Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend, Another Blog Award and, Well That's It.

Good morning lovelies.  Can I just start out by saying you are going to be SO proud of me because I. TOOK. SOME. PICTURES!  I know, I know.  You're shedding a tear because you're so proud of me.  A happy tear of course.  Well, grab a hanky and get excited.

I hope you all had a FANTASTIC weekend.  We (kinda) did ... my poor mister pretty much spent (and by pretty much I mean worked until 2am on Saturday night) the whole time working.  Poor guy.  Don't pity him, because he hates it.  And because he's a super trooper (anyone singing the Abba song?  cause I am ... lights are gonna find me, shining like the sun, smiling having fun ...)  Anyway, moving on.  Friday, once my mister got home, we pretty much went to bed.  I spent the evening flipping back and forth between the Olympics and whatever was on TBS while snuggling with my pup.  He's a good snuggler.  Saturday I slept until 11am ran errands and had a fairly productive day and was gearing up to get ready to go on a date with my mister.  Until all H broke loose with some issues with the job he was working on and he had to cancel.  So LUCKILY two of my sweet friends let me crash their dinner plans.  We had a FANTASTIC dinner at Artens where I had a this yumminess (along with food, I promise I didn't drink my dinner) ... 

(Berry Mojito)

(With this sweet girl, miss Kelly, I HEART her!)

After dinner, I went over to my mom's house for a surprise cake and champagne party for my step-dad, Richie.  Remember?  The one I talked about on Friday?  I have to tell you how HU-LARIOUS this was because of the way my clever momma set it up.  Rich's actual birthday was on Saturday.  Well, being that they have twin 10-year-olds (or the twin-year-olds as I like to call them) they both had games (basketball, I THINK) on the night of his birthday.  The games would put them getting home around 9ish, which would obviously be too late to go to dinner (well, at least for those of us no longer in college ... those were the days ...) or really have any other sort of celebration.  My mom had called all of us previously and told us just to start arriving at the house around 9:30.  So my mom, Rich and the twins get home, and he starts to make a fire and change into comfy clothes and on his way to change the doorbell rings.  My mom said he looked at her with the MOST confused look on his face and said "The ALLENS (some of their best couple friends) are here?!?!"  They played it off real smoothly saying they were in the neighborhood for dinner and they wanted to stop by and say happy birthday.  Shortly after that my aunt Belinda and her beau showed up followed by several other couple friends of my parents.  Rich quickly caught on (he IS the President of his company, that makes him real smart 'n all) that this was planned and we ended up partying until 2am!  RIGHT about the time my mister was leaving work ... poor guy (I know, sorry sugar, I promise I'm not pitying you)  Luckily my Silly and brother were there to keep me entertained (not that the partying grown-ups didn't do so thoroughly) and to take pictures with me as well (much to my brother's dismay, apparently this hatred of pictures is a disease that's catching within the men in my family ...)


Oh and PS - don't mind my awesome comb-over bangs ... I wanted to try these suckers out parted on the side and I THINK I may have taken the part a LITTLE too far over thus achieving the mid-80's sprayed wave effect ...

N-E-WAYZ (there it is again!) Sunday we went to church and when we came home I decided I was going to take our energy-FILLED pup for a run.  Now hear me when I say that this is a dangerous endeavor.  Because Koda thinks that when we start jogging he either (a) needs to run in a full sprint "I'm chasing a squirrel" type fashion, (b) thinks it's completely acceptable and or necessary to DART in front of me whenever he so feels, causing me to AWESOMELY trip in front of the 45 strangers driving past us on a busy street or, last but not least (c) decide he NEEDS to smell whatever it is he wants to smell and HALT his 85 lb body while I'm mid-jog causing my WHOLE body to JERK backwards borderline pulling my arm out of it's socket.  But I wanted to jog and this pup had WAY too much energy for my taste.  And that's saying a lot because I think he's adorable no matter what (Even making me trip in front of 52 driving by strangers ... What?  That's a higher number than I stated before you say?  I know.  There's more traffic as the day moves on ...).  Well, I am PROUD to say my little booger did GREAT!  He jogged next to me the whole time.  Didn't try to "stop and smell the roses" more than a hand-full of times and was perfectly tuckered out by the time we got home just enough to keep him from bringing me the squeekiest toy and squeek it in my face 542 times while I'm trying to watch the most emotional part of a movie on TV.  HOORAY!  I think I have a new running route with my bubbers (one of his many nicknames) ...

Finally, last night we were supposed to have Home Group, but considering Matt and I had seen each other for about 3 hours total, and that was including church Sunday morning, we decided to opt for spending the evening together beginning with dinner here ...

Topped off by playing a little game of ...

(I had to post this because it was funny that I got these letters - this describes our little pup to a T ...)
... he's rare because he's white (most are yellow, chocolate or black) AND because he's so. dang. sweet.  I'm probably the only one that thinks this is cute and if so, sorry to bore you.  I'm easily amused.  Oh, and did I mention I beat my mister?  Um, cause I did.  What's that you say sugar?  You want a rematch?  Bring it on!  And I mean that in the most loving way possible of course :0)

And last but not LEAST I got another blog award!  I feel SO honored!  Sweet Summer at Summer's Story gave me THIS lovely blog award ...

So hop on over and show her some love.  Her blog is PRECIOUS and very sweet (as is her ADORABLE daughter)!

And there you have it friends.  That was my thrilling, electrifying (wow, that's dramatic), tentalizing, non-stop excitement of a weekend.  I hope you all enjoyed yours as well!


  1. I am interested in your dog!! LOL, Your not the only one! Sounds like you had a nice weekend! I got an award too from Summer! she is too sweet! Have a good week!

  2. Sounds like you had a good weekend! That Berry Mojito looks oh so good!

  3. What a fun weekend! I love your new blog award too! May we please see more pictures of your energy filled pup?

  4. I have had similar experiences with both Mar and that I am preggo the hubs will not let me even walk with the dogs...for fear they may pull me down at ANY given time. How do they have so much darn energy? I want some of it!

  5. What a great weekend. And that Mojito looks yummy!!! DOG????!!!! They can be stinkers sometimes!

  6. That Mojitio looks FANTASTIC!! O.K. again I am laughing out loud! You are sooo funny! Loved the pics....I was shocked when I seen you had some LOL....

    Have a Happy Monday
    Summer :0)

  7. Anonymous2/22/2010

    LOVE The pics you are so purty~~ Thanks for the update about tonight!!!! Yes do tell me who wins......

  8. I love Scrabble! I would SO Kick your "A" (I'm using an "A" and not the whole word because you inspired me with your "H" instead of the whole word AND your blog is PG whilst mine is PG-13ish) at scrabble! I see a future challenge coming on :)

  9. That's cool we are both Katie F's!!! Your pic of the berry mojito is really making me want one right now!
    Thanks for the comment. I am now following yours too. Hope you have a great week!

  10. Anonymous2/22/2010

    what a great weekend!!

  11. i love your 80's bangs!!! hahaha!!! that's so funny that you combed them over because i did the same thing today and yesterday! HA! told you i was done with mine.

    you look darling though, for real. and a champagne party?! um sounds friggen awesome!
