Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birfday To My MISTER!!!

Happy HAPPY BIRFDAY SUGAR (that's his REAL name, believe it or not, I don't call him "mister" at home) !!!  Let me just say, my mister does NOT like to be the center of attention, will BARELY let me get him anything for his birfday and, I have been well informed, if I was to ever, EVER throw him a surprise birfday party he would be ... well surprised, but more importantly ... PEEVED.  This is all no bueno for this little party-planning, present-buying, over-excitable about tiny things WIFE.  I can't fuss over you and everything that has to do with your birfday?  I'm sorry, WHAT?  Am I sure I heard you right?  Because in MY family we have birfday weeks.  Shoot, we have birfday MONTHS!!!   When May hits I start looking around for my crown and fluffy royal pillow that I most assuredly will be esconced on whilst being pampered every day leading up to the specialest day of the month (and maybe a few days after) ...  any of you ladies have this same state-of-mind?  No?  Just bratty little ol' me?  RIGHT.  I believe you.  Now my mister?  He actually FORGOT his OWN birfday last year.  Yep.  I'm sewious.  I called him, and with a cuckoo, delirious and lunatical (not sure if that's a word, but SCHA-BAM - it is now ...) amount of over-excitement, screamed/yelled/shrieked wished him a happy birfday and what did he respond?  "It's my birthday?  Ha, I forgot."  What?  WHAT!??!  How do you FORGET your birfday???  Do you NOT circle it on your calender, draw balloons and write "HAPPY BIRFDAY TO ME" sorta like this ...

Not that that's sitting on my desk at work AT ALL ... ahem, moving right along ...

SO, without further adieu (adieu, adieu, to you and you and youuuu - sorry sometimes you just feel tha need to bust into song ...)  Here is the picture tribute to my mister who SOMEHOW was JUST as cute when he was little as he is now ...

{Brand spankin' new punkin'.  SPECIAL DELIVERY is right!}

{Somehow he constantly ends up in places he shouldn't be or doing things he shouldn't be doing ... this theme will continue throughout the pictures ...}

{See what I mean?  If we have boys, I'm so going to have my hands full ...}

{What?  Does this not go in here?}

{Apparently we have a fixation with the potty ...}

{Matt and his daddy ... who still has the same full head of hair ...}


{Dad, you missed a spot ...}

{Look at that BLONDE hair!?!?!}

{He does this every day, but somehow it's not QUITE as cute now ...}

{Creepiest. Easter Bunny.  EVER.  My (little) mister doesn't look too concerned though, I would've headed for the hills (and stealing his/her - what the H is wrong with this bunny?!?! - Easter basket in the process) by then!}

{Loved Baylor before he even knew it.  Sic 'em!}

{I'm in a Robin costume on my bike.  What of it?}

{Heart. this. FACE!}

He may hate me for these next few ...

{Oh such a tough guy.  "I'm NOT smiling."}

{Yep, that's my mister.  He's hot.  I know.  Sidenote:  My mister won best calves on a cruise ship contest (and will hate me for divulging that).  You can see why.}

{My boys.  The day we brought Koda home.  See that pillow to the right?  Koda ate it.  And dispersed feathers ALL. OVER. OUR. HOUSE.  Doesn't look like it can do too much damage does it?  Oh how wrong you are ...}

So, HAPPY BIRFDAY SUGAR!!!  I love you more and more each passing day we spend together.  I am SO excited for what all our future years bring.  Happy 29th to the LOVE of my life, my soulmate and my best friend.  I LOVE YOU!!!


  1. Happy Birfday to your Mister! I am with you girly we have like birfday months around here and I sooo draw on our calender in the kitchen LOL....

    You are so sweet to pay tribute to him! My hubby has informed me no balloons sent to his work or suprise parties either! What's up with guys LOL??

    O.K. soooo hope he has a great birfday I am sure he's gonna with a sweet pretty wife like you

    Summer :0)

  2. Happy Birfday Mister Fulmer!
    I'm very much like you and make a big deal out of birfdays. Heck! I make a big deal out of every stinkin' holiday!
    Those pictures were A-dorable! I'm sure he won't mind at all ;)
    Hope you two (and Koda, of course) have a great time celebrating!

  3. Aww Happy Birfday to your mister :)

  4. Happy birthday to your Mister!!! This was such a cute post -- love the picture of little Mister shaving! hehee!

    I'm the same way with birthdays, I love love love to make a huge deal out of them. But I'm not big on my own birthday for some reason haha, just other people's lol. Weirddd.

  5. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Happy Birfday to the Mister! He sure was a cute baby boy! I cannot get over all that blonde hair...especially since it's so dark now! Love him! And LOOOOOOOOOOOVE you too!

  6. Love all the pictures! Happy birthday Matt!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Mister! What cute photos :)

  8. This is so cute! You guys are gonna have cute babies....cause he was a CUTIE!! I cant believe he had blonde hair...I would never have guessed!!

    Happy Birthday :)

  9. Anonymous3/24/2010

    AW! Hey pretty girl!! Happy birthday to your hubby!!!!! That is so cute and sweet of you to post all the baby pics...Isnt it so fun to look at his baby pics?? Everytime Ive made us a or my baby a scrapbook.....I go to his mom and get out the baby pictures....I just love looking at them....I hope y'all have a great day on his bday!!! xoxo

  10. Aw love the photo tribute! Happy Bday!

  11. What a cute bday tribute! Happy Birfday to your Misterrr! (also LOVE the little Sound of Music tribute you snuck in haha!)

  12. I am totally with you on the b-day celebrations, and my hubs is totally with your hubs. I choose to ignore it and celebrate the way we should with anyone's b-day! :) I threw him a surprise party last year, and he was pleasantly surprised! :)

    Hope you both have a fabulous day celebrating!! :)

  13. katie, happy birthday to your handsome mister!!! what a cutie patootie he always was huh? LOVE the shaving ones! ha CUUUUUUUUTE

    and i laughed that he forgot it was his birthday!

    i hope you two lovelies have a special celebration xoxoxo

  14. He was such a cute baby! Happy birthday!!

  15. For Joe's 30th birthday I threw him a surprise party and was very nervous about how he would react and he LOVED it! It was a hit. But other than that - hes a no fuss kinda guy on bdays. Of course he does a mighty fine job of treating me royally! :) Your mister was such a cute baby BOY..makes me even more excited about our presh baby BOY coming :)

  16. What a sweet lady you are! Love the birthday tribute:-) He's lucky to have you as well!

    P.S. his baby pics are adorable!!!

    P.S.S. I have a lil' somethin' somethin' for you on my blog!

  17. Awww what a nice post! Happy Birfday to Mr Fulmer!
    He was such a little cutie!

  18. What a sweet post. Hubs is so lucky to have you! :) And, he was an incredibly adoreable kid. Here's hoping you have a little boy that looks just like him one day! :) :)

  19. Happy Birthday to your man!!!


    so so cute. what a great tribute to the mister...who was a BLONDE!!! ahhhh!

