Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Unmotivated Blogger Day ...

Morning glories, I wish I felt more sunshiney today but truth is I'm. sweepy.  Which makes no sense because I slept better last night than I did the previous two before that.  Mainly due to this recent genius purchase ...

{No, not the pregnant woman in the blue pie-yamas.  The fabulous Boppy Pregnancy Pillow she's so soundly sleeping on, justlikeIdidlastnight.}

But still, after that lovely night o' sleep, I currently feel like this ...

Which is WHY I am absofrigginlutely THRILLED that I have a 4 day week this week!  So today's TECHNICALLY my Wednesday, tomorrow's my Thursday and the day after's my Friday!  It makes the week so much easier when you look at it that way ...

So, in preparation for my 4 day weekend, I am planning on spending a lot of time here ...

{My parent's pool with my big love of a labrador residing in it.}

Which means I need to go buy myself one of THESE sexy beasts ...

{Um, it's called a swim "dress".  Pretty sure I can guarantee that my Mister will never want to make another baby with me after he sees me in the swim "dress".  Hot.  H-O-T.}

So there's where my head's at today kids. 

Um, sidenote, did anyone see The Bachelorette last night?

  For the love of Pete ALI, PUT YOUR SKIRT DOWN!  Stop (and I repeat, STOP) prissing around whilst holding your skirt.  I don't know why that drove me so nuts, oh but it did.  To be fair, I wasn't a fan of that dress anyways.  It did NOTHING for her cute figure.  Actually it did do something, it made it look notsocute.  But I do think she's darling.  So I'm EXCITED to see what this season brings.  Anyone have favorites?  I like glasses boy (jumped out of the roof of the limo), and momma's boy (the poor guy who's mom died).  Now let's talk train wrecks.  Um, Shooter?  SHOOTER?  I think you may have gotten that nickname from SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT.  Hello genius, you don't tell a girl, THAT YOU'VE JUST MET, that you got a nickname in college because you ... "ya know, maybe, ya know, got excited a little early if you, ya know, know what I mean?"  EWWWWWW.  Yeah Shooter, just what every girl wants to hear.  From now on tell girls you got the nickname from shooting yourself in the foot and end it there.  And P dittle S for all you Bachelor/Bachelorette fans out there, if you want to LAUGH your PATOOTIE off head over to the I Hate Green Beans blog.  Believe me.  You'll thank me. 

Okay, that's really it for today.  I'm going to try to refrain from recreating the kitty picture in my office today.  I hope you all have terrific Tuesdays!!!


  1. The dress was killing me, too. Along with the awful hair extensions and choker. Ewww. I don't know what it was but she didn't put herself together very well last night. But the previews look SO good, i'm pumped! Roberto and the 2 you mentioned are my favorites (see my post from today) ha! :)

  2. Anonymous5/25/2010

    I completely agree with you about Ali's dress and Shooter. And I still can't believe that guy with the cowboy boots. I felt awkward for him. My favorite so far is Jesse.

  3. I am undecided about the preggo swim suit!! Let us know what you get!! I may hit up Target and get a cheap one.

  4. I think the preggo swimsuit doesn't look that bad at all! You need to post a belly pic soon little lady! Enjoy your four day work week - super jealous. But at least I have Monday off!

  5. You need to jump on board with tool tuesdays head over to mine or Aly's blog....

  6. Are you kidding me?! I'm rocking the bikini this Summer! haha, I don't care WHAT my body looks like, it's way too hot! Plus, when's the next time you'll actually have an excuse to have a tummy that hang out of the bikini and it's considered "cute"?!

  7. I agree with Amber on the swimsuit! I think it is soo cute!! And I am VERY relieved to know I am not the only one who was yelling at the TV for Ali to put her dress down. And the puff thing on the back that looked like a rabbit tail? Not so much!

  8. I think the swimsuit is cute! I bought a tankini and a skirt bottom from Target ... it's not the best but it does the trick :)

  9. you would look SOOOOO CUTE in one of those swim suits!!!! seriously!

  10. I can't wait to see how this season plays out! I really liked her on the bachelor.

  11. I am totally with you on glasses boy and momma's boy...those were my two favorites. I actually didn't care for Roberto like everyone else seems to. Oh well...we'll see what happens.

