Thursday, February 18, 2010

AWESOME Giveaway!

HELLO, what is WRONG with me!?!?  My fantastically fabulous bloggy soulmate/bestie is having an AWESOME giveaway and it ends today and ANOTHER way for me to enter is to blog about it and I HAVE. NOT. YET.!!!  What the what is WRONG with me!!?!?!  Wait.  Don't answer that.  ANYWAYS, head on over to the hilarious genious that is Miss Kriss and enter her giveaway (but maybe not too much because I want to win, mmmk?)

What's that?  You want to know what you'll win?  It's not important ... you won't like it anyway. 

In fact, pay it no mind and just leave the winning up to me.

It'll be fine.


  Alright it's ...

a FABULOUS Thomas Paul Tree tote from All Modern!  I mean, not that fabulous.  You don't need it.  Don't you think I need it more?  Being that I was sad the other day? (totally just played the "pity me" card, not okay ... is it too late to retract that statement?)  Okay, okay, go participate away.  Just mail me the bag when you win, mmmmmk?

Holy schmoly two posts in one day.  I don't know what to do with myself.  Don't know JUST what to do with myself ... (if you can name the movie that song came from you get 10 points and you ROCK)



  1. I think it is My Best Friend's Wedding where Cameron Diaz can't sing a tune....LOL....

    Oh that is a lovely bag....but I won't enter sooo you can have an extra shot at it....

    Summer :0)

  2. Love that bag!! So cute!! Have a great day.!

  3. I can't get to her blog. Did you do that one purpose!!? LOL

  4. Anonymous2/18/2010

    LOVE that bag!!!!!! so cute!!!!

  5. Way cute bag! Glad you are better today. I hate it when I'm in a funk. Working out, shopping, getting a pedicure or going to Sonic to get a DC always cheers me up!!!!
