Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby Love, My Baby Love.

It's snowing/sleeting in Dallas.  Therefore EVERYONE stays home and those that don't proceed to drive/act like idiots.  SO, what am I doing at home with my little munchkin'?  Taking pictures of course!

The Mister didn't have to go to work today, so C and I are enjoying having daddy home with us.  I hope everyone is staying safe, cozy and warm!


  1. So sweet Katie! :)

  2. Such a cutie! ANd thanks for the award the other day :)

  3. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a cutie! LOL-yeah, we don't go out when it snows here either. :)

  5. that second to last one is precious!! not that they all aren't that one is just super precious! :)

  6. So so so cute! Enjoy your day with "daddy," Wyatt's daddy gets to stay at home too! ;)

  7. that smile is so precious! love it! i'm hoping for a snow day down here in houston on friday!

  8. There is absolutely nothing better than a little baby in nothing but a diaper...so PRECIOUS! He is adorable :)

  9. He is just adorable, Katie!
    It made my heart smile after our gender ultrasound yesterday revealed twin boys (vs boy/girl twins) as we were previously told. I'm having a hard time dealing with our new reality, but Caleb's pictures made it better!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Anonymous2/03/2011

    What a perfect way to spend a snow day!
