Monday, June 27, 2011

Crabby or Not?

You be the judge.

{"Daddy, I'm not cwabby, I'm blowin' raspberries.  Tell mommy I'm not cwabby."}

{"Pffffffffffffllllllttttttt."  See?  Raspberries.  Not cwabby."}

{"Oh no, the shirt is taking over.  I feel ... the cwabbiness ... COMING!"}

{"Phew.  The raspberries blew away the cwabbies."}

{"Oh look at that, there's my mommy.  I shall make a fish face at her."}

{"Now mommy's making them back.  She's so silly that mommy!"}

{"Ewwww, look at that bug on the ground.  He might make me cwabby ..."}

{"Shoot, now I'm SWEEPY!  I promise I'm not cwabby, I'm SWEEPY!  Darn this shirt, I'm doomed."}

Despite the cwabbines (which he really wasn't, the faces were just too cute to resist) we had a great weekend.  We went to Coon Creek with my brother and silly (SIL) and my dad for a belated Father's Day celebration with him.  We had a great time even though the Mister was stuck in NYC on Friday after having his plane cancelled and being rebooked 4 times.  He finally got on a plane at 9pm, sat on the tarmac for 2 hours, had a 3.5 hour flight, had to wait once he got to DFW for the plane that actually had his bag on it and finally got home at 2am ... after originally being scheduled on a 6:30pm flight home.  So needless to say, he was sleepy but thankfully was able to (somewhat) catch up on his sleep before we left.  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as well!

Last but definately not least, please visit this blog (a friend of mine posted it on facebook) and join me in praying for this sweet baby ...

He is pretty much the same age as C.  I am sitting here with tears in my eyes as I type this.  I can't even fathom.  Pray for steadiness of the doctor's hands and wisdom as the Lord guides them.  Pray for peace for James's parents.  Pray for HEALING for sweet little James and pray for positive results from the doctors.  Again, our God is a mighty and POWERFUL God.  We trust that He can and will do this.  Thanks in advance for your prayers, please feel free to share this on your blog and get even more people praying!


  1. Oh my goodness! How super cute!!

  2. Anonymous6/27/2011

    He may be crabby, but he's still the cutest thing ever. I dropped by your friends blog! Praying for that family! So sad!

  3. Anonymous6/28/2011

    Bahaha, I love it! He is too cute.

  4. I can't believe how big your sweet pea is getting. He is adorable blowing raspberries!!!!!!!

  5. Aw, he's so cute! It looks like it was a great weekend! I love his facial expressions!
