Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's a ...

... terrible crying SHAME of a thing I've done to you, my FANTABULOUS readers.  I mean seriously, build up this BIG anticipation this week to announce that our gender sono with the results of the sex of our baby is on Friday and then to LEAVE YOU HANGIN'?  And I've got all kinds of excuses but I'll save those and get to the good stuff.  And by good stuff, I mean the goods.  The MOST important thing I'd like to report about Friday is that the baby looks healthy, is measuring a day ahead of schedule, and was all sorts of break dancin' in it's (like how I'm saying it?  sneaky eh?) mommy's tummy (it must have gotten that from it's father)  but the FUNNEST news of all is it's a ...

Still can't get it from that graphic?

Still no?

Well, I'm THRILLED to announce that ...


Just like we thought!  We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome this little guy in November!  I'll post more with sono pics and updates about registering (I TOLD you I'd rush right out and git-r-done!) tomorrow.  And I promise, it WILL be tomorrow. 

I also want to take this time to thank any and all of you that serve, have husbands, brothers, sons, boyfriends, etc. that serve, or are close to anyone that serves in our country's armed forces.  Thank you for your sacrifice, committment and dedication to our country and our freedom.

I hope you're all having a WONDERFULLY relaxing holiday weekend.  Happy 4th of July!!!


  1. Eeeeeek I am so excited it's a BOY! Yippee what a good looking little guy he's gonna be :0)! How awesome Baby Boy Fulmer

    Soooo I can't wait to see pics and all your registry stuff....

    Glad I hopped on here before heading to the symphony and fireworks....Yay....

    love ya

    and ejklajfkdljklfjdklasjfkljdklsajfkdj that means I am super excited for ya LOL

  2. CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you two! Do you have names picked out for your dancing baby boy?

    Out of curiosity, has your cousin made the awesome name print yet?

  3. YAYYYYYYYY!!! :) I am so happy for you pretty lady!!

  4. Yay! How exciting!

  5. Anonymous7/04/2010

    Yay for knowing 100%!!! :)

  6. YIPPEEEE!!! Congrats!! So exciting!!

  7. YAY! so exciting!! i love that you can now refer to the bambino as a little BOY!!! love it!

  8. Congrats!!! Your instincts were right! Have fun registering.

  9. Exciting! Congratulations! He will be adorable I'm sure. :)

  10. congratulations on the arrival of a SON!!! yipee!

  11. Anonymous7/05/2010


  12. Congrats! I knew it was a boy. So excited for you! :)

  13. Congrats! I just knew it was going to be a boy! I'm sure you all are thrilled!

  14. YAYYY!!! Congrats Katie, The Mister and Koda!! :) I am so happy for y'all! :) :)

    Have a great day, girl!

  15. YEAHHHHH! I already commented on FB but I will here too. YAY for sweet baby boys :)

  16. Awe, congrats!!!! So exciting! :)

  17. YAY!!! How exiting!! Congratulations on your sweet little boy!

  18. Wooohooo...see Momma knows best, baby boy it had to be!

  19. Congrats! So happy for you my friend.

  20. Awww yippe so happy for you! Can't wait to see baby names!

  21. Baby Boy!!! Yay!!! Congrats, Katie!!

  22. YAY! It's a boy! :) For sure this time! Yay! :)

  23. Woo hoo! Congratulations on your sweet baby boy :)
