Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wishful Wednesday ...

Disclaimer:  My mister will HATE this post ...

Sweet Kelsey over at The Seattle Smith's does this fantastically FUN feature (try saying that 5 times fast) at her adorable blog called ...  

Wishful Wednesday (if you haven't done it before) works like this.  Tuesday night, Kelsey puts out the Wishful Wednesday topic (giving all of you that need a little time to think and mull things over, unlike those of us that just say whatever comes to mind WHENEVER it comes to mind ...) Then, on Wednesday you post on your blog about that topic and do some little do-dad called McLinky (which I'm going to figure out here shortly) and voila!  You have yourself a wishful Wednesday.  So head on over there and participate on your own blog!

This week's topic is ....

'I wish' .... I could play a character's role in a book and it would be Bella Swan!

REALLY?  Do I really have to say it?  From The Twilight Series.  Duh.
And I put a picture of the book because this is how I originally fell in love with, well Edward.

Yes, I said "fell in love".  Let's just be honest here.  I finished the first book of the series (or "vampire porn" as one of my bestest friends' husband puts it) in about 2 weeks.  And if you're not pyschotically addicted a fan (which you should be.  sorry ladies I'm just sayin' it's good for the ... soul ...) these suckers are LO-NG.  It wasn't because the writing is so elequent (it's for 14 year olds, it's not rocket science kids) or because I identified with the main character (she's an akward, yet perfect and sought-after by all the boys, new girl at a new school - let me remind you I was a CHUB-BY, albeit humorous, DEFINATELY not sought-after by all the boys, girl that grew up in the same school district all her life)  It was because I fell in love.  And I mean head over heels.  With a blood-sucking, (only animals that is. thank goodness they didn't get graphic on this part, good ole Stephanie may have lost me) cold-skinned, pale and white as a sheet, vampire.  Edward Cullen.  Gracious that name still makes me giddy.  And ladies, I am a VERY happily married woman, to an incredible man who is all I ever dreamed of and more, and STILL, every day after work, I couldn't WAIT to come home to this guy ...

SQUEEEEAAALLLLLLL.  I will tell you, that when I started reading the book, there was no face to my new obsession crush.  Oh but no matter.  I read on ... and on ... and on ... with giddyness and goosebumps until I literally couldn't keep my eyes open from sleep deprivation.  And my love affair with a fictational vampire began.  However, when the movie came out, it just cemented the face to go with the words on the page.  And what a face it was.  It's okay.  My mister knows he's on my list ... Edward Cullen that is, I DO love Rob Pattinson, but the "person" (I say that lightly) on the list IS, in all actuality, Edward Cullen.  Fangs n' all.

So there you have it friends.  I would be Bella Swan.  OH to be Bella Swan.  And I'm going to go ahead and predict that about 3/4 of the other ladies that do the McLinky thing (whatever that is) will have the same answer.  I mean, COME ON, how could you NOT?!!?  Oh and PS, I'm shamefully about to start reading them again ... I've already prepared myself for the poking fun and Edward-bashing I'm going to get from the mister ... but it's all worth it.

Swoon, squeal, shriek! 

I heart you Edward Cullen.  But I heart my mister more.


  1. Bella was on my list. Probably darn near the top of it too (though, I heart Jasper lots too - so Alice was probably a little ahead of Bella). But yes, I feel the same as you do. *SWOON*

    Though, I must admit - I wish SMeyer left it as a trilogy!

  2. Hi IM a new follower :)

    I loved the twilight books. Great choice girl. Cant wait to read more of your stuff!!

  3. Alright, I could probably be murdered for saying this but... I've never read Twilight *ducks* hehee.. But I've heard only good things! I'll definitely have to give them a try one of these days.

  4. I never read the Twilight books! shame on me!

  5. I haven't read the books, but the husband and I rented the first movie. I may have to read the books now :) Great choice! I hope you have a beautiful and blessed day!


  6. I'm with ya on this one chicky....I heart Edward Swan too! I am reading the second book now and I LOVE IT....I watched the first movie and I can't wait until the second one comes out in a couple of weeks....The hubs knows he is my #1 but in wish land Edward is on my list...LOL....You would make a great Bella and girly you would add some glam and humor to her are just such a doll...

    Summer :0)

  7. OMG I'm a dork I meant to say Edward Cullen and type something about swoon and well it got all tangled and ended with Edward who is that...LOL

    Summer :0)

  8. I feel the same way. I heart Edward, and would love to be Bella, but I heart my husband more!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I may be the only girl in Bloggyworld...who has not read these books. GASP!
    I know...crazy huh?!
    {That was me who deleted the above post...I messed up...OCD took over. LOL}

  11. I am calling Wishful Wednesday a fantasticly fun feature EVERY WEEK NOW!!!! haha and quoting you!!!

    Next. I would have totally been Bella too, but I tried to be random!

  12. I took my step-daughter to the mid-night showing of New Moon. I'm Twilight OBSESSED

  13. TOTALLY AGREED & I'm glad I wasn't the only one that picked her! Just saw your comment & I LOVE your blog, it's so cute (:

  14. haha...I picked Alice, so that makes us besties :)

    SO...I am now following you (since we are family :)...and your blog is super cute)!!

  15. I love this, I think I would want to be Bella too! :) I love your blog by the way, glad I stopped by. :)

  16. Ohhh Twilight! Cannot wait for the next one to come out! Left you an award on my blog tonight :)

  17. I LOVE how crazy you are about Edward...I mean, how can you not be?! I chose Bella, too...sigh...I love Edward :)

  18. YES YES YES!!!!!

    to have jacob AND edward pining over me??? MOST DEF. :)
