Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday ...

Okay girls (and boy).  I totally (like, fur sure, ahkay! - sorry, the "totally" made me go temporary Valley-girl) made this up.  So you're going to have to give me your feedback on whatcha think.  Mmmk?

I have a lot of friends that do a "themed" day of the week (like Kelsey's fantastically fun feature, Wishful Wednesday and my bloggy soulmate, Miss Kriss's, Feel Good Friday) and I've been toying around with the idea of coming up with one of my own (truthfully so one day of the week I don't have to actually THINK about what to blog about ... lazy you say?  nah ... i like to think of it as lackadaisical ...).  And, mainly because I didn't have anything to write about today which left me literally sitting at my desk thinking "th" "thhhh" what goes with Thursday that starts with "thhhh" ... ?  And thoughtless was all I could come up with.  No, I don't mean I am going to dedicate a day every week to kicking your cube-mate's desk all day long until they "can't stand it no mo'", taking candy from children or being incredibly (or more than usual that is) impatient at Starbucks/the drive through/the check out line at the grocery store.  I mean a post where there is no thought involved you just picture SATURATE.  And who doesn't like pictures, right girls (and guy)?  So here's my ridiculously dorky button I made on Picnik ...


Steal it and use it for yours or don't, either or is fine by me.  But if you do, please linky or McLinky (Kelsey I just think that word is SUPER funny) or McDreamy or whatever me and my blog and tell people where you got it, k?  I'd SO appreciate it loves.  Spanks.  Anyway, moving right along ... here's my topic today.  Since a lot of you were asking for/chanting with picket-raised signs "more Koda, MORE KODA!" after my jogging story about his lack of yanking me off my feet and/or my arm out of it's socket, and since I didn't want a sit-in to be staged, here you go.  Since (sounds like I'm knocking a lot of "since" into this blog post ... get it?  since I said since like um-teen times up there?  I know, insert boo-hiss's and thumbs down here.  But I just couldn't resist) I got my new camera, I've been using Koda as my new "guinea-dog" ... and I'm not sure he minds it.  You'll see what I mean. 

Disclaimer:  I WAS going to put cute little quippy phrases (phrased like I'm pretty sure Koda thinks, mixed in with a little LOL Cats-speak - PS - if you don't know what this is, google it.  it's HU-LARIOUS) on these in Picnik but after completing my button it's notsomuch being my friend tonight (yes tonight, you read that right, I post my blogs the night before so as to not be a-bloggin' while I should be a-workin') so above or around them will have to do ...

I'm 2 sexy 4 mah ... sqeeker toy ...

I'm a modul, ya no wud I meen, and I du mah wittle turn on dah catwa ... WHAT?  WHERE?  CAT?  WHAT CAT?!?!  GET THE CAT!!!

Mom now speaking:  MELT my HEART brown-eyed-boy!  And don't ask how he scratched his nose, cause I don't knows ...

Um ... dis is mine.  Don' tuch it, k?

Ma, I caint be botha'd, I'm snoooozzzin', k?

Ma, stop smellin' my pawz I's imburessed ...

Sewiusly, dis is gettin' ree-diculuf ...

K Ma, r u happy now, I's WYDE wake!

And that's it friends.  Have fun loading pictures of ... well, whatever you want on your own blogs (if you feel like participating)!  Maybe eventually I'll have topics, but for now I'll just leave it at whatever you want.  That's why I called it "Thoughtless Thursday"!


  1. Adorable doggie! is he white or is it just your pictures?

  2. Katie,
    I heart you my dear! When I need cheering up I just pop on over here and get my dose of funny! You my friend are Ha-larious! I love the Thoughtless Thursday idea and that button is super duper cute!! I love the Koda pics and the phrases to go with! I am really laughing out loud at you singing cat walk with the Koda pic....Very clever....very funny bahahahahahahaha

    Oh and McLinky, McDreamy that's funny....real funny....

    Summer :0)

  3. kimberly - he IS white! that's why I called him a "rare" lab on my scrabble board a few days ago (you may not of seen that) cause he's a white lab. he is my LOVE! :) well ... my 2nd love that is!

  4. wow! so handsome! I never saw a white lab before!

  5. Your dog is SO cute! This is super dorky, but along with having all of my future-kid' names picked out, I also have concrete plans to get a lab and name her Maddie, hehee..

    Just introducing myself -- I'm your newest follower (found your blog through Kelsey's 'fantastically fun feature' --love that!--)! Hope you'll stop by my blog sometime!

  6. Anonymous2/25/2010

    You just trip me out!! I love waking up and reading your blog!hahaha.........Your dog is so dang cute! he looks like my lab Lilly.........My lilly has to stay with my mom b/c our daughter mallory is allergic to doggies.....Like your new sighn and thought for thursday!!

  7. Bwhaha, you are so silly. I love Koda, he's such a handsome guy!!

  8. i LOVE thoughtless thursday!

    your animals are oh so cute!

  9. What a great idea! If I hadn't already posted twice today, I'd join in the fun, but I promise to next Thursday! Cheers!!!

  10. what a cute model your pup is. mine is never very patient when i try to take pictures. haha!

  11. Your puppy is absolutely precious!!! I have a yellow and a black them!

  12. I can't wait to play so we can get a HUGE group to MckLinky up ..... you crack me up!!!

  13. Love this! I will so participate! I am starting a Friday one tomorrow and credited jumping on you and Kelsey's bandwagon haha!

  14. omg.. you are so dang cute.. you always make me smile.. that you my dear!! I hear Koda.. he is so handsome!! Hope you are having a great week!


  16. oh...em...GEEEE!!! he is so cuuuuute! i just want to roll him in a ball and eat him UP! not literally of course. those eyes melt my heart.

    way to have blog spirit and start your own themed get an A++ and a happy face :)
