Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Bumpdates Bumped ...

Well, since nothing's been conventional about this week I thought I'd go ahead and add the bumpdates to the mix.  Today I'm officially 20 weeks.  HALF WAY THERE!  I can't beweave it ... BUT since I'm house-sitting along with spoiling rotten doggie-sitting these two little loves ...

{Rigley & Bentley, my mom and step-dad's pups ...}

... I don't have anything with me besides half my closet the essentials (i.e. am without my 20 week bump stickers) AND am waiting on the photographical genius that is miss Kelly (also the gifter of said bump stickers) I'm going to have to push back my usual bumpdates post until a few days later this week.  Hopefully the picture of the two sweet poochies will sustain you.

And last but certainly not least, one of my loverlies left me blog awards on their blogs!!!  Kristen gave me the following award ...


Thank you sweet girl you are TOO sweet to think of me!!!  And I'm supposed to give my philosophy of my blog.  Heck, I have NO idea.  I just like to talk.  A lot.  And I finally decided that my poor Mister shouldn't have to be subjected (shoot, even I shouldn't have to be subjected to it) to all my thoughts all the time SO, why not write them down.  Plus it's like an online journal.  Which is the only kind I'll actually keep.  I don't know HOW many journals I own that I bought because "the covers were cute" only to remain just that.  Empty books with cute covers.  I'm better with the internet.

Happy Wednesday everyone, you're almost to your weekend again!!!  Now excuse me, I'm off to lay by the pool with the pups.  I told you they were spoiled ... and it may or may not be rubbing off on their caregiver ...


  1. I just nominated you for an award cause I love love love your blog and realized you just did a post on it :) Hope your feeling well!!

  2. half way there? wow seems like just yesterday! those pups are so cute and deserving of being SPOILED!

  3. Wow 20 weeks already! That flew by! Those pups are plenty of entertainment for me! :) Heading home to see my little one too!

  4. i can't beleive you are already half way through!! time is going so quick!!
    the pups are adorable! have a great week hun!

  5. awww what cute puppies!
    halfway? geez...time is moving so quickly!

  6. Yay for 20 weeks! You can start counting DOWN now!! :)

  7. Have fun with the pups!! I'm jealous!

  8. I am a new follower- from Lindsay at Lee La La :) Congrats on your blog award! And on Baby Boy Fulmer!! Looking forward to reading more!

  9. Love the pups!
    Congrats on being at the half way mark!

  10. Anonymous7/07/2010

    I guess it's award week, I have an award for you on my blog!

  11. 20 weeks!!! Wow, flying by!!! So happy for you! Boys are the greatest! He sure is gonna love his momma!!!

  12. I can NOT believe you are already half way there!! Woohoo!!

    Can you link me up this morning; thanks!! :)

  13. I just wanted to stop by and say hi! I'm your newest follower :-) My BFF lives in Dallas and she is DYING because of the heat this week-- hope you're staying cool :-)

  14. Super cute dogs! Have fun house sitting. Congrats on being half way there!
