Monday, April 11, 2011


If you didn't already know, the state flower of Texas is the Bluebonnet.  They are in full bloom right now and families all over suburbia are taking advantage of plopping their little ones down in the middle of them for a darling photo op.  This momma was no exception.

{"I'm in a drawer!"}

{"Wait.  Why am I in a drawer again?"}

{"I don't care because daddy's holding Elmo and he's funny!"}

{"Oh Elmo, you slay me."}

{"Um, I hope those yellow and black stripey flying bugs that mom keeps freaking out about don't come near me ..."}

{"Man this drawer is fun!"}

{"Mom said daddy's truck ruined this shot.  So she cropped my head off."}

{"And this is right before I tipped forward, barely tapped my head on the front of the drawer and mom freaked out and immediately packed me up and took me home.  Sheesh mom, I didn't even cry!"}

We may try again, depending on my anxiety level.  But probably not since the Mister is most likely reading this and shaking his head no ...

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!


  1. hahah I love the captions :)

  2. Too cute! The captions are hilarious!!!

  3. So cute; but the captions are the best part haha!

  4. I can't help but sing "I'm in a drawer" to the tune of "I'm on a boat" .... please tell me you know that SNL skit with TPain?!

  5. Love them! I always hated when my parent's made me get out in the bluebonnets on the side of the highway every year!

  6. Are these the ones in Frisco off 380? I LOVE these pictures!

  7. Love!! Too precious!! Love the captions too. :)

  8. Anonymous4/11/2011

    "Oh Elmo" LOL

  9. The photos are too cute and the captions are hilarious!

  10. Anonymous4/11/2011

    Oh my goodness! So precious!

  11. Katie, I just love your blog - your posts always make me smile and your captions and crossed out thoughts are always hilarious. Very cute pics of your little guy!

  12. Anonymous4/13/2011

    Very cute!

  13. Anonymous4/14/2011

    seriously can he get any cuter?
