Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday: Baby Halloween Costumes

So, obviously this year our little man won't be sporting a costume (I guess technically he's wearing "me" as a costume?) since he won't have made his debut yet, but IF he were ...

{yes, the baby's body goes in that sock.  precious.}

{both found here}

{found here}


Also, did I mention my last shower is on Sunday and it's a Halloween-themed shower where everyone (if they want) comes dressed up!  I will wait until I have pictures to unveil what I'm going as.  I will give you a hint.  I'm going to be a "pregnant ________ "  Shocker huh?

So now it's time for ...

and for all of you to play along!  Add whatever random photo you'd like, grab my button, post your TT post and come back here and link up!  I can't wait to see what you've posted!!!


  1. Anonymous10/21/2010

    I LOVE that football!!! What a cute idea!

  2. Oh my goodness, those costumes are so cute!!

  3. Oh my gosh I am going to have to bookmark that football costume for one day lol how adorable!!!

  4. aaaahhh I love when people put babies in those knit socks and hats!!!

  5. I work at a halloween store, and I am absolutely in LOVE with the infant costumes. Makes me want to adopt a baby just for Halloween. (:

  6. Cute! The funniest one I ever saw was a hotdog costume!!! Love them!

  7. Those are sooo cute! And I can't wait to see pics from your Halloween fun is that going to be?!

  8. Those are such cute costumes! I wish I would have had something like that last year for Jack!

    I can't wait to see what you go dressed up as! I'm sure you'll be adorable!

  9. Anonymous10/21/2010

    These are so precious!

  10. Those are the cutest things! I want him to come so we can see him in it! How's the knitting going?

  11. Those costumes are so cute!!!

  12. I can picture your newborn baby in those little costumes! SO CUTE!

  13. OMG I want a baby just so I can dress him up as a fotball! So cute

  14. Love those! Now I just need the baby! Fingers crossed in time for Halloween next year :)

  15. Adorable costumes! A is going to be an octopus. (: If he was littler, those would be great ones! I especially love the candy corn! And what a fun idea for a shower!

  16. Those are too cute!!! I can't wait to see pictures from your shower, such a cute theme!

  17. I need the sock monkey one, so stinkin' adorable!

  18. Pregnant..??? cheerleader...??? what??? :-) also, LOVE the candy corn. too bad your little boy will be TOO BIG for that next year!!! *tear*

  19. Anonymous10/27/2010

    I love the sock monkey one!
