Wednesday, June 23, 2010

18 Week Bumpdates and Q&A ...

Try and contain your excitement.  Please don't pee your pants.  It's time to talk about all things containing to my expanding uterus (which is the size of a cantelope bytheway) and proceed with my weekly,


How far along:  Must I show you the picture of the chart with the vajayjay on it again?  Alright ...

{I know it's the umbilical cord but it totally looks like there's a jellyfish swimming around in there with my kid.  Don't worry little turkey, someday I promise to pee on you if you're ever stung by one.  That's right.  I'm momma enough to do it ...}

Maternity Clothes:  Yep.  Rockin' the sexy elastic band like it's my JOB.  If I weren't I'd feel like someone trying to fit into Spanks that are three sizes too small.  Or put jeans on immediately after getting out of the shower.  Both of these things should be added to the list of ways to torture people for information.  Seriously.

Sleep:  SO much better.  Until I accidentally left the bedroom door open one day when the Mister and I went to run some errands and Koda ate my Boppy Pregnancy Pillow.  It's a good thing he's so cute.  No really, he is ...

{See?  Don't you just want to kiss that big black nose?  I do.  And I do it often.}

Luckily I was able to get another one from Target the next day.  So the sleeping is still MUCH better.

Best Moment of the Week:  Feeling the baby MOVE!  I definately have a little thumper in there (that's what it feels like to me, little thumps), he really likes to bust a move after I've had some orange juice, or anything with sugar in it like my 3 Tootsie Roll Pops I devoured yesterday.

Movement:  Um.  See above questionnaire.  I'm starting to doubt your intelligence ...

Food Craving:  Tootsie Roll Pops and fruity candy ... it looks like instead of kicking out the Fat Fairy the Fruit Fairy and the Fat Fairy became BFFs and joined forces.  This doesn't do me much good you two.

Gender:  Still 95% sure it's a boy.  Next Friday we will know 100% SURE!

What I'm looking forward to:  The fall.  No seriously.  It was 102 here yesterday.  Don't beweaf me?

Also pregnancy and summer clothes is NOT a cute mix.  I promise.

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't wear jumpers with straps when you're a pregnant women with a bladder that feels like it's being used like one of Koda's squeezy squeaky toys.  Just trust me.  Don't do it.
And now, I'll leave you with what Summer fun SHOULD look like.  This might be the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Except there is no way I would ever be able to repeat any of these dog's names.  If I were dog sitting, they'd all go by "hey you" ... you'll see what I mean.

And last, like I said yesterday, if you have ANY questions you'd like to know about little ol' me, throw 'em my way!  I pretty much divulge anything and everything about myself anyways so y'all may not have any, but if you do, I'd love to hear them and answer them soon in a post!  Happy Wednesday loves!!!


  1. Love the bumpdates :)

  2. surely koda didn't chew your pillow...I think some little minature-disappearing puppies that came in. Koda does not look like one to chew up soft, fuffy, fuzzy pillows ;)

  3. awesome! you're feeling your little one move around!

  4. Cutest pic of Koda! :) Can't wait to know if it's for sure a boy! Question: Do you have names picked out?

  5. Isn't feeling movement the best?? I actually miss all those little thumps and jabs....and kicks....and pokes :) But really, enjoy them now before they get to the uncomfortable stage!

  6. Aw I think feeling the baby move is going to be a great moment in life for some reason. Like whoa there's a little person in there kicking me.

  7. He ate your pillow?!?! Well thank goodness he is one cute ball of suga!

    Questions for you: Favorite place to shop?? Best vacation you have been? Name two or three things on your bucket list.

  8. I can't wait for FALL!!!

    So, did you pick a name yet??

  9. Love your updates! Hope your feeling well :)

  10. My coworker had sent me that dog video a few weeks ago :-) You bumpdates are great! We need a picture though!!

  11. Awwww! Your pup is about the cutest thing I've ever seen! :-)

  12. OMG that video is A-MAZING. I watched it twice and put it on FB. haha i think the best part is the dog pulling the surfboard in the water :-) anyway, so exciting you're starting to feel the little thumps :-) and how could you be mad at that face? even if he did eat your pillow hehe

  13. Ok, I am cracking up at that cartoon! "It fits you perfectly around the knees..." It's like they live in my house!

  14. This is great!! Just had my little man 6 months ago... It's a crazy journey! I have a baby blog for him but wish I had done a pregnancy one. So fun to read your entries...
    Once your little one is born, if you ever want to peer through the milestones of my little guy, you're more than welcome!

  15. Anonymous6/23/2010

    I have a question! :) Are you going to share with us baby names pick when you find out for sure what you are having?

  16. Almost halfway through!! Maternity clothes are not the cutest, not matter what way you slice it haha!

  17. Love your updates!

    Q&A: What are your plans for Baby Fulmer's nursery? Are you going to fill us in on the names you all have been thinking about?

  18. Love the updates! So fun that you felt baby move! My questions are the same as Mrs. Pick! I love looking at nursery inspiration!

  19. Ahem. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but today is Bumpdate day. Which means that you have to show photos of said bump with a cute little sticker from Fab K. I see no photos. I see no stickers. I am disappointed. I'm just sayin.

  20. Awwww, that's awesome that you can feel the baby moving around! How exciting!

  21. Anonymous6/24/2010

    thats awesome when you start feeling the little one..
    I love living in Oregon, esp prego!! Yesterday was our hottest day of the year so far... 82*!
    today 78*!
    keep cool :)

  22. I can't wait until next Friday to find out if he's a he for sure!
