Monday, June 28, 2010

A Little Change on The Fulmer Lane ...

HEWWO ladies!  Well, I'm currently sitting at home.  In my jammies.  Reading all of your blogs.  Why you ask?  Am I sick?  No.  Did I break my leg?  No.  Am I playing hooky?  No.  Life in the Fulmer Lane has had a few curve balls thrown at us.  The reason I'm comfy in my jammies at home reading all of your blogs is because, unexpectantly, on Friday I was laid off from my job.  Which is definately not what we were planning on happening.  On one hand, we haven't bought baby furniture, bedding, anything for the nursery.  But on the other, I completely trust the Lord and know that His timing is perfect and that He knows what He's doing.  Jeremiah 29:11 says ...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

And I truely believe this happened for a reason.  We were pretty much sure I was going to stay home and not come back after the baby was born and were trying to figure out when the best time to give my resignation would be and how to handle that situation and I believe the Lord did it for us.  So for now, I have PLENTY of time to catch up on your blogs, write daily posts (not that I didn't do that already) and prepare for the little one to get here.  As for this week, I'm looking forward to seeing THIS tomorrow night at 9pm ...

{Shoot, I don't have to work the next day, I might even stick around for the midnight showing!}

And then FRIDAY finding out for SURE if we're having a little boy like we think!!!  CANNOT.WAIT.

So until then ...

I hope y'all had wonderful weekends!!!  Now, I'm off to be a productive housewife ...


  1. Katie, you are so right. Everything happens for a reason. All will be ok. Enjoy your time at home!

  2. You are exactly right.. everything happens for a reason and God had his hand in this one!! Enjoy being at home and resting!

  3. Anonymous6/28/2010

    you have such a great outlook :)
    good for you!
    I went to part time over the winter with work being slower... It has been a wonderful time to take care of me and the soon to be baby! My husband loves the more time and attention I have for him too!
    Have a great time taking care of your family!

  4. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. Yes everything does happen for a reason. Enjoy the time off...more time to focus on the baby!

  5. Glad to hear you're taking it with a grain of salt! Atleast now you don't have to worry about the awkward "I'm going to be quitting" situation at the office

  6. I know we already talking about it, but I want you to know you'll be JUST fine. Your in good hands!

  7. i admire your positive outlook on EVERYTHING!
    now you can enjoy your time preparing for the little one :)

  8. I can't believe it! So great that you have such a positive outlook and AMEN - God's timing is somehow perfect - so just keep praying. :) I'm emailing you for more details now! LOL

  9. So excited for's a blessing. More pool time for us!! (Maybe tomorrow, btw?)

    So excited to see Eclipse...text me so we can make plans.

  10. Anonymous6/28/2010

    I'm sorry to hear that and congrats! :) Everything happens for a reason and it sounds like this is more of a blessing than anything! Enjoy your time!!!

  11. How was Eclipse?!?! I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your new found freedom!

  12. Sorry to hear about your job, but glad you're doing ok! I'll keep yall in my prayers! But it will be nice to have time off to get ready for Baby Fulmer! Can't wait to hear how your appointment goes on Friday!

  13. So sorry to hear about that, but as you said, everything works out for a reason...hang in there and enjoy this time! Can't wait to find out what you are having! :)

  14. You are so right! Everything happens for a reason! Enjoy this time because GOD has great plans!

  15. Wow! Shocking news.. I am glad you are so positive about it! There is definitely a plan! I look forward to MANY more blogs from you and there BETTER be pictures since you have some free time, lol.

  16. Seriously, I think that we might be secret sisters! Must hubby was unexpectedly laid off last Thursday so we are in the same boat! We feel the exact same way and know that God has a plan/new job for him that will be SO much better than the one he had and better than he can even imagine!

  17. You are in my thoughts! EVERYTHING happens for a reason! This will turn out to be a blessing! :)

  18. I completely agree..everything happens for a reason..enjoy your time at home!
    I'm excited for you to hear if you're getting the baby boy you think you are!!

  19. Everything happens for a reason! Enjoy your time off... and I can't wait to find out for sure that the babe is a boy! :)

  20. God works in mysterious ways, my friend! :) Now, when I am in Dallas, we can go shopping! (Such a selfish thought, I know!)

    I can't wait to hear what the gender is!!! Lucy and I are patiently awaiting so we can finish the present for Koda! Ha!

    Hang in there girlfriend- I'm sure you won't mind this extra rest for a bit!


  21. Although you may have your stresses, the important thing is that you, your hubby, and baby fulmer is healthy (of course koda as well). I love your attitude - what is meant to be, will be. Keep your chin up :)

  22. That bible verse is one that is on my bloggy blog and one I read daily! The lord has plans for us even if we don't know what they are yet! Sounds to me he just eased your mind and gave your resignation for ya....Oh and you know me always seeing the silver lining in everything eeeeeeeek it gives ya more time to plan that little guy's nursery, rest, play with Kota and get use to the whole stay at home mommy routine before your bundle arrives....

    Hang in there chicka....
    love you
    Summer :0)

  23. Aw sorry to hear about the job but the big man always has a plan waiting for each of us. Hope you enjoy this time off to yourself since coming soon you'll have a little one to occupy your time!

