Thursday, June 24, 2010

Buddy the Lab Needs a Good Home ...

I know, I know, I NEVER post twice in one day, but this is important friends.  Y'all know how much of an animal lover I am and dogs needing homes always touch my heart, especially labs.  Please read the story below and contact the woman in the email if you are interested.  And if you'd like to help by either posting a link to this post in your blog (especially you Texas bloggers) I would greatly appreciate it or if you'd like to forward the email around, comment on this post and I'll email you back the forward I received regarding this little guy.  Let's not let him go to a shelter!!!

This is an extremely sweet lab guy, who we've been calling Buddy since he literally walked up to my son in our driveway 2 weeks ago. We did everything to find his owner, to no avail. I've contacted a bunch of rescues and shelters up here in Dallas, and everyone says they're full, some don't respond at all. Lab Rescue of North Texas actually responded that they would help, then never got back in touch with us, and won't return my emails. So now I'm reaching out for help outside of our area.
The problem is this, poor Buddy is having to live in my garage because I have 4 dogs, and 2 of them do NOT get along with new dogs. It's not fair to Buddy to continue keeping him in the garage, especially when all he wants to do is be with people. I feel so terrible, but it's the best I can do for him here.

I've sent out countless emails over the last 2 weeks. I had 2 people that were interested, but they both bailed before they even met him. One woke up the morning she was supposed to meet him, and decided the timing wasn't right for her. The other decided to take one of his mother's dogs instead. I had a third person meet him, and actually took him home, but Buddy, an intact male, was WAY too interested in his wife's chihuahua, and climbed over their 6' fence. I tried explaining that getting him fixed should take care of those problems, but he claims his wife had a fit and would NOT let Buddy stay.

My husband keeps asking why we can't just take him to the county shelter, which I obviously have no interest in doing. But I can't help thinking maybe he would have a better chance there than with me. In my garage.

I'm at my wits end. Buddy is a fantastic dog, and we would keep him if our dogs would permit. He's extremely friendly, playful and good with kids. He is very well-behaved, does great on a leash. My son was actually able to skateboard with Buddy trotting along perfectly beside him. Never pulled him off once! So he would be a great jogging partner. And even though he's a large dog, both of my kids (10 and 8 years old) can handle him easily and walk him by themselves. He sits on command, and responds very well to correction, so I think he'll be easily trained. He has a small football that he likes to play with, and when he wants to play, we will go get it and bring it to you in hopes you will play fetch with him.

This is a great dog who deserves so much better than my garage. Ideally I would like him to be taken in by a rescue, where I know he will be neutered (which will hopefully take care of those certain instincts and fencing climbing), given shots and just overall cared for. And rescues do a good job screening potential adopters. This guy has been through enough waiting for a chance at a forever home, and I want him to have the best shot at finding one. I don't know what else to do myself, so if you could send this on to anyone you think may be able to help, I would so appreciate it.

We live north of Dallas, but we're traveling to Austin Thursday night, so we could potentially bring Buddy with us. Either way, he needs to have somewhere to go by then.

Thanks again for any help, or even advice at this point,


Jami Cagle
PH 972.431.9214


Hope Weaver

Let's try and get this little love a new, permanent home!!!


  1. This breaks my heart! I wish I could give Buddy a home! :(

  2. You know I will take him!!! Can we meet halfway so I can pick him up?!?!

  3. This kind of thing makes me so sad. I have to force myself to not look at the adoption sites now. We simply don't have the room for another dog yet. :-(

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :(

  5. This makes me want to cry. It is so heart breaking. I really hope Buddy finds a home. If he were in Chicago I'd try to help find him a home. Poor little guy. Please keep us updated, Katie. :(

  6. Awww puppy! What a sweet lady keeping him for so long and not letting him go to the shelter hope he finds his forever home!

  7. :(

    I wish I loved close to Texas, because I would take him in a heartbeat!

  8. If I was in the area I would completely be open to taking him. I hope he gets a good home!

  9. Oh this is so sad. He sounds like a sweet pup who once had a home!

  10. Ok I think I may cry. I wish I could take Buddy, Dixon could use a live-at-home friend, but I just can't. Keep us updated on Buddy, he sounds like a perfect dog!!
