Monday, August 2, 2010

I Have Been Nominated ...

... For the worst blogger EVER award!  At least, that is, for my performance last week.  Thank you, thank you (bowing and curtsying) you're too kind.  But really, I was quite the sucky blogger last week however I DO have an excuse.  I was sick.  Now as we all know, being sick sucks in general.  But being sick PREGNANT?  Try having tummy issues with a belly that's already 4 times the size of what you think should be the legal limit.  There is NOT enough room in there for baby, all his play toys (i.e. placenta, umbilical cord and all the other goo that keeps him going) AND some kind of virus.  Which is what the doc thinks I may have gotten.  I'm still convinced that it was dehydration.  Because of my lack of need to ... tinkle tinkle little star.  I know, TMI.  That's as far as I'll go, but seriously, a pregnant woman that doesn't have to winky tink every 10 to 30 minutes?  That's a sure sign something's going on in the urinary department.  I can't believe I just said urinary.  Gross.  No more potty talk.  So, needless to say that brought on fever-like feelings (Chills, waking up in cold sweats, etc.) which I'm not quite sure I ever had because we have (Well HAD, once my sweet mommy realized that I didn't have a working thermometer she brought one over in with a bag of goodies including tons of magazines, "sick tummy" foods and a grape slush from Sonic, mmmm don't you just love moms?  I do, but that's because mine's the BEST) a broken thermometer.  How do I know it's broken?  Because I'm pretty sure my temperature's not 55 degrees.  All the time.  As well as my Mister's.  And Koda's.  AND the fact that it's about 6 years old, and what digital thermometer that's over 2 years old really works anymore anyways?  So, along with the fever-ish feeling came the amazing heartburn which, I don't know if you know but heartburn is best friends with belching.  Thus the heartburn brought it's best friend, belching, which could only be outdone by the drunk guy on the Simpsons (My poor Mister that has to put up with that sexy-ness)  All coupled with achiness.  It was a fun couple of days I tell ya.  BUT I'm HAPPY to report I returned back to normal.  And JUST in time for the weekend.  Saturday me and my MOH went to a baby shower that was DARLING.  It was for a friend that's having a boy about 3 weeks before me.  I swear everyone I know is having a boy.  We're going to have some awesome soccer teams here in about 6 years ... Then, Saturday night we went to a friends house for a BBQ and some good ol' fashioned Wii-playing.  I'm loving getting adjusted to life with kids, both the couples we spent Saturday night with have kids and my old man Mister's personality was satisfied as we left around 9:30pm.  Earlier than we go to bed on weeknights.  Ha!  Yesterday we spent the day clearing out baby boy's room (Which I THINK we're 98% positive on the name, but I have to wait until I get the FOR REAL go ahead from the Mister to announce.  It's coming, I PROMISE!)  We got rid of all the guest room furniture and bedding and I went and ordered my glider.  I can't WAIT to get it all in and start putting it all together.  Next step?  Painting!  I think we're going to go with the lighter blue of the two blues in his bedding.  And that was about it for our weekend.  Just the kind of weekend I needed after being sicky poo most of the week.  And guess what?  I didn't take a single picture.  Shocker.  This is going to HAVE to get better when the munchkin gets here ...

I also wanted to talk about something today that I totally don't get.  I feel like I may feel about it like my husband feels about my obsession with the Bachelorette (Even though he makes excuses to do things in the room that I happen to be watching it in and slyly watches with me, but shhh don't tell him I said that ...)  And that thing is?  Shark Week.  I don't get it.   Why on EARTH would I want to watch a shark, the animal that probably scares me the MOST in the world, attack and kill precious sweet seals?  Sure, they're giant and neat to look at.  And I will tell you, I can't watch shows where they catch them and kill them.  It still makes me cry.  I'm an animal-lover all around.  But that doesn't mean I want to watch them rip baby animals from their mothers, yank pelicans from the top of the water and pretty much MAUL everything they come in contact with.  Let alone add to the creepiness that is my dreams lately.  The last appearance I need in one of my dreams is myself giving birth to a shark baby.  Let's not give the movie "Shark Boy" life in my uterus, okay?  So WHAT is the appeal?  I just don't get it.  They are the REASON I refuse to deep sea dive.  Something my Mister LOVES and I won't do it for fear of coming face to face with one of these underwater monsters and reacting by swimming as fast as I can for the surface thus resulting in popping that thing in my head that pops when you're scuba diving and don't go up slowly.  That would so be the way I'd go to meet Jesus.  "How'd she die?"  "By playing literal sharks and minnows."  I will show y'all the closest I've come to sharks (And it's pretty dang close but I was told these were the "nice" ones.  Sha, right.) and it was only because I was newly-wedded and trying to avoid divorcing my new husband as a result of his convincing me to go on this heinous "excursion".  Excursion my rear, more like a death wish ...