    And yes the swimsuit is fine and I am sure you could wear a bikini and still look adorable!

  12. I totally needed a laugh today and so I hopped on over to your bloggy blog and you never disappoint friend! ooooh I like glasses boy too and um yeah Allie was bothering me with her skirt a twriling move I was wanting to say stop it stop it LOL....

    Shooter I couldn't believe he told her that OMG I was like yeah you are a genius LOL.....he should have so stuck with I shot myself in the foot story!

    Girlie you are so tiny you are no where in the need for a swim dress my friend! You can wear your cutesy bathing suits and look just fine! Ooooh your parents pool looks fab....

    That kitty pic is so cute and the boppy preggo pillow was my best friend when I was pregnant with Kelcee I love that thing.....LOVE IT....

    I am gonna have to go check out that other blog....

    Summer :0)

  13. See I was never a big fan of Ali from the bachelor, but of course I tuned in just the same... so addictive! I'm going with Ty (way to represent Nashville!!) and I thought Roberto was sweet too--lets just hope ABC's stylist gets her crap together because that black flower dress wasn't so flattering, not to mention the horrid extensions--yikes!!

  14. Oh I heard those boppy pillows we ahhhhmazing!

    I went through both pregnancies without having to buy those swim dresses, just buy bigger sizes, those dresses leave a lot to desire haha!

  15. I'm definitely trying out that pillow whenever a little one decides to grace me with it's presence & hope you feel less sweepy tomorrow!!!

  16. Anonymous5/25/2010

    I so wish I had one of those pillows when I was pregnant!!!! It looks so comfy!!!!:))I didnt even realize that was on last night! Ive had so much going on! I will try to watch it next week!!! She was not one of my favorite girls for sure, I dont like fake girls! But for some reason at the end........I kinda started liking her......and it was nice of her to apologize for being so ugly!!

  17. I mean, she KINDOF looked like she stole her hair extensions from a horse's tail. Just saying. After way too much reflection, I'm calling Roberto and Ty, as evidenced in today's post. It is truly sad how this show makes my Monday's so much happier. I'm soooo pathetic.

  18. That dress was horrible.!! I mean, she has such cute figure, she needed something better.! I am loving Frank, the one with glasses.! He is my favorite.! I am sticking with him as my favorite for the season.!

  19. Girl - I never said I would wear a bikini preggers. BUT - once you are big enough and have a firm belly - ROCK A TWO PIECE!

  20. I always wanted one of those boppy pillows when I was pregers but never got one. Sleepy is normal though especially while pregers, your bodys too busy working overtime! :) I haven't started watching the Bachlorette yet...I'm debating whether I should or not. Those shows are the love to hate kind. I loved Ali at first on the bachelor and then got really annoyed by her. I'll probably give in and watch since it's so dang addicting and the drama is like a car wreck you can't help but watch. lol. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  21. Ali is not my all-time fave. I liked her on the bachelor, but she started losing me in the last couple of episodes. And I thought she was SO cheesy on the first episode of the bachelorette. Hopefully she'll get more comfortable. And Shooter....oh my...bless his heart.

  22. I couldn't have made it without my body pillow!

  23. I have not watched the Bach yet but it is on my DVR. I LOVE ihategreenbeans! That's really the only reason I watch the shows (Bach/B-ette). :) Lindsee is TOO FUNNY. I'm hoping this season is a good one!!

  24. TOTALLY agree with your Bachelorette stuff!!!

  25. I’m still so sad I missed the show!! Grrr how did I manage to do that haha anyways I think you will look absolutely adorable with a belly bump in a bathing suit so post pictures soon!! And feel better gf! Thinking of you today XO

  26. Her hunched shoulders killed me too!

    For anyone interested in watching full episodes of the bachelorette, I found a blog!!


  27. I am sorry I have been MIA lady!! Been under the weather. Been missing you LOTS and LOTS and loved this post! Ali and the dress was awful with the bedazzle right above her crack, umm not cute!!! I loved the glasses guy who jumped out the limo because he had such a fun personality! Plus the sweet Cape Cod guy ... we have the same taste!!

  28. I agree with Amber on the swimsuit!
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