Monday, November 29, 2010

Premature Apology ...

Because this is going to be SUCH a proud mommy post.  And by "proud" I mean "I think everything my son does is adorable, even ridiculous things like blinking his eyes" post.  I'm pretty sure this will only be amusing to myself, the Mister, little man's grandparents, Ginny, who is one of my best friends that lives in Taiwan and is one of C's honorary aunts and possibly those of you that are so bored at work your eyes have started to cross.  So, if you fit any of those categories of people, here's what we've been doing today ...

Please excuse my ridiculous baby speak.  It can't be stopped believe me, I've tried.  And his mommy's giant arm.  It's not the best camera angle.

Man I love this little guy.


  1. Anonymous11/29/2010

    What a sweet boy. Sorry you have the hiccups, bro. You handle it well.

    It was so nice to hear your voice!

    And I never saw a giant arm.

  2. I'm so happy for you! Caleb rocks!!

  3. Oh my gosh! He is sooooooo stinkin cute, I can't stand it!

  4. he is so cute and so are you momma!!! you have such a soothing voice and are too cute with you baby talk. caleb is a lucky boy!!! thanks for sharing

    ps: love your nail polish!


  5. Okay, this was the cutest post ever!

    He is such a little cutie pie! I love baby hiccups, hehe! :)

  6. what a cutie! go ahead with all the proud mommy posts you want! love it!

  7. O my STARS! I melt! He's a darling baby!

  8. Aw so adorable nothing but baby talk should be allowed.. :)

  9. Aw love this post :)

    I'm pretty sure I have said the exact same things to my Little Man!

    You two are just too cute! (and the rest of us love your proud Mama posts)

  10. I wasn't bored and it was so a great video! :-) So cute!

  11. I meant it was still a great video*

  12. You do NOT need to apologize for such cuteness!! And it just gets better. I know you can't imagine it, but it does!!! Congrats again!

  13. That is sooo cute!! Your baby is adorable too!!

  14. He's so handsome. I love it that you are so in love with him! :)

  15. Where is this giant arm you speak of? Caleb is such a baby doll! Can't wait to hear more about life as a mommy!

  16. How cute! He really looks like your hubby I think!

  17. Yep, you're right! Watched all of it, smiled and wanted more. Love you!

  18. I love him.
    I love you.
    And for the record, I love your non-giant arm.

    Pee Ess. What color polish is that? I love it too!
