It's been quite a week! Remember that whole mask idea? Well, we tried. And I mean TRIED. Later that day little man got his first fever of 102.8 which resulted in his mommy FREAKING out and immediately taking him to the Pediatrics After hours place by our house. I might as well have worn a t-shirt with "First Time Mom" puff-painted all over the front with the way I'm sure I looked when I flew through their doors. My child in his jammies, me in MY jammies with my air-dried hair thrown up in a mess on top of my head, half sweating because I was dressed for a blizzard since I hadn't been outside all day to know what the temp was and half shaking because I was so freaked out by the fact that C had fever. They asked me to fill out some paper work and I looked at them like "FILL OUT SOME PAPERWORK? WHO'S GOING TO STAND HERE NEXT TO MY BABY AND FEEL HIS FACE 40 TIMES TO MAKE SURE THE FEVER'S NOT GONE UP, CONSTANTLY ASKING HIM IF HE'S OKAY WHILE SHIELDING HIM FROM ALL THE GERMS ALL (TWO) OF THESE OTHER KIDS HAVE!?!? I ONLY HAVE TWO HANDS, I DON'T HAVE TIME TO FILL OUT PAPERWORK. YOU FILL IT OUT!!!" but instead mumbled something like "Okay, do you have a ... a ... a ... (waving my fingers in the air making a writing motion) you know those things you write with?" while staring at the page trying to remember when my child was born. Thankfully the Mister showed up and helped me by holding C and calming him down so one of the 4 parts of my brain could do it's job. Once they took us back and I asked the PA 842 questions they ending up saying it was most likely a viral infection and that he got it from, sigh, his mommy (sad SAD face!) and to treat it with baby Tylenol and Motrin. Which we did and it worked like a charm. At this point there was still no sign of a cough or runny nose so I continued my surgical fashion statement for the next few days. Until yesterday. Yesterday little man woke up coughing and sneezing (sad sad SADDER face!) and so the masks came off. Especially since my cough is about 95% gone anyway. So I offiically gave my little guy his first dose of sickness. Anyone looking for someone to give a Mom of the Year Award to? Look no further, you've found her. Um, NOT (Sidenote: I don't think I've used NOT since the mid 90's, is that even still acceptable? Give me a break, I've been sick and delirious) Let me give you a word to the wise mommas. If you think you've just got "allergies" and aren't completely SURE of that fact, don't go kissing all over your little one's face unless you're okay with germ-bombing them without their (or your for that matter) even knowing it. So, that's where we stand in the Fulmer house, sitting home with my little guy while he barks his barky cough, sneezes snotty boogers and looks up and smiles at me through it all. Such a sweet little guy we have. Thank goodness it doesn't seem to be bothering him. Oh and the icing on the cake? I went upstairs yesterday to feed my sweet little Betta fish, Mobi ... and he was dead. Perfect. The Mister gave him a beautiful burial at sea. Koda barked some kind words. I, however, couldn't bear to attend. Poor little Mobister. But there is ONE good thing that came of this week of sickness. I lost 4 lbs! Without even trying! That brings my total to 58 lbs and brings me within 8 lbs of being where I was when I got pregnant! My goal is to lose another 15 on top of that but to be within 8 of where I was when I got pregnant thrills me to no end! So there you have it, there's my silver lining.
And on another sidenote, the Mister should get a medal for this past week. Let's be honest, he should get a medal every day for putting up with me but that's a different subject all together. The first day the mini-mister was sick the Mister worked from home so I'd have some moral support since I still felt like poo and was taking care of a little poo-feeling guy. That night when C woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep (and by wouldn't go back to sleep I mean, SCREAMED) the Mister took the WHOLE shift and let me sleep. I'm talking from like 4am on. Which was a good thing because for some reason I thought taking a double dose of products with acetaminphen (it was the middle of the night, I wasn't thinking clearly and didn't check to see how long it had been since I took my last dose) was a good idea. YEAH. It's not. It makes you feel like your heart is going to leap out of your chest while simultaneously making you feel like you're going to pass out at the same time. NOT. GOOD. Truthfully, if it weren't for that I would have probably insisted that I help with C since he was so upset. It was hard for this mommy to hear! The next night we luckily got a full night of sleep however the following night we had another 4am'er. And what did the Mister do? Send me to bed and lulled our little guy to sleep AGAIN. All the while having to work the next day. And to top it all off, yesterday he cleaned the house from TOP to BOTTOM and washed everything to make sure the sickeness had "left the building" while C and I rested and watched a Back to the Future marathon. I seriously could not be more blessed with two better boys.
So yes, we're still alive. Just a little under the weather but on our way out of it I think. Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas, mommas to be and veteran mommas out there. I hope you have a beautiful day with your families!
Aw, I'm sorry to hear he got sick too. Hang in there, hopefully it'll pass soon. Happy Mother's day to you!