Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Holy Catch Up Time!

Well HELLO there blog friends!  I'm back from my blogcation and feeling NICE and refreshed!  MAN was it nice to have 4 days off from work, blogging, EVERYTHING.  But now I'm back in the saddle and feelin' fit as a faddle (I know it's fiddle, but faddle rhymed) I feel like I have TONS to tell you all, but here's the kicker.  No pictures.  At. all.  I'm pretty sure my little munchkin is makin' his momma's brain turn to mush because I'm NEVER this bad about taking pictures!!!  Thankfully, at our friend's 30th birfday party on Saturday, his non-pregnant therefore she has regained her brain wife took pictures so I have FEW to post, but other than that, zilch, nada, nuttin'.   Sorry friends, I would tell you I PROMISE I'll get better about this, but I might forget I told you that in 15 minutes.  I can't be held accountable for this pile of mush pregnancy brain thing I've got goin' on.  It also doesn't help when your Mister shoots you the look o' DEATH every time you mention snapping a quick momentum of the days events. Hmph.  SO, moving right along to the wordiest post ever, Thursday night the Mister and I had a date (we both took Friday off).  What did we do for our date?  Went to see Robin Hood, that's what.  And I ate a bucket of popcorn and a white cherry ICEE for dinner.  Mmmmm.  Annnnnd that was about the extent of the excitement with the movie.  It was okay and I always love Russell Crowe, but it was REALLY long, unevenful (for the first 2 hours of a 2 1/2 hour movie) and the fact that I didn't realize that this was the PREQUEL to the actual Robin Hood story the entire time didn't help much either.  The whole movie I kept thinking "wait, I don't remember this happening?" and "MAN they changed this up a LOT!" and then at the very end it says "and so the story begins ..." and I let out a loud "OHHHHHH, NOW I get it!" and my Mister proceeded to shake his head and laugh at me for the next 10 minutes.  Sadly, I can't blame this on pregnancy brain.  This is just common Katie.  On Friday I went to my mom's house and laid out by the pool in my AWESOME preggers swim suit.  And no, I'm not posting pictures (but you're ALL so sweet to want to see that horrendous site) I won't post pictures of myself in a swim suit UN preggers, you must be out 'cho mind if you think I'm posting one WHILE preggers!  But I will tell you I got the one pictured.  In black, of course (HELLO slimming while you're swimming, YES please!) and then Friday night the Mister and I hung out at the casa with the pup.  Saturday was the day of our friend's 30th birfday party I mentioned earlier.  They have 2 kids so they made it kid friendly, complete with bouncy house, slip n' slide and water guns.  Add some fried chicken (which they did), cake and an unlmited supply of Sprite and Capri Suns and I'm one happy pregnant camper!  The Mister, his broster, the birfday boy and his dad played horseshoes for the bulk of the time while I sat in the covered, shaded, fans a twirling pavillion, talking to the birfday boy's sister-in-law (another Katie!) and his momma.  Here's some pictures for your visual pleasure (that I stole from the birfday boy's wife's FB page, thanks Amy!) ...

{My brother-in-law, the birfday boy's pop, my Mister and the birfday boy - Jeremy}

{My Mister's turn to throw.  So sewious.}

{And another action shot.  Amy's a brave woman taking pictures from this angle.}

{Birfday boy's mom, other Katie and me.  Word to the wise, if someone's taking a picture of you from an angle you KNOW is going to be horrible, don't spazz and smoosh your arm into your body thus causing the dreaded "fat arm" result.  Also, I'm wearing a jumper, and pig tails.  Whilst pregnant.  Apparently I was channeling the whole "2 year old look" that day.  But MAN is that jumper comfy!}

Then Saturday night we came home and watched Avatar (which neither of us had seen) and both repeated over and over "Why the H didn't we see this in 3D!?!?"  It was SO GOOD!  Definately a little Disney-esque, which I can ALWAYS appreciate.  Sunday we went and had a breakfast date at OHOP (the ORIGINAL House of Pancakes people) and then I went to see SATC2 (I know, on a Sunday.  I should be ashamed and embarassed) with my MOH and LOVED it!  I know it got terrible reviews but I could watch those girls sit at a table and gossip with each other for 2 1/2 hours and be happy.  You have to be a true fan of the show to appreciate it.  This fan FREAKIN' LOVED. IT.  And then, I came out of my SATC2 induced high to a phone call from my Mister.  Stating that his iPhone and Blackberry had been stolen out of this truck while he was in Smoothie Factory.  It's just so devistating when something is stolen from you.  I know it was only "material things" but his iPhone had our ADDRESS in it, pictures, ALL his contacts and plenty of other personal information which always makes it scary.   I'll admit, I freaked out after my pregnant hormonal anger of wanting to find and BEAT THE TAR out of the person who did it passed a bit knowing some theif was walking around with my address and pictures of my family.  Truthfully I was mainly concerned about Koda.  The thought of some horrible person breaking into our house and hurting Koda literally brought me to tears.  We're hoping (and assuming since he had golf clubs and iPod and other things that he could've taken) it was some dumb kid who was planning on selling them and nothing else.  So, if you think about it, say a little prayer for our home and my sweet pup and that no harm comes to either from this.  BUT, to make the day a little better, the Mister cooked some AH-MAZING ribs (for his first time I might add) that made everything a little better.

