Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday: Happy Birfday Twinkies!

Good morning loves!  Can you hear that?  It's the sound of Friday knocking at your door.  And I think it's time we answer it, don't you?  I for one am excited about the weekend.  We have some fun things planned this weekend, but also some sad things.  One of my best and closest friends, Ginny (Gin) is moving to TAIWAN with her husband!  They are going to live there for a year and travel around Asia while living there and then after a year take 6 months to a year to travel EVERYWHERE.  And by everywhere I MEAN everywhere.  They've talked about going all over Europe, Africa, Australia and everyone else you could possibly think of.  I think they are going to have an amazing time and grow IMMENSELY as a couple, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss her.  She's considering starting a blog and I've told her she absolutely MUST!  Who wouldn't want to live vicariously though them!!?!?  I know I do!!!  So, in honor of her move, her parents have planned a going away party this weekend.  Now let's just see if I take any pictures.  I've so fallen off the wagon on that one, but I'm going to do my darnedest to remember this time!!!

Friday a-knockin' also means something else.  It's time for ...


And today's edition is going to be about the no longer twin-year-olds. I called them this last year when they turned 10, but alas, they are now 11 and I can't think of anything clever or witty to do with that. SO, I'm just going to call them the twinkies again. For those of you that are new readers, my mom had twins (boy/girl) when I was 18. She came to my high school graduation, 8 months pregnant, at Texas Stadium, in JUNE. For those of you that live in Texas you know what that means. Friggin' HOT is what it means. Their actual birfday was yesterday, but I wanted to post about it on Thoughtless Thursday so I could picture flood for their "birfday tribute". So happy birthday my little monkeys. It feels like only yesterday you were 2 years old (and I officially feel 60 years old for saying that) Your big sissy loves you!!!

{Bein' silly in one of the GIGANTIC pots my parents bought for the front of their house}

{On their way to Atlantis this summer.  Thanks for taking us guys ...}

{At dinner at Rough Creek with my mom and step-dad, Rich}

And last but not least, I received 2 more awards from 2 more of my loverlies!!! I got the following award from the ever so darling Erin ...

Thank you my dear, you are TOO kind! And the rules say I have to give it to 10 more bloggers. Well y'all know that I can't choose just 10, SO I nominate you ALL!

The second award I was given by the adorable Lindsay ...

Thanks chickadee! And the rules for this award are to list 7 things about yourself and pass it on to 7 more bloggers. Y'all know the drill, I'm passing it on you your ALL because I think each and every one of you deserves it and I'm not sure I can think of 7 things about myself after last week's post of "all about Katie's" so I'm going to let you link back up to that post to read a few things about little ol' me.

And that's it for this TT! For those of you that are new readers, the rules of Thoughtless Thursday are this. There are none! Basically you choose pictures from what-so-ever you want when-so-ever you want and post them. Doesn't matter how random or irrelevant they are. You can 'splain or not 'splain, that part's up to you! Then come back here and link up! I can't wait to see what y'all picked!!! Happy almost Friday loves!!!


  1. Happy Birthday to the twinkies!

  2. They are precious! Happy birthday to them!

  3. aww cute! ugh why do I always forget about this link up until after Ive posted stuff! Im going to try to remember next week!!

  4. Happy Birthday to the Twins!!! :) :)

    You're not bitter or anything from the Atlantis trip....are you?!

  5. I hope your friend starts a blog! that would be fun to follow her around the world!

  6. Happy Birfday, Twinkies!

    I miss you.

  7. Aww, how cute are they?? Happy Birfday Twinkies! :)

  8. Happy birthday to Twinkies! Yay! :)

  9. I think your friend should start a blog! Please post it here she does ;)

  10. I would love to read your friends blog! How awesome that they get to travel like that?! That's something that most people only dream of being able to do! Happy Birthday to the twins!! I love that you called them twin-year-olds and twinkies! How cute!

  11. that sux about your friend moving away but sounds like she will have a fun time.

    Happy birthday to the twins (they have the same bday as me)! Great pictures

    Sounds like you are going to have a fantastic weekend!

  12. Happy Birthday to the twins!! How about tweven year olds....they are twins, they are eleven=tweven....maybe LOL

    The are so the pic of them in that holy gimongous flower pot

    Summer :0)

  13. I just found out that one of my good friends and her husband are going to Central America for two years on a Peace Corps mission. I'm super excited for them, but I know how you feel. Sad day!

  14. Your relationship with them makes me happy! I know that mitch and julz will be great siblings to my future kiddo!

  15. Aw, happy birthday to the twinkies!