    P.S. Soooooo envious your seeing the 9pm showing!

  24. Now you can collect unemployment! Hey...its how our government is set up....TAKE ADVANTAGE of it! Sometimes I pray to be laid off :)

  25. I'm sorry to hear about the job :( But absolutely everything happens for a reason!! If you get bored, feel free to gchat me! I'm currently sitting in bed, catching up on blogs in my jammies too! haha

  26. So sorry to hear that, but I'm glad to hear that you seem to be in good spirits.

  27. You have an amazing outlook! I totally agree that everything happens for a reason and we are not faced with a situation that we can not handle and make it through!

    I'm jealous you're going tomorrow to see Eclipse! I can't make it to a showing until Thursday afternoon!

  28. I am sorry about you getting laid off but it does sound like perfect timing and working in your favor. Glad you are staying positive through it all.

    CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE ECLIPSE!! WISH I WAS GOING TO THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING.. Just watched Jimmy Kimmel last night and I got so excited and giddy :)

  29. keep up the good spirits!! everything will work out like it should.

  30. wow! I admire your positive outlook!! I'm sure that everything is going to work out. Remember that everything happens for a reason girly!

  31. It's awesome that you're trusting the Lord so much in this. You're seriously SUCH an inspiration!

    Are you going to be bargain shopping for the nursery furniture? Keep us posted :-)

  32. I'm so sorry about you getting laid for your job.

    Like you said, and I always said, Everything Happens For a Reason.

    Can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or not.

  33. Like you said, everything happens for a reason and God's timing is always perfect!

    And I'm loving that cat picture :)

  34. Oh girl, I am so sorry to hear about your job. I will be praying that you find something quickly!! God is in control and as you know, He has a plan!

  35. I'm NOT SORRY to hear about your job. It's a blessing and I hope you enjoy your time off before little man arrives. I look forward to your frequent posting and the update on friday!

  36. Im sorry to hear about getting laid off, I am sure everything will pull together nicely though. Enjoy it while it lasts girl.!!

  37. I am so glad you have such a possitive attitude about this! I know it must be extremely difficult but it looks like you are handling it very well! God always has a plan for our lives you are just one step ahead already having that figured out :)

  38. You have such a positive outlook, and I know everything will work out for you! Love reading your blog.

  39. I am sorry that you lost your job! Now you just have more time to plan for your bundle of joy! Plus now you won't have to worry about when you were going to give your resignation!

  40. I am sorry to hear about this, but it sounds like you have an awesome outlook on everything. Definitely takes the stress out of trying to decide when to resign :)

  41. Sorry to hear about the job but everything happens for a reason. I know that you'll be so thankful a few months down the road so you can stay home with the little one. Can't wait to hear what you are having

  42. Holy comments all over your bloggy! I am happy you are happy ... and not happy you are going to see shexy Jacob tomm and I am not... wah.

  43. That is my favorite bible verse. It always pulls me through a hard time. I also look at it as God won't put you to it if he can't get you through it. You'll be just fine:)

  44. Oh Katie I am so sorry, its never easy to be caught off guard like that though!! I am so with you though that everything happens for a reason.

    Being relaxed and rested before the baby comes is going to be to your benefit anyways. The same thing happened to me and I felt I was able to enjoy the birth of my first angel!

    I hope your first day of housewifedom was fabulous!

  45. hey lady, left you and Baby Fulmer a little something at my blog!

  46. Oh no! I was just thinking to myself "I haven't heard from my favorite Fulmer lately..." HOW DID I MISS THIS POST?! I'm so sorry, honey. Same thing happened to me TWO MONTHS before our wedding. Talk about bad timing. BUT God's timing is always the best. And it always works out. Keep your chin up :)

  47. Sooo I am sorry to hear you lost your job but at the same time I am oh so jealous of you, I am prepping myself to return to work after having my little girl and I am sooo not happy about it. Enjoy your time and know God has a plan. Rest and Relaxation for you and that little baby growing inside you!

  48. Great attitude Katie! I know God has a plan for everything :)

  49. Oh no! But you're RIGHT! Everything does happen for a reason, I'm sure you guys are ok, but can you at least file for unemployment since they laid you off? That would be extra money towards the baby stuff.

    Enjoy the midnight showing!

  50. Anonymous6/29/2010

    love you kate. i hope you love this time you have to yourself... be a bum! sleep in! go to a matinee movie just because!

  51. Oh no, so sorry to hear it. But I know you will rock the change and have some special time with you and the babe. All things happen for a reason. :)

  52. Oh, Katie I'm so sorry to hear this! Boo! Change is a good thing though!! I'm thinking about you little lady!

    PS- Tagged you for an award today :) xoxo

  53. I'm sorry to hear this but you are so right - it all happens for a reason and God would not give you a challenge you cannot overcome. Enjoy having a bit of a break before baby arrives.

  54. I am so so so sorry Katie! But you have a great attitude about it, and everything does happen for a reason!! Enjoy your time at home and the extra time you have to prepare for Baby Fulmer. Hugs!!
