Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday and a Short Story ...

Happy Tuesday loves!  I hope you're all recovering quickly from springing back into work from a holiday weekend.  I can't say that I sympathize with you since I'm no longer employed and on the SAHW team, BUT I can remember how it feels to come back after a holiday since my working career lasted on the better end of close to 7 years and what I remember is, it sucks.  Thankfully the fact that it's a 4 day week usually kicks into gear around Wednesday however, it makes for a long SUCKY week next week when you have to endure the full 5.  All this is to say, I FEEL for you friends!  What did I do today?  Well, I'm house/dog-sitting for my parents so I rolled out of bed at about 8am (after waking up at 6am to let two very anxious to tinkle labradors out to potty) and watched TV fell back asleep until about 10, ate some lunch and then went to get a pedicure and eyebrow wax.  Which brings me to the short story.  The sweet little Vietnamese girl (and I do mean girl, she must've been 17) asked me to pick out my polish for my toes (which, bytheway, I went with the trendy summer yellow that OPI's been putting out.  I was afraid it was going to look like my toes were producing a gross yellow fungus but it actually turned out pretty cute!) and then she came back somewhat annoying me because I had had a total of 50 seconds to look over the color choices and asked me if I was ready and I shot her a highly irritated look told her almost but not yet.  She then says (looking at my belly) "Ohhh, is it a boy or a girl?" to which I respond, "What do you MEAN?  I'm not pregnant?!?"  Oh that poor girl.  I've never seen someone's eyes get so wide or face become so horrified as did that girl's.  Don't worry, I'm not completely horrible, I quickly told her I was kidding and that it was, in fact, a boy BUT for a brief moment I think she was contemplating running for the nearest exit or flinging herself behind the largest customer in the nail salon.  I know.  I should be shot.  And let's not leave out the fact that I was THRILLED that a stranger finally aluded to the fact that I was pregnant.  I'm sure my payback from now on will be people walking up to me, handing me Jenny Craig fliers and telling me that "It can work for me too", but I definately got a little chuckle (at someone else's expense ... maybe I should take a parenting class or 12 before the kiddo gets here ...) today ...

Okay now, on to play Top 2 Tuesday.  I've never played before, but as of late I've been INCREDIBLY boring notsomuch busy and haven't had a whole lot of interesting to blog about.  Enter Top 2 Tuesday!

Today's topic is ...

 Top 2 Purchases Made This Year

Um.  Is it sad that this was not an easy answer for me?  After 1 - becoming pregnant (i.e. start saving for the fact that we have another mouth to feed coming) and 2 - getting laid off the whole "purchasing" idea isn'tsomuch on the forefront of importance right now.  BUT I will have to say that number 1 ...

Any and ALL things maternity would definately be on the fore front.  Pants with panels?  Need I say more ...

{Sexy can I?}

Number 2 (also dealing with maternity but not in an "apparel" sort of way) would be my Boppy Pregnancy Body Pillow.  You know, cause sleeps kinda important when you're GROWING a person inside of it and it tends to be the hardest to come by the larger and more uncomfortable you become ...

{Poor Mister.  He barely fits in the bed now because of my new boyfriend pillow}

So there you have it.  Not too exciting eh?  Well that's what happens when you're 5 months preggers and growing by the minute ...

Have great rest of your days loves!!!  This blogging in the afternoon bidness is weird ... apparently I'm UBER busy in the mornings being a SAHW ... Right.


  1. hahahah I love that story...Ben did that to people all the time when I was pregnant! That boppy pillow was my best friend when I was pregnant!

  2. Can I roll over laughing omg that poor girl! I'd be so traumatized if I ever asked anyone and they weren't prego so I just don't ask lol you never know these days.

    The boppy pillow - have you seen J. Lo's movie? Can't remember the name but she is IN LOVE with her boppy and I totally thought of you.

  3. That poor little nail girl probably about died!!! hahaha......

  4. Ok, I kind of miss my pants with panels :(

  5. oh my goodness...that poor girl. so so funny though!

  6. Boppys are amazing! :)

  7. I want one of those pillows and I'm not even pregnant!

  8. You are wit-tyyyy! I love this, I am dying.

  9. you're having a boyyyy!!! awwwwww yayyyy!!! so exciting! sorry i'm always late to the party.

    that poor little shop girl...good thing you told her you were kidding. she probably thought all chances of getting a tip were shot to hell. hahaha.

  10. hahaha you're awful!! But I love that you did it.

  11. Loved your nail salon story!! :)

  12. Hahaha!! What a great story! That's so something I would do!! :)

    And woo hoo for the Baby BOY!!!! :) :) :)
    (I can't remember if I already congratulated you and baby daddy yet, or not!)

  13. Cruel. Funny, but cruel.

  14. I can only imagine the look on her face... And I get so irritated when I feel rushed picking out a color... Don't they know how important of a decision it is?! Ugh. ;)

  15. Oh my gosh that is too funny! Poor girl :)

    Hope you are enjoing your new title!

  16. Oh my gosh I have totally thought about doing that someday but you actually DID! She was probably horrified but then totally relieves to know you ARE pregnant, haha!

  17. I will have to remember that pillow. I hear lots of women talking about it.

    Great picks!

  18. I have to know if you can have pillow as little spoon and hubby as big spoon??? Does it work? haha

    Hope those headbands are helping you hang in there in the summer heat!
