Friday, October 30, 2009

The Mr. & The Mrs.

My friend Amber (of Rawlings Report, go read her blog, she's one of the strongest girls I know!) posted this little questionaire about her and her hubby on her blog AND since I'm not revealing my costumes until tomorrow (after I have pictures of both) I thought I'd give it a whirl! 

(Yes I know this doesn't look like me, I weighed 19 lbs, it was my wedding day, please don't say that it doesn't look like me or I might cry.)

Okay here goes ...

1.What are your middle names?  Ray and Wells (I know it's hard to tell, his is Ray mine is Wells)

2. How long have you been together?  Started dating my senior "and a half" year at Baylor ... dated 9 months, got engaged, married in 10 months on April 23, 2005 which puts us celebrating our 5th year this coming April.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?  We knew each other for 2 1/2 yrs except he had a girlfriend and I dated some of his friends ... woops.  But we had crushes on each other from the moment we met.  Smile.

4. Who asked who out?  He did ... after he found out I had a crush on him, dumped his current girlfriend, drove to the function I was at with my brother's best friend (this is starting to sound soap-operaesque) stole me from my date, got my phone number from my date to the function after the function (Island for you Baylorites) and asked me out.

5. How old are each of you?  Both 28 getting dangerously close to 29.

6. Did you go to the same school?  Sic 'em.  And yes. 

7. Are you from the same home town?  What exactly is the definition of "home town"?  He's from Flower Mound and I'm from Plano ... they're 20 minutes apart, I consider that the same-ish.

8. Who is the smartest?  Really?  He's a CPA.  I'm pretty sure he thinks in numbers.  You know how the in the Matrix the numbers float all over the place and it make some sort of code?  I'm pretty sure that's what's going on in Matt's head ...

9. Who majored in what?  Him in Business w/ a Masters in Accounting.  Me, in whatever was easiest with the least amount of homework, papers and tests, which turned out to be Communications with a minor in Public Relations.  See why he's smarter?

10. Who is the most sensitive?  Really?  I cry during Pedigree commercials.

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?  Bora Bora.  Oh to be able to do our honeymoon again.

12. Who has the worst temper?  I'd have to say him.  Probably because he's so much smarter ...

13. How many children do you want?  Depends if I end up with a litter of boys/girls after 2 and want to try for the opposite.  Otherwise, 2.

14. Who does the cooking?  If by cooking you mean driving to Subway or defrosting a frozen dinner, that would be me. 

15. Who is more social?  Me.  He's a home body.

16. Who is the neat freak?  I like everything to LOOK tidy and neat and appear clean.  He wants the baseboards and ceiling to pass the dust test and to be able to eat off the toliet seat.  That label would for sure go to him.

17. Who is the most stubborn?  I think we may be equal in that category.  I might have a little bit on him, but it's a toss up.

18. Who wakes up earlier?  Me.  Not by choice. 

19. Where was your first date?  The Texas State Fair.  We starting talking about it when he stole me from my date at Island.  I said I LOVED Fletcher's Corny Dogs and he said "ME TOO, we should totally drive to Dallas and go to the State Fair to have one!" ... he told me after we were married he'd never had a Fletcher's Corny Dog before then.  Stinker.

20. Who has the bigger family?  I have 842 cousins.  On just one side.  He has 2 aunts and uncles and a total of 3 cousins.  No wonder our holidays borderline freak him out.

21. Do you get flowers often?  I wouldn't say often but when I do he does it RIGHT. 

22. How do you spend the holidays?  Like I said, 842 cousins ... Thanksgiving we start at my aunt Kathy's house to spend with my dad's family's side, then we head to his parents house, then we head to my Mamaw's house to spend with my mom's family's side.  And then we go into food comas when we finally get home.  Christmas Eve we spend the night with my Mamaw (and my 842 cousins) then go from there to my Mamo's house (dad's mom) then to his parents house, then to my mom's house, then finally home ... just to change clothes, nap off our food coma and go to my mom's house for Christmas Dinner.  I love it (it's all I've ever known) but I think it's a bit much for Matt ... rightfully so.

23. Who is more jealous?  Ugh.  Me.  But I'm working on that.

24. How long did it take to get serious?  About a day.  We both knew from the start that we were it for each other.  Smile.

25. Who eats more?  That's a toss up.  We can both put down some food.  This comes from being the fat kid growing up.  I could give a football team a run for their money.  It's one of my endearing traits. 

26. What do you do for a living?  Matt is a CPA and works as a Manager at one of the top 5 accounting firms in the nation, I work at a Construction Company doing Contracts, Insurance and Estimating. 

27. Who's better with the computer?  I would say we are about equal.  Somehow, wherever I work, I end up being the computer whiz.  Don't ask me how this happens.  Apparently in another life I worked at Geek Squad. 

28. Who drives when you are together?  He does.  I heart his big truck.

29. What is your song?  "I Melt" by Rascal Flatts.  It was the first song we ever danced to (while I was cooking him dinner in my kitchen at "The Place" at Baylor) and it was our first dance song at our wedding.

1 comment:

  1. Why yes, my soulmate, I did just go back and read your little survey about you and the mister! And I must say that you guys are so freaking adorable! I was seriously cracking up the entire time I was reading this post! :) I {big puffy heart} the Fulmer's!
