Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's (Was) My Birfday ...

... and I'll have the best day ever if I want to.  Yep.  That's right.  Next to my wedding day and the day my son was born, yesterday was one of my favorite days that I can remember in a long time.  Hands down.  And I have my momma to thank.  Man do I ever have the greatest example of how to do this thing called "motherhood" that ever lived.  Seriously.  I am so blessed to be called her daughter.  And I can only pray I measure up to be half the mother to C that she has been to me.  So I told y'all that my day was starting at Starbucks.  During our coffee my mom hands me this card.  The first of many ...

Which was personal so I didn't take a picture of the inside, but the gist of it said we were going to start the day with some of my favorite things which included teal (the flops) and candy corns (my fav candy) ...

Next she gave me the following card ...



We quickly headed to Neiman's, did some fun shopping and had some lunch that included another one of my favs, a bloody mary.

My mom gave me the next card during lunch ...

{Which if you can't see said that she wanted to include another of my favorite things, Disney, and that we were going to go get some things for C since she knew that shopping for him was just as enjoyable, if not MORE, to me than shopping for me ...}

As well as this card ...



So we made a little stop on our way to shop for C to find me a pair of shoes or two.

The next card ...


was given to me after our shopping for C ...


Which I'm sure the Mister is blushing seeing this card published on the little ole' blog, but let's not all be naive.  We all know C got here some how.

And last but not least ...



And then I headed off to my hour long massage at Red Door.  Which was EXACTLY what the mommy doctor ordered.  Completely amazing.  And a HUGE thank you to my MIL for keeping C pretty much all day long.  He had a blast Memaw!  He told me so.

I ended the day with another of my favorite things.  A date with the Mister during which my momma (seriously, mom of the decade) watched the mini-Mister.  Best. 30th birfday. ever.  EVER.  And thank you to you ALL for the birfday wishes!  Made my DAY!

I love you mommy, thanks for showing me how it's done.  Now, on to the next celebration - Thursday night with my silly, cousins, aunt, Mamaw and mom (she gets to come to them all, she DID birth me n' all)!  Post to follow of COURSE.


  1. Yaaay! Happy Birfday to You, Soulmatey! It sounds like your day was absolutely spectacular....just like you!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! You deserve it!

  3. You have the sweetest Mom ever! All that planning! Looks like a great day!

  4. Aw that's so cute I love how she gave you the cards throughout the day!

  5. That is too sweet and such a great idea!! Glad you had a good time with your Mom and welcoming in the 30's!! It's next year for me. Yikes!!

  6. Holy moly that is the best birthday ever!! Lucky!!
