Monday, July 5, 2010

Sono Pics of our Baby Boy ...

Happy holiday Monday ladies!!!  I must say, any holiday is a good day, but a holiday on a MONDAY is always great.  Monday's suck as a rule when it comes to the work week so, make it a holiday?  AND you're golden.

As promised I wanted to show you some of the latest pics of our little guy.  I think he looks just like his daddy ... when he hides in a dark cloudy cave ...

{money shot.  momma's sorry son.  this will be the only time I feature your "goods" in a blog post ...}

{sweet tiny little legs ...}

{look at that precious face!  can't see it?  tilt your head to the right, his head is the round circle on the right, the two eyes and little nose are on the right and the little line of his mouth on the left.  those 2 dots to the left of his head are his hands.  it's like he's laying down horizontally.  I'm in love.}

{one of the little arms that keeps punching his momma in the belly.  it's right below the word "arm" ...}

{last but not least, the two darling little feet that currently are a fan of dancing a jig on my bladder from the hours of 12am to 5am ...}

And there you have it.  The little boy that currently (and will from now on until forever) has my heart wrapped around his tiny little finger.  I hope you've enjoyed them as much as I do!!!

Enjoy your last day of vacay ladies!  I hope you all have wonderful, FAST 4 day weeks!!!


  1. Aww! So sweet! Congratulations!

  2. Love it!! So exciting :)

  3. It's like he is totally wavin' to blog land! LOL
    Hi baby boy Fulmer....
    Your gonna and already are a great momma! I can't wait to see that little guy through pics....
    Summer :0)

  4. Anonymous7/05/2010

    Love the pictures!! :)

  5. love the pics!! I get those bladder kicks after midnight too!!

  6. Anonymous7/05/2010

    Congratulations on your precious baby boy!

  7. Ahh! Ultrasound pictures are so amazing. They make you feel so much more connected to your little one. :)

    I'm a new follower, by the way!

  8. Too cute! Congrats again girly!

  9. These are fabulous sono pictures! Congrats again!

  10. Yea! Love sono pics! Congrats, he's perfect!

  11. Oh these are great pictures! Thanks for sharinG!

  12. Ultrasound pictures were my favorite part of being pregnant. I have his 20 week pics framed and hanging in our apartment. So precious. Treasure those pictures momma :)

    And CONGRATS again!!!!

  13. Love the pics! I haven't been on here in awhile, so this is the first time that I'm hearing that y'all are expecting. Congrats!!! Baby boys are sooooo much fun!!!

  14. Aww, too cute! Hi Little Mr. Fulmer!

  15. Congratulations! Little baby boy Fulmer :) He's going to spoiled ROTTEN! He.he. Love all of the pictures.

  16. Yay! Thanks for sharing pictures! So ridiculously excited for you! You're gonna be such a good momma!

  17. I can already tell - he's going to be a heartbreaker! How exciting for you, missy!

  18. Precious! I love sonogram pics :)

  19. I can tell he's so handsome already :)

  20. Aw adorable congrats on the boy status!

  21. How cute. And how awesome that it is def. a boy. You called it didnt you? LOL

  22. Too adorable! So excited for you!

  23. I'm so excited for you guys! He looks so adorable!!

  24. He's wonderful! Seriously so excited for you. Yay it's a boy! :) :) :)

  25. oh so cute!!! LOVE these pics, so much fuN! now you get to start thinking of names!!!

  26. So fun, congrats!!
