Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekend, Long-Winded, Wrap Up ...

Good Monday morning loves! It is rainy and dreary here after a nice little tease of gorgeousness on Saturday and part of Sunday. Spring, you’re such a stinker. Showing your face for a minute and then going back into hiding. Bad form Spring, BAD FORM. Anyways, moving on. Let me start of by saying HELLO to all my new readers! I love waking up Monday morning to see that I’ve gained new friends over the weekend. FU-UN. And let me clarify that that's supposed to read "FUH-UN" not "F-U UN" ... I have nothing against the word "UN" ...

Friday night my mister was away with some of the other husbies from our home group at church at a Men’s Retreat. So, I met my Mama at Chili’s. We had ourselves a nice little time. I got home in JUST enough time to rent a movie “On Demand” and enjoyed the greatness that is “Much Ado About Nothing”. Can I just tell you that I LOVE this movie? I have to admit that half the time I have NO idea what they’re talking about (they speak in Shakespeare-speak if you haven’t seen it) but I don’t care because usually I can tell from their body language/actions/lack thereof what’s going on in a round-about way. And it just sounds so perty that again, I don't care.  One of my FAVORITE parts of the movie is the … theme song, I guess you’d call it? “Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more”. I seriously could listen to this on repeat all day long. LAHVES it. Here’s a little video, the picture-quality is terrible but you can still hear the song just fine. So go rent it if you haven’t seen it. It’s worth it, I promise. Except for the fact that Keanu Reeves is in it … he does, however, play the best part he can be cast for. The villain who doesn’t speak much and has the same dissatisfied look on his face the entire movie.

And, into hey nonny nonny of course … whatever that means. Right, anyways. Saturday Koda and I went for a little ride to Starbucks. If any of you have pups (which I know you do) you have GOT to take them to Starbucks and ask for a Puppy Latte. And if they don’t know what it is just tell them it’s a coffee lid filled with whipped cream. Well USUALLY it’s a lid. Let’s just say that Saturday, Koda HIT the jackpot. They gave him an iced grande-sized cup FULL of whipped cream! And did he ever love it! I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves …

I mean I seriously thought I was going to have an 85 lb dog in my lap he was so excited about slurpin’ this biness up. I think I may have created a monster. I have this feeling that from now on, every time we go through a drive through window he may be in, or on his way to climbing into, my lap before we get to pay. This makes it a TEENY bit hard to drive … but who needs to see the road, right? Saturday night the mister and I had a date to Mi Cocina. Mmmmm. We then came home and proceeded to quickly pass out. While both smelling like arm-pits.  Dang Mexican food. Sunday we did church and then my mister had to work all day. Boo hiss. I DO have a little story to tell you about my MIL that is kinda humorous but at the same time … not. So my MIL is a serious hard-A. She has had a house-full of boys for 29 years and, I think, has adapted very well. Yesterday she was outside on their back porch and the chair she was sitting in, broke and fell ON HER FINGER. I am not sure if she called my mister or my mister just happened to call during this escapade, but she proceeded to tell him that she was fine, but it was bleeding quite a bit and she couldn’t get it to stop. My mister then tells her (he’s a hard-A himself, like I’m afraid someday our kid’s going to break his leg and my mister’s going to tell him to “walk it off”) to take it easy and try and stop the bleeding. A little while later, my mister gets a call. My MIL proceeds to tell him that they finally went to the ER and she has broken her finger, gotten 7 stitches and nicked an artery. Hard-A, HARD-A I tell you! I went ahead and apologized to my mister after he told me what happened to his mom telling him that I am not that girl and was pretty sure I never would be. Oh how I wish I was. But if my finger had been gashed enough to require 7 STITCHES they would have HAD to take me to the emergency room due to the lump on my head I received after passing out … this is all to say I don’t handle wounds/blood/surgeries/people in pain/people talking about being in pain/pain of any kind … well. And by well, I mean conscious. So here’s to my MIL, hard-A n’ all. She’s also pretty cute, here’s a pic of her dancing with my mister at our wedding. They danced to “Can’t Smile Without You”. And sang the whole thing to each other while they danced I might added. Cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

And PS – can we just go ahead and talk about my mister’s eyelashes? I think he has 3 more rows than normal people do. It’s not fair that eyelashes like this should go to a man. Dear Lord, if we have a daughter PLEASE give her her daddy’s eyelashes. Thank you. Amen. Now that I think of it, please give all our kids-to-be his eyelashes. Good gracious they’re purty. Sorry sugar, I know it’s not manly to be called purty, but they are. Plain n’ simple. Okay, I’ve yakkety-YAKKED on and on for FAR too long and didn’t even tell you my funny story I promised I would on Friday. Maybe tomorrow I won’t be so long-winded. Have a LOVERLY day loverlies!!!

PPS - The Bachelor finale tonight, EEEK!!! CAN'T. WAIT!!! PUHLLLEASE don't pick horse-face Jake.  Or I will lose all respect for you.  Even the fact that you're a Texan won't get you back in my good graces. We'll SEE!!!


  1. I love Koda drinking his Starbucks!! too cute!
    He will want one now everytime!

  2. Yaaaaay for fabulous weekends...and even bigger yaay for my life returning to normal so that we can resume our chats!

    Sweet boy and his whip cream! At the Starbucks here, they give doggie biscuits. For some reason, I don't think that's nearly as desirable as whip cream.

    I hope that your MIL is feeling better pronto, and I'm with you - I definitely can't take pain or blood at all!

    All day long text fest, pretty please?!

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog! I'm sitting at work trying not to laugh too loud! I'm definitely going to have to get a puppy latte for my little West Wing, although that cup would probably be as big as him. I totally agree about spring showing it's face and then retreating away - not cool, spring!

  4. Katie,
    Koda is a cutie patootie! That is sooo funny they give Puppy Latte's and that pic is Ha-larious! I can just imagine an 80 lb dog trying to get on your lap while your in the car! He looks like he is loving him some whip cream! Hope your MIL feels better! Oh and Eeeeeeeeek I am soooo excited about the Bach tonight I just really hope he doesn't pick Vienna....I think the commericals are funny have you seen them? They go will he pick sugar or will he pick spice?? I don't think I would actually call Vienna spice LOL....
    Thanks for your sweet comments....meant lots to me
    Summer :0)

  5. Cant WAIT for tonight....but what will we do on Monday nights when the Bach is all done :(
