Thursday, March 31, 2011

Junk in tha Chunk.

I love everything about my son.  Everything (well maybe not the particular diapers that evoke my gag reflex).  But let me tell you mommas to be and non-mommas for that matter about a little known fact.  Mommas of chunky babies, you know what I'm talking about.  Chunky babies have junk in their chunk.  Really just the little spot in their "neck" (I put that in quotes because C's so chunky he doesn't exactly have a neck) where spit up, lint from his clothes, Koda's hair, trucks driving by and pretty much anything within a 3 mile radius is sucked in by it's gravitational pull.  And for a nice mental (and by mental I mean nasal) picture, it pretty much resembles that stuff you get between your toes.  Or in your belly button?  Gross I know.  And no matter how much I wash scrub and pretty much attack it neck-on every time he has a tubby, it still ends up there.  I guess that's just one of many stinky things that come with little boys.  And no matter how stinky, I'm loving every minute of it.  How could you not with this face?

C:  "Don't have a cow mom."
Me:  "Well son, it looks like I already did."

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. Anonymous3/31/2011

    HAHA!!! I totally know what you mean!
    since he is moving around more, I notice that area is thinning!
    what a cute lil cow!

  2. Love that picture of C!! He is so so soooo cute! Can't wait to give him lots of hugs!!!

  3. Ah yes...the good ole neck stink. The spit up that gets built up in there can get nasty. I felt like such a bad mom the first time I realized what was in her "neck". She's 6 months now and finally grew a neck so it's no so bad now.

  4. That outfit is the cutest!

    and yes no matter how many times you check there is always a little baby grub as I so lovingly call it hiding out in those cute little neck wrinkles!

  5. hahaha he is such a nugget!

  6. Oh he is SO cute in that little outfit!

  7. LOL, I know what you mean! My little guy was a chunker for awhile when he was a babe. It got pretty gross at times!!!

    Love his little outfit!! Adorable!

  8. Ahhh I just love this picture! He is adorable :)

  9. I had a chunky baby and I can COMPLETELY relate! And her neck stunk all the time! Eww. But how cute is he? LOVE!!

    Thanks for commenting on my guest post over at Aly's place this am.

    Have a fab weekend~

  10. That's a sweet little cow you have there! :) Erin

  11. Too cute, love chunky babies, they are the cutest!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Awww......soon he wont have that I guess the junk is ok for now :)

  14. Anonymous4/02/2011

    Aww so cute! My son is that way too. Everything seems to end up underneath a neck roll. :)
