Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog Award and a Little Sappyness ...

Well thank GOODNESS for Alison & Carolyn for being OH so very sweet and giving me the ...

... one, because, like I said, it was OH so very sweet of them, but also because I didn't have SQUAT to talk about today.  Except the fact that I've already eaten 3 Tootsie Roll pops and I haven't even had lunch, but that's neither here nor there.  Hey, the baby was craving them, what was I supposed to do, deprive my child?  What kind of MOTHER would I be?  Right, so .... movingrightalong.  I usually don't do the "requirements to accept an award thingy" for no good reason other than I'm too lazy to, but this one seemed kinda fun.  It requires you to name 10 things about yourself.  However, I thought I'd turn it around a little bit and have YOU loverly ladies make up the questions you'd like to know about ... well, myself.  So, if there's anything you've wondered about the blogger behind Life In The Fulmer Lane gorightahead and ask it.  No really.  Go 'head.  I ain't skeered.  I'll answer them on another day that I don't have squat to say.  Which is more often than usual lately.  I blame it and most any other thing I have no excuse for on pregnancy brain.

And for the record, I'm giving this award to you all.  Because I WUV you all.  And 'cause I can.  My blog, my rules (smile).  

Next, I forgot to tell y'all!  The wonderful people over at CSN Stores have contacted me to do a review of one of their products of my choice!  If you haven't visited their website you absolutely should.  Oh how I would LOVE to have a new vanity for our powder bath, a darling diaper bag for our little one on the way or any of their fantastic bakeware to practice my domesticness that I will be fully embracing in about 5 months!  I will let y'all know what I choose and how I like it!

I thought I'd share the following video with you all.  One, because I love Disney so much, but also because I've been LOVING me some of the song that accompanies the video.  I received a Disney Lullaby CD from a friend of mine, who OBVIOUSLY knows me well because I'm already listening to it, and Baby of Mine from Dumbo is on the CD.  If you want to make a momma-to-be cry on cue, play her this song.  So I will warn you, if you're human (and if you're not, please stop reading my blog cause that's skeery), this video will make you tear up a bit.  But it's just too precious not to post.  I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did!

Also, happy first day of Summer yesterday!  Apparently Texas didn't check it's calender because we've been seeing this for at LEAST two weeks now ...

Anyone know when the first day of Fall is?


  1. I love Disney and Allison Krauss, I love her even more in concert! Tears along with light sobs are at my desk right now, thanks! Have a great day!

  2. That video did make me tear up. That part in Dumbo always made me cry! I need to get that CD of Disney Lullaby's when I have a baby!

  3. What a sweet sweet video! Thanks for sharing katie :)

  4. why yes I do honey..its September 23..3 days before my due date...let the countdown begin...

  5. Well maybe I need to cancel my trip to Dallas....I will die....

  6. that is really a sweet song...hope you can sing it baby fulmer .... :)

  7. Ha the first day of summer was monday? It's 95 here today.. Questions... favorite ice cream? jeans?

  8. Ummmm yeah this TX heat is redonkulous....I went running last night at 5 PM biiiiig mistake

  9. The heat in Houston is KILLER I couldnt imagine living in this preggo... I feel for you!

  10. Kelcee watched Dumbo for the first time 3 weeks ago and girl she looooves it and that song made me tear up when we watched it with her the first time...well everytime I hear that song I cry LOL
    Eeeeek I am so excited you are having a little one :0)

    Congrats on your award chicka you are def a Sugar Doll and a cutie :0)
    I can't wait to hear if Baby Fulmer is for sure a boy or if just maybe a she....

    Sooo questions hmmmmm how 'bout what is your favorite happy song ya know the one that makes you get your hairbrush and dance on your bed like a giddy school girl?

    Have a great day girlie


  11. congrats on your award! :D

  12. I love that song too! Have you heard Bette Midler's version of "Baby Mine". LOVE it...download it right this very second. Love, love!

  13. Just thinking about that movie makes me sad. I was totally prepared to make my own Disney mix tape for when I have babies; it's awesome that they have a lullaby CD. Can't listen to it yet or else my uterus will do a little jig! :-)

  14. My car said 100 here in TN today too! I've been contacted by CSN to do a review too! I need to get my post up!

  15. Wowzers that's hot. We had hail here today. Boo. I will think of questions for you then missy! :)

  16. OMG dumbo!!! haha i haven't seen that movie in ages. i used to call my older brother that.

    yikes to your weather. eek! even hawaii wasn't that hot.

  17. Glad you're enjoying your CD! (: It plays in A's room frequently when he needs help settling down to sleep.

  18. hmmm Question....What do you do for work and will you be going back to work after your maternity leave or becoming a SAHM or cutting back hours...?!?!

  19. I love your new picture of you in the cowboy hat. You are too stinkin cute

  20. Congrats on the award, stay cool in that heat!
