Friday, July 9, 2010

Favorite Fridays: Summer Style!

HOO-RAY, it's Friday!  I know my weeks are pretty much week-long weekends HOWEVER weekends are especially special to me.  Mainly because I get to see my Mister more often.  Especially after this past week since I've been house-sitting and staying at my mom's house while he stays home with Koda at our house (um, 3 labradors, one being a male amongst 2 females, is just. too. chaotic.  plus I'm pretty sure my step-dad would have a coronary if there were 3 huge shedding dogs in his house for 10 days)  I am pretty exhausted today due to the fact that I had 2 labs in bed with me, both that snore more than a congested old man should and one that almost fell off in the middle of the night because she periodically rolls around on her back in her sleep and accidentally rolled to the side where there was no bed coverage.  Thank goodness she didn't fall off because my parents bed is like a plateau.  It'd be like falling off a 10 story building.  I swear I have to get a running start just to get on the thing and I have to help the little lab up as well.  Think the Princess and the Pea.  My Mister could be buried underneath that mattress and I'd never know.  Except he snores pretty bad too, that might tip me off ...

With all that said, I'm sleepy and don't have much to talk about.  So Favorite Fridays is the PERFECT solution to my predicament.  Quick, easy and fun.  Today's topic is ...

Favorite Summer Attire

Being that I'm pretty this summer, my favorite "attire" is anything loose, comfortable and that doesn't make me look like a cow.  strapless long or short dresses are a MUST for me this summer (that's actually true pregnant or not) and this style seems to be my favorite at the moment ...

{Remember this picture from awhile back?  When we were trying to show the camera our "good sides"?  Well the top of that dress is what I'm talking about.  Stretchy, holds up well, comfy all = my new BFF}

Next, I would have to say that headbands have become a summer staple for me. 

{In one of my FAV headbands holding miss P about a year ago ...}

Not only because they're easy but also because everyone seems to think the idea of growing my hair out is a GREAT idea (even the Mister who usually says go short) which I actually agree, however when it's 105 degrees out, the LAST thing I want in my face/on my neck/really on my head is tons of hair making me HOTTER.  Not to mention that (until recently, the lovely miss Erin worked her magic on my hair yesterday and cured me of my hair misfortune) my hair has been an awesome skunkish color lately, which would be okay since that means it's growing super fast, however I didn't get the lusciousness of the locks along with the length.  I got the dull, limp, lifelessness.  Of course I'm part of the 2% that this goes south for on some in pregnancy.  Of course.  HOWEVER, like I said, Erin took me a little darker (blonde wise) yesterday so you can't see my roots two days after I get my color done, cut off all the deadness that were my ends and pretty much made it look gorgemous.  Hopefully (as promised yesterday) I'll take some picures this weekend so you can see.  She's amazing. 

And last but not least, GIANT beach bags/handbags are ALWAYS a staple for me ... I don't think I have any pictures of me with any of mine, but I got one just like this for our trip to Mexico last Christmas except mine is all plain straw, no color to it.

And that's pretty much it for me this fantastic Friday morning.  I hope y'all have GREAT weekends!!!  See you Monday loverlies!!!


  1. the headband is adorable : )

  2. I love dresses for the summer too! You look so cute in that headband! I love it!

  3. Your summer attire is exactly mine, too! I can't imagine having long hair in the Texas heat! Whew!

  4. I am with you on the loose fitting dresses for summer, I am always hot and I am not even pregnant... love that head band, and the oversized bags are a must!

  5. My favorite summer attire would have to be dresses them!

  6. I love strapless summer dresses too I'm on the hunt for a good black long one. Long hair would totally suck I used to cut my hair all off before summer but now I stick it out in the heat for these locks. I L-O-V-E headbands! I've been making tons I need to post them soon on my etsy!

  7. I want some cute headbands but I don't want to pay $15 a pop. Maybe I could find some cute ones online.

  8. I'm glad to hear you are growing it out! You won't be sorry! Oh and the headbands look adorable!

  9. Having just had the baby I am so with you on the comfy clothing and headbands!!

    Good luck staying comfortable in the heat!!

  10. There you go teasing me with that headband again LOL....
    Love that and you rock it so well :0)

    Love all of your favorite things.....

    Summer :0)

    Have a great weekend chicka

  11. Cute dress and love the headband!!!

  12. Cute bags! The perfect beach bag!

  13. Love the headband, so cute!!!

  14. Love the pictures :) & I loveee the necklace in your first pic!! Enjoy your weekend lady!!

  15. Oh I love that dress! And I hear, giant handbags are always a staple for me!

  16. New to your blog loving this!

  17. I am a huge fan of headbands!