And onto our last day of vacay (tear), my Mister had to spend his day cleaning up the mess the dumb-A theif made (i.e. replacing phones, getting everything re-set up, etc.) so I spent the day at the pool with my MOH and sweet P!  It was her first time in the pool and OH was it cute!  She was not a fan at first, but after about 30 minutes she was splashing and playing and giggling herself silly!  We had a fantastic time.  When I got home the Mister and I grilled burgers and watched the Bachelorette (correction, I watched it while the Mister pretended not to watch it to protect his manhood and therefore stood in the kitchen "cleaning" things that didn't need to be cleaned in order to not look as if he was in fact, watching) and enjoyed all the douchey chochness that was taking place.  I have a whole POST full of things to say about that bidness but I'm going to save that for later.  Because this one has already been wordy enough (hence the bad non-picture taking blogger) and I'm going to stop.

So there you have it.  The longest most boringest post ever.  But at least I had fun.  I hope you all had equally fun, laid back holiday weekends.  Happy TUESDAY (heck yes, the best way to start a week, on a day that's not Monday!) loves!!!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend. Hubby has been bugging me to go see Robin Hood but I keep avoiding it.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me! I am seeing SATC 2 tonight...I know people said they didn't like it but I am with you, I could watch them just gossip and still love it!

  3. You look so cute! And what arm fat dear?! You are pregnant- use the excuse while you have it!

    Sorry about Mister's phones...and you best believe I will be on the first flight to TX if something happens to Koda!!

  4. Soundsa like a fantastic vacation!!

    Sorry about your hubby's phone, that sux... Bur lets hope that it was only stolen for the money and that no harm comes to you but I know how scary it is to lose something with that much information in it.

    Great weekend recap though. Lots of fun

  5. sorry about the phone! i hate to hear things like that. Such a pain to go get a new phone and put all the information in.

  6. I guess we need to see Avatar...I've been hearing the same thing from so many different bloggers, but I keep putting it off. Sound like a wonderful weekend!

  7. I really liked Avatar also!! wish i woulda seen it in the theaters instead of on our rinky dink non=flat screen. bummer about the boys phone. i always feel so violated when stuff like that happens!!

  8. It's totally okay to channel your inner two year old while you're preggers!

    Sounds like you had a great Memorial Day weekend minus the stolen stuff. So sorry about that. If someone stole my iPhone, I would personally see to it that they wished they'd never been born!

  9. Oh darling girl Im so sorry about the Misters phones. I had my ipod stolen out of my car while in the bank once. It was horrifying that some stranger was in my car. :(

    Im glad the rest of the weekend was fun though. How about this crazy TX heat we are having here? UGH!

  10. Sounds like a great and realxing weekend minus the mister's phones being stolen---yuck! I loved Avatar too! You definitely missed out seeing it 3D, girl! Have a great week!

  11. I have heard lots of bad reviews about Robin Hood. And bummer about your honey's phones! That stinks!

  12. I'm sorry about his phone getting stolen. That's awful! I'm glad you loved SATC. I did too! Granted I didn't think it was as good as the first but I loved it.

  13. It sounds like you had a great holiday weekend! And lady, you do not have any arm fat...you're crazy!

    And P.S....the preggers "mush" brain doesn't go away after you have the baby...and anyone that tells you otherwise is lying.

  14. It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend, Katie! I'm so sorry about the Mister's phone, though...that's so scary. I'm sure you're right though, and it was just some punk kid just trying to make some $$.

    Oh, and funny you bring up Avatar. I still haven't seen it, but my hubs is downstairs watching it right now as I type, and when he first put it on he had the opening credits/scene on REALLY loudly. The very first thing I thought of when I heard it, and even yelled downstairs to him, was "AWWWW, babe...this music sounds just like Disney World!" Haha! I guess I may have to watch it now. ;)

  15. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I loved SATC 2. Not as good as the first movie, but I still really enjoyed watching! So sorry to hear about the phones. It's never a good feeling when someone invades your private space like that.

  16. Sounds like you had a good weekend.

    If you have MobileMe, there's a way you can erase the phone without actually having it on you. I believe the setting also has to be turned on in the phone as well.

    The same thing happened when I watched Robin Hood with my boyfriend. I didn't really want to watch it, but I figured I would, since I make him watch all my girly movies. I had no idea what was going on lol.

  17. Anonymous6/03/2010

    Oh, no! It's horrible that people would break into his car and steal stuff. I'm hoping that the person isn't smart enough to realize that your address was in the phone in the first place!
