Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Fur Baby's Sleeping "Patterns" ...

So remember when I told y'all that I was nominated for the "Worst Blogger EVER Award"?  (of course you do, it was yesterday ...)  Well I'm going to go ahead and inform you that I'm going to be renominated and WIN it this week.  I'm going to be MIA the rest of this week due to some things we have coming up, however I'm going to TRY and get a 24 week picture taken (with one of my cute stickers!) along with my bumpdates scheduled to post tonight for tomorrow's post but beyond that I'll probably be out until next Monday.  I know, I know that's a long time!  I don't know what I'll do without getting excited about the daily love I get from you, my wonderful readers, but I'll try to survive!  However I WILL make it up to you on Monday, complete with pictures n' all!  So for today, since I'm already admitted I'm going to suck as a blogger this week this post will be short and sweet.  And I do mean sweet.  Because it features one of the sweetest little guys I know.  This guy ...

{"Mum, why's all doze hoomans upsides dewn on de piktur box?  I promiss I's watchin' de piktur box, I's not sleepi ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"}

{"C?  Muh eyz is OPEN!"}

{"WYDE awa ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"}

Those are some of the many ways my pup flips and flops when he's "awake" (wink) ... now, I'm off to be a good little housewife and clean the house.  All while dancing to the 80's on 8 on the satellite radio on our cable of course!  If "Somebody to Love" or "Under Pressure" by Queen comes on I can NOT promise that the cleaning will not cease and the dancing will not get more involved.  Let's just be truthful here.

Happy Tuesday loves!!!


  1. Oh my goodness he is just too freaking adorable! The life of a pup- so rough! haha! love these pictures!

  2. Who can resist dancing and singing to "Somebody to Love"??!! You go girl!! I LOVE all the pics of your lil fur boy...he is so cute! I'm glad you are feeling better, previous post did NOT sound fun at ALL!! Everything's 100x worse when you're pregnant I think! Happy Cleaning :)

  3. Cute pics. My pup sleeps similar.

  4. Love cleaning to 80's music! It's the best dance/cleaning sesh out there!

  5. Hope you have a great week doing whatever it is you are doing! Can't wait to see an updated bump picture.

  6. Oh my gosh this made me laugh out loud! super cute!

  7. hhaha he is so cute!!!

  8. Awwww.....tired pooch.
    LOVE the 80's on 8!!!
    You better get a 24 week pic...I want to see that cute bump :)

  9. Bauer sleeps with his head hanging off the side of the couch all the time too. And legs straight up in the air. So sweet! :)

  10. hahaha I love how the pup talks haha! He really sprawls all out when its nap/relaxing time!!

    Have a wonderful blogcation!! I hope your MIAness is due to some fun baby type stuff or fun in the sun!

  11. Aww! He is so cute.. I love the little captions you do :) Haha, cracks me up!

  12. Oh my gosh, these pics just cracked me up! Love em!

  13. Oh gosh Koda makes me laugh!!

    I know I am the biggest pain in the world but if you could link me up tomorrow that would fabulous Thanks love!

  14. The sleeping positions must be a lab thing...my lab mix fur baby sleeps on her back, on her side, head on the couch body on the floor, however she wants!

  15. I love this!! Rookie sleeps on his back too and it cracks me up. Love the fur babies!
