Monday, August 8, 2011

Little White Lie ...

So I told a fib. Just a little one. I did actually leave on a plane, just not on a blog one. On Wednesday we left for Grand Haven, MI to go to my stepdad's lake house on Lake Michigan! My whole family went which obviously means C! And let me tell you, little man did GREAT on the plane! As we were taking off, he literally fell asleep and slept for an hour. Once he woke up, he played, laughed and was in a precious mood the whole time.

I was so proud of my boy. And even BETTER, he did the same on the flight home. Prayers were definitely answered. Once we arrived to the 80 degree highs and 60 degree lows we relaxed and enjoyed the GORGEOUS surroundings.

And had ourselves a wonderful time together.

We got home last night and C settled right back into his routine (after being a bit off while out of town). Such a good boy. I hope you all had good weeks and for those of you Texans that were suffering in the 110 degree weather, I was thinking of you while enjoying the 80 degree breezy weather! Now, if we can just make it through August ...

Happy Monday and happy Bachelor Pad tonight!


  1. He is sooooo stinkin cute! Nice little vacation!

  2. It looks like y'all had an amazing time! C is so stinkin' cute! What a good boy to handle the flight so well. Glad you were able to go and have so much fun. And 80 degree temps....YES PLEASE!

  3. Holy cow your hair! It looks soooo cute!

    You look great :)

  4. That floating tubes looks AWESOME! I could put a few back relaxing on that, ha ha!

    By the Way I live only 30 minutes from GH, it's a beautiful place...although I hardly ever visit.

  5. looks like a great time!!! C is too cute!!! What a happy baby!

  6. What a cutie pie he is! And you look great, Kate!

  7. How fun! I was just in Northern Wisconsin for a week and we had the same kind of weather! So perfect! Glad you had such a wonderful time!

  8. It looks as if you guys had an amazing little get away! You look AMAZING and i love your hair cut!

  9. I still havent taken my 2.5 year old on a plane, but will be doing so in the next year! Glad to hear it went so well!

  10. You were seriously 10minutes from me!!! I hope you had fun, Grand Haven is my favorite summer spot :)