{See that girl on the left trying not to vomit into her snorkel tube?  That's me.  I'm fine with the adorable sting rays, that giant shark behind them?  Notsomuch ...}

{This is the next picture in the sequence.  There's about 5 too many sharks in this picture for me.  Not to mention the crazy native man that was standing in the middle of them throwing out "chum".  All I remember is thinking "eat him, not me, EAT HIM, NOT ME!"}

So there you have it.  For those of y'all that love shark week, you go right ahead.  As for me?  I'll stick to the Bachelorette tonight.


  1. Thanks for clearing up Shark Week for me - I've seen it all over Facebook and just thought "Huh?"

  2. Ok . . . Nate CANNOT WAIT FOR SHARK WEEK! I am impressed that you WERE in the water WITH ALL OF THOSE SHARKS!!! What a good wife. . . sooo, if I was snorkeling and saw sharks I think I would be fine. . . BUT if I fell overboard in the OCEAN, ALL I WOULD BE ABLE TO THINK ABOUT was the video (FROM SHARK WEEK) of the Great White AMBUSHING the seal and diving into the air as the seal was PULVERISED (is that even a word . . should be!!!!!!) Uggg. . . anyways, I'm sure our week will be CONSUMED with Sharks AND don't worry, Nate will record all the episodes so we can re-watch them later!

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better! Those are some crazy, scary photos of sharks too!

  4. LOL Chad and I were saying yesterday that we DONT understand why everyone loves Shark Week we think its silly to watch a week of sharks or a minute of sharks lol. Im glad you're feeling better. Cant wait for Thoughtless THurs next week :)

  5. Glad your feelin better lady!

  6. Oh my fb is overloaded with Shark week enthusiasts and last night the hubs just said what is all the craze with it!! I can't believe how close you were to sharks or sting rays, I went on a sting ray excursion once and cried the second I got off the boat! Fish scare me!

    Sounds like its getting closer and closer to baby shower time for you!! You must be so excited to get your nursery all done, so exciting!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, nothing is worse than being sick while pregnant!

  7. Yeah I don't get the whole Shark Week thing either. I'll be watching the Bachelorette too :)

  8. HAHA your post cracked me up - I'm freaked out by sharks too, but I LOVE shark week :) Because of shark week, I refuse to swim in the ocean haha

  9. Anonymous8/02/2010

    Hope you get to feeling better soon! And can't wait to hear the name. :)

  10. feel better soon!!!! I havnet seen this Shark week stuff but people are obsessed! I will be watching Bacheloretter too!!

  11. Sharks have nothing on The Bachelorette! Seriously, I don't get the obsession with shark week either. I saw it all over Facebook this morning. And it's just like the Miss America pageant, it seems like it is on tv at least every couple of months. No thanks!

    Glad you are feeling better!

  12. I'm right there with you on the shark week! I hope you are feeling better...

  13. Haha I don't understand shark week either! Personally, I think they're scary and some are ugly. I'd rather not see them indulge in a seal dinner. My bf on the other hand, loves shark week.

    I hope you start feeling better soon!

  14. Hope you start to feel better soon girlfriend!

    I'm watching the bachelorette right now :)

    And I hate sharks

  15. I'm sticking to the bachelorette too!
