That was to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree" if you didn't catch that. I'm going to back up to last Saturday for a bit. We have a little boy that we are sponsoring his angel tree. Matt is his mentor and they gave us the opportunity to do so. Being that Matt has to work pretty much all day on Saturday, my mission was to get the gifts on his tiny list and get out of Walmart alive. Or at least sane. By the time I got to Walmart on Saturday, I had run several other errands, one being to go downtown and get our race day packets for the half, which, if you live in Dallas, you know to go downtown is ... scary. And I worked there for 3 years! It may just be me, but parking, driving and generally going anywhere down there, especially that I'm not familiar with, freaks me out. There are one-way streets everywhere, so ONE wrong turn and BAM, you're facing another car. Eeek!!! So, I usually have a mini panic attack. And I am sure my hubs is rolling his eyes right now reading this. But thankfully he took me for better or for worse and my over-reacting is, unfortunately, one of my worses (I know it's not a word). SO that's all to say that by the time I got to Wally World, I was tired. So I may not have been completely rational at this point. Anyways I start my shopping for what's on the list. After an hour an a half of searching, hunting and encountering some very ... strange ... characters ... I went to look for one of the last items. I have this habit/problem with not taking my basket with me. If I need to go to a different isle, and it's close-ish to where I am currently, I leave my basket in that isle and wander over to where I need to look. I grab what I need and take it back to my basket. After doing this for the um-teenth time I came back to put my latest item in the cart. But it was Of course I was devastated because I'd spent an hour and a half collecting all these items, PLUS it was the day before the race and we NEEDED to go to bed (in my head) at 8 pm and it was now 8:15 (again, over-reaction rears it's ugly head). I automatically think "WHAT kind of person TAKES SOMEONE'S BASKET!?!? It's Christmas people, how terrible can you be!?!?" And don't worry, I am now involving all shoppers in a 15 ft radius of me in my freaking out over the Walmart scandal of the century. So, I grab one of the Wally World workers and ask her, is there any way she can radio around (what?) to see if anyone took a basket-full of stuff and was proceeding to put it away. She looked at me, a little funny mind you, but was sweet enough to say "let's go to the front and see if anyone took it up there" ... so I sigh and say "okay, thank you" and before she starts to lead me that direction, she looks over to a basket, in the middle of the main lane, and says "Is that it?" I look at it and say "No, that's not it, I checked" sighing again and thinking (is she crazy, of COURSE it's not, does she think I'm mad?). So then we start to walk to the front, which is in the direction of the basket in the MIDDLE OF THE MAIN LANE, and I glance at it as we're walking and realize. That it is. In fact. My basket. I looked at the sweet girl that was being so kind and obliging me in my craziness and say "oh my goodness, that IS, in fact, my basket" and then I apologized and told her I had lost my mind. Which was close to the truth. She laughed and told me it was time to go home. And she was right. RIGHT after I went to Target to look for the last few items that I couldn't find at Walmart. Which were probably there, I just couldn't find them because my mind wasn't functioning properly. After leaving Walmart I also vowed that I will always (like I did this year) buy all my gifts online. If I, of all people who loves to shop more than most things in life, hate the mall and/or any place involving purchases at Christmas, it MUST be bad. Don't worry Wally World, any other time of the year I DO love you so. With your strange shoppers and all (this time I think I contributed to the "strange shopper" category) I can find groceries, electronics, a cute top (now that Miley Cyrus has a line, but GRACIOUS it runs small) AND home decor. All in the same store. And that, my friends, was my ode'/rant to Walmart.
I'll leave you with something that has NOTHING to do with Walmart (because I think all posts should have at least ONE picture), my boyfriend (i.e. my Koda bear who keeps me company when I'm a work widow - my poor husband and these crazy hours during the holidays, bleh) laying his sweet face on my lap. Because he wanted some of my Pei Wei. Which I ate while watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on VOD (Verizon customers know what this is - it's like PPV) last night. Only thing that would've made it better was having my mister there.
How can you say no to that sweet face!?!? Heart.Breaker.
Koda looks just like my Jack! Labs are the best!