Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Many Faces of C-diddles.

Our little man has gotten really expressive lately.  He makes all sorts of faces while making all sorts of sounds while making all sorts of drool.  I thought I'd try and capture a few of these yesterday while he was playing on his playmat.

{This is my favorite.  He tucks his little bottom lip under.  I'm pretty sure he's got me wrapped around his little, and I mean little, finger.}

{Loves his tongue.  LOVES.}

{"Hi momma!"}


In other news, word to the wise for new mommas.  Don't let your child get over tired.  Or you'll think you've entered World War III.  Yesterday C MIGHT have gotten a little over tired and MIGHT have thrown a gigantor fit (i.e. went into full on plank pose while making pterodactyl (who knew that was how it was spelled?) like noises) when I went to put him in his car seat to go workout.  Sheez.  Yesterday was a day for momma.  So much so that I poured all his bottles of formula last night and LEFT THEM ON THE COUNTER (for those of you that aren't mommas, formula sitting out over night = immediate vom-age for your baby if fed to them the next morning which = a bunch of wasted formula).  Good job mom.  Good job.

Here's to a better Tuesday!


  1. He is so adorable!!! Hope your day is much better today mama!

  2. He is so cute, i think looking at that face makes up for the tantrum.

  3. Aww he's so precious. That little tongue pic is adorable! Hope today's a great day for ya.


  4. Love that little face!!

  5. His cheeks are too cute!!! You've got one cute baby there!

  6. Oh my gosh he is the cutest thing!! Hope you're doing great! One day I'll get back to the blog world hah!
