Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekend of Firsts!

This weekend was full of firsts for our little C-nut (not as in crazy C, more like peanut ... with a C ... the fact that I had to explain it makes it not as cute).  Saturday the Mister had some last minute change of plans and needed to go help a few of our friends move so C had to go with me to a good friend of mine's baby shower.  Sweet Kat is having baby boy Jackson (woo hoo boys!) in May and we're SO excited to have another buddy to play with (and another member of the Baylor FIJI pledge class 2028/2029 - wow, that sounds weird - a ton of the Mister's fraternity brothers and their wives have had little boys around the same time C was born).  He did really REALLY well and flirted (per usual) with all the girls there.  See?  Here's proof ...

{"Momma's best friend is puurrrrttttty."}

{"Now it's time for pictures with mommy.  I'm mad that she's trying to shove that sucky thing in my mouth."}

{"Alright fine, maybe I like the sucky thing but now she's trying to tickle me!  I'm pretty sure she thinks this is funnier than I do."}

{"Alright fine mom, but I'm not too sure about this ..."}

He did SO great, only got a BIT fussy about the time we had to leave.  BUT, it was time for him to eat in his defense.  After the shower we ran home to get ready to go to C's FIRST friend's birfday party.  Our good friends, the Venturas, were having a party for their son Harrison's 2nd birfday.  We made a quick change to our casual "shoes" ...

Had a bottle (and burped a few times) to make sure he was full and happy.

And headed to the party.  C did great there as well, of course his mom was too stressed out about there being several kids there running around, EEEK GERMS completely forgot to take pictures.  We had a really good time, and so did sweet Harrison!  Then, Saturday night we had plans to go out to celebrate the Mister's 30th (late) with some close friends however our babysitting plans fell through.  My mom and stepdad stepped in to take care of him and decided to go ahead and keep him overnight (i.e. first time for him to spend the night away from home, eeek!) so we could stay out a little later and not have to worry about picking him up and waking him up to bring him home.  We met up with our friends at Fox Sports and had a wonderful time ...

... and ended up leaving at like 11:30pm.  We all have kids.  And apparently have the "staying-out-span" of a 60 year old.  Once the Mister and I got home both of us looked at each other and at about the same time said "I MISS OUR BOY!"  I'm not even kidding, I almost jumped in the car at midnight and went to pick him up from my mom's.  Instead we both got in bed and, like little kids waiting for Christmas morning, woke up about 50 times before it was time to go get him the next morning.  My mom gave us the go ahead to sleep in and get him at 9am however I ended up getting there a full hour before that.  MAN I missed that little guy.  This worries me a bit about the weekend coming up where the Mister and I are going out of town Friday - Sunday.  I don't know HOW we're going to handle that!!!

Yesterday we spent the day relaxing.  Please meet my new favorite addition to our home.

C's swing is right next to it, so while he napped, I napped.  It was glorious.  The Mister thinks it's his chair.  What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I hope y'all had wonderful weekends as well and were able to enjoy the GORGEOUS weather!!!


  1. Love his cute little shoes! Glad you got to have a fun night out :) It's funny how when you have kids "nights out" are not 2am anymore!

  2. That chair looks comfy!

  3. He is getting bigger:) He is so adorable!

  4. Anonymous4/05/2011

    Oh my gosh that chair looks so comfortable! And your little guy could not be cuter!

  5. Anonymous4/05/2011

    kate, you look amazing! and i can/will never get over how adorable your son is:) love you... and congrats on all of your firsts, C! big boy!

  6. What a cutie!! Love his shoes!! Yay for nights out!!! My hubby surprised me with valentines weekend getaway when my son was 8 months old. It was so hard. I wish I would have had tried one night before that. But after that it got easier to leave him. Now it's sad because he doesn't even miss us when we are gone :(

  7. Wow....lot sof firsts this weekend!! C-nut (I like it) is the cutest little thing!!
