Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July: Picture Style.

Happy 4th of July!!!

We spent yesterday at my mom's house in the pool (which, I'm not going to lie since it was a billion degrees outside, felt like bath water.  GROSS) with family, eating BBQ ribs and chicken skewers and enjoying the blessings that God has given us.  I pray you take the time to do the same and remember all the men and women and their families around the world who have given so selflessly of their time and their lives to give our country it's freedom.  GOD BLESS THE USA!!!  Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

On a completely different note, please continue to pray for this sweet baby boy and his family.  I am going to continue to beg y'all to do so until his chemo (52 weeks of it) is up and his sweet little body is HEALED.  I am trusting the Lord with this and I hope you will too!!!


  1. He is just SO cute! Glad y'all are having a great 4th :)

  2. Your little munchkin is just presh. :)

  3. such a cute family!

  4. you're hair looks really nice!!

  5. Loove your haircut!!
