Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Temptation Tuesday!

Let's get ready forrrrrr ...

It's my virtual bestie's alliteration blog day, even though she hasn't put hers up yet, bad soulmatey, BAD.  So what is catching my wandering eye these days?  WHAT is tempting me beyond belief?  Well, my pretties, in keeping with my current obsession of watching Twilight and New Moon back to back over and over again until I'm living in a fantasy hunky vampire world movie nights, I'm lusting after the idea these beautes possibly popping up in my house ...

Dear Santa, I PROMISE I've been good ...

{Minus the creepy, topless, gigantor statue outside the door, what the ... ?}

{This one isn't the most comfy of all the examples, but definately my favorite design-wise, plus I'm thinkin' my mister wouldn't mind watching da foosball on this nice little screen ...}

So what is your little heart's desire today?  Head on over to my Soulmatey's blog and tell her 'bout it.  Mmmk?

Oh and PS - tomorrow is THIS guy's birfday ...

{Well, the one in the yellow shirt, that is.  Love us some Venturas.}

So for tomorrow's post I won't be doing Wishful Wednesday and will be dedicating it ENTIRELY to him, get ready for PICTURE SATURATION ...

Happy Temptation Tuesday loves!!!


  1. We are dying for a "movie room". Why can't we win the lottery?

  2. I would love a movie room! Hubs can't sit through a movie more than once and even then it's kinda pushing it. I could watch movies all day (ie. right now I'm watching Pleasantville) and I could watch them 293082092 times!!

  3. Ooooh love that movie room! How awesome would that be! A total man cave I tell ya!

    Such a cute family pic girl!

    Summer :0)

  4. Anonymous3/23/2010

    love that movie room!!!! I want one!;) yea maybe when im a millionaire if i ever am....How awesome! I love your cute fam picture.you two are too cute pretty girl!!! have a great day:)

  5. Ughh I want one of those tooooo! Mr. Bear's dad has one and I tried to move into the media room when we stayed with them (comfiest chairs, unlimited movies on the big screen), but Mr. Bear wouldn't let me.

  6. I totally 2nd this temptation!! I would never leave!! :) except to get more popcorn, of course :)

  7. I'd die for a room like that! I could watch movies all day everyday not to mention football!

  8. A home theate would be amazing! But I would prob just watch TV and movies all of the time!!

  9. You know that DGC totally got rid of our TV in the living room and all we have is a projector and a huge screen, right?! (Of course, that works out pretty well for us since...yaknow...we don't have cable. What's that? You didn't know that? Well, my friend, I think it's high time you come and visit me! :)

    P.S. I know, I know. I'm a baaaaad Soulmatey. But work has been kicking my boooootay this week, so I'm a little beee-hind. Which, I guess, is better than being a beee-torch, right?!

    Loooooooove you!

  10. Hubby wants a room like that too, and I promised it to him! Ahhhh hah!
