do it all again the next day. Well I say every day should be LIKE Thanksgiving, minus the gorge-fest that comes along with this day, because Heaven knows there is no amount of running that could keep me in shape if I had to do that day in and day out. Sheesh. So I've decided to go get a few choice decorations for Thanksgiving, to honor this special holiday that truthfully deserves to be celebrated much more than Halloween, which goodness knows I have a gazillion decorations for.
Back to hating to take down the decorations. I am already starting to dread having to do so for Christmas. It really does make me sad. Physically and emotionally sad. And I'm even one that leaves them up until New Year's Day (let's be honest, a few days after ...). I always say I'm going to get them up the weekend after Thanksgiving, but we always end up going somewhere or having plans. Well this year, I'm going to do it. They will be up the Sunday after Thanksgiving if I have to stay up until 2 am doing so. Don't you worry. There will be a blog post for proof of said statement. Thank goodness for the blog to keep me accountable.
We had a great fun filled Halloweekend. Friday night was Pick or Treat, which was just so much fun. My brother and sister-in-love's house looked SO cute, she was quite the little H1N1 Hostess! Then on Saturday my MOH (this is my best friend since age 14, just FYI because I will more than likely talk about her in the future) and I took precious Piper to a little kiddos Halloween party hosted by The Yokums and The Blows. Can I just tell you how cute all the little kiddos toddlin' around in little costumes were. Oh so precious. Here is a pic ...
Are you kidding with the cuteness? They had the Baylor game on, yummy dips, some tricks and treats and grilled up some hotdogs. It was quite the little party. I'm pretty sure the point was just to dress up the kiddos and parade them around (can you blame them?) On the far right is miss Piper as a Sweet P, on the far left James Yokum as a spider and above him (with the phone, she is very important you know) is Maggie Blow as a piggie. My apologies I KNOW I met the rest of the mommas and their sweet munchkins but I can't remember their names and who they belong to (I can't remember my own name most of the time, you can't expect me to remember others) Then after that we went to my parents, P Diddles had a costume change and came as a lobster. Picture, of course ...
Until I have my own, I claim this little lobster as partly mine :0) Her mommy doesn't mind. We did some drink or treating (this is what I call the grown ups, following around the kiddos with wine in our cups while trick or treating) and came back to my parents house for some dinner and stealing of the kiddos candy. It was a great weekend full of Halloween festivities. I can't wait for the Thanksgiving festivities to ensue! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween with your own little goblins and ghouls. Now, bring on the turkey!!!
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