Wednesday, May 25, 2011

6 Month Photo Shoot.

Seriously.  I have no patience.  None.  These (albeit adorable on their own) aren't even the edited, finished product but I can't wait FOUR days to post them.  So I'm going to compromise and just post a few and will probably end up posted the exact same ones again once I get the edited version.

So here you go, my impatience worked out in picture form.


These were taken two days ago.  He was such a good boy and SUCH a good model.  Man I love that muffin man.  I'll post the rest, the edited version (if I can WAIT, geez), in a few days!!!


  1. That first picture is precious! He is such a cutie!

  2. They are all great but that first one is just to die for!!!

  3. These are adorable! I love them all especially the first one!

  4. Anonymous5/25/2011

    So cute! I love the net one!!!

  5. Those are great photos!!! What a cutie pie!

  6. These are great photos! So adorable!

  7. Oh my heavens, he is such a little man. So precious and you look great too!

  8. What a little stud! I love the first one! And you look great!

  9. He is such a good model... what a cutie! Great photos! I can't wait to see some more.

  10. Aw, they look so cute! I love that first one!

  11. Anonymous5/26/2011

    Absolutely adorable!

  12. Love them, they're all adorable!!

  13. Seriously that is the greatest shot ever in the blanket. Love the new edited ones too, and can't wait to see your new hair cut, I'm sure it will be fabulous. OH AND.. Happy belated 30th birthday! (Can you tell I have been MIA?) hehe
