Friday, June 25, 2010

Warning: There Are A Lot of Cross Throughs In This Post ...

HAPPY FRIDAY lovebugs!  I've never been SO excited about a Friday becausssseeeeeeeee ... MY MISTER COMES HOME!  I know, I know I feel kinda bad.  I have kept a secret from y'all (because I don't like to broadcast over the WWW that I'm home alone every night) but my Mister has been gone since Sunday.  Yep.  He had to leave ON Father's Day.  Boo.  Hiss.  Snarl.  Tear.  And let me tell you, I've MISSED him!  I'm SO ready to have my baby daddy home with me tomorrow.  I have, however, enjoyed having my snuggle bug (Koda) sleep with me every night.  Daddy doesn't allow Koda to sleep with us, but he's "okay" (i.e. he knows about it) with it when he's out of town.  Apparently Koda's a fidgety sleeper.  Something I wouldn't know since I can sleep through natural disasters, bombs being dropped, heavy construction anything.  ANOTHER reason I'm excited it's Friday is because, exactly a week from today we find out if our little love IS, in fact, a sweet baby boy!  I will make a prediction.  Next week will be the  Get ready for the whining and complaining of how long and drug out next week is going to feel.  It may or may not be a reoccuring theme and I'm going to go ahead and apologize.

AND, since it is Friday (woop!) it's time to play ...

Favorite Fridays

And today's topic is ...

Favorite Celebrity Couple (that didn't make it):

Do we REALLY even have any question about this one?  Um, HULLO ...

I mean, let's not even bring in the fact that their children would be so genetically superior to anybody the world had ever seen.  But mainly, because  As in so much that I have a girl crush on her she is one of my favorite actresses for sure.  And then Brad went all crazy and was put under a spell "fell in love" with a real life vampire not a hunky one like Edward Angelina Jolie and messed it all up.  I'm still holding out that someday, after Brad wakes up and thinks "I chose a vampire HER instead of Jen?", that they'll get back together.  And make beautiful babies.

On another note, I realized today that y'all had probably never met "Curly-Haired Katie" and I thought you should be introduced ...

{Don't mind my freakishly smaller left eye.  Don't worry, if you don't look directly at it, it won't harm you ...}

That's right.  I have naturally frizzy curly hair.  You haven't met her because I don't let her out too often being that my Mister is more of a fan of Straight Haired Katie.  But it's SO much easier when I'm being lazy running late and when it's so friggin' humid outside I look like Carrot Top really hot outside that I resort to the curl from time to time.  So, Curly Hair Katie, meet my bloggy friends.  Bloggy friends, meet Curly Hair Katie.  She says nice to meet you.

Next, I wanted to show y'all my proud, albeit slightly crazy, new purchase ...

Yep.  I'm starting yoga.  Did you catch that?  STARTING.  As in, for the first time.  While pregnant.  This should be amusing.  For myself and all members of my household.  Koda has never laughed in his puppy life but if ever he was going to, I fully expect it to be the first time I do my pregnancy yoga video.  They say it helps with labor.  Well after this humiliation this better make the kid shoot out into the nurse across the room's arms without me even knowing it.

Besides that I'm a big fat bag of notsointeresting today.  Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?  I'm just planning on hugging on this guy ...

Which sounds like a perfect weekend to me.  Happy weekend loverlies!!!


  1. Yay that the mister returns!! And yay for next friday's big news. Boo that it's NEXT friday though. You'll make it! Hopefully it'll fly by.
    I can't stand Jennifer Anniston. ::runs away::

  2. ok I literally did not go to sleep the night before we found out baby girl...I had determined she was a girl and when we got in the car I looked at my hubby and he was wearing BLUE! It threw me for a loop, but I still trusted my instincts.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE Jennifer Aniston too....Brad=Douchebag!
    Have a wonderful weekend...I am planning to be in the pool struggling to stay cool in 95 degree weather! Got any good "mommy" margarita recipes??

  3. YAY for your hubby coming home! :) I agree... Brad and Jen are one of the top couples that didn't make it!!

    Oh yeah! Can't wait until next Friday when you get to say for sure it's a boy! Yippee!!!

  4. I LOVE meeting curly Katie because that means it was a scrunch and easy morning!!! Yay for hubby coming home :) Seriously cannot wait to hear all about your new yoga adventure .....

  5. Ya for yoga and hubs coming home!

  6. Yay for your hubby coming home. And, um, you think it's humiliating to start a yoga video while you're pregnant? I STARTED A YOGA CLASS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE WHEN I WAS 19 WEEKS PREGNANT. If I can do it, so can you. My class just finished last night but I wish it was still going, I loved it.

  7. Curly Hair Katie is so cute! I don't know what the mister is thinking! I haven't seen my hubby all week either! Yay for lovin filled weekends!

  8. I am also a big Jenn fan! Although my blog is named "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and I love that movie and I can't stand Angelina. But whatever. Happy Friday!

  9. Girl, you should have come visited us while Matt was gone! You still have to meet baby A!

  10. I LOVE Yoga. I do Sunstone Yoga up in should come!

  11. I am fan of Jennifer Aniston too! Still sad about her and Brad as well! Have a great a Friday and enjoy your weekend with the mister!

  12. I like the wavy hair!! And any word on Buddy?!

  13. HAha, I love your post. Totally random yet put together. I am glad the mister is coming home. Enjoy it, and enjoy your weekend.

  14. I think Brad is a jerk and now looks like a homeless person most of the time.... Oh and I let the dogs sleep with me when Adam's out of town, haha.

  15. Hi sweet Katie, enjoy your snuggles with hubby this weekend! I'll send you a msg over FB. Hope you're feeling great!! xoxo

  16. Glad the mister is back! I'm rocking the natural curls today too, mine is just way bigger than yours!

  17. Yay for the Mister returning! My hair used to get like that in the summer too. You crack me up with your eye comments!

    Love your choice (of course) for FF - thanks for playing!

  18. Anonymous6/25/2010

    i have always loved the curly hair kate! she is beautiful. hooray for getting your mister back... loveyoutons XOXOX

  19. I loved yoga already, but to learn it helps with labor?! I'm going to start now and do it until we're ready for kids (10 years from now...) so that I can sleep right through the whole nasty labor downward dog. ;-)

  20. I completely agree with the not posting of being home alone...who knows what kind of person is out there in the word!!
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  21. Can't wait to hear how the yoga goes! I am sure you will be so happy to have your mister home :)

  22. Nice to meet you Curly Hair Katie.

    I am sure you will enjoy the yoga and your weekend ;)

  23. You are too funny! Have fun with yoga!

  24. Hope you enjoyed your weekend with hubby finally home. I remember those long weeks away from your man - like torture!

  25. Yayyy for yoga! I hope it goes/went well! & I'm glad your Mister is home now! I've been doing my hair curly for the majority of the time since I've moved to Texas..I feel if I straighten it with this humidity it goes into crazy afro style!! haha :) missed hearing what's up with ya lady!

  26. I still hold out for Jen and Brad too. I hate hate hate Angelina and don't even find her the slightest bit attractive. Clearly Jen is the superior choice.
