Monday, January 11, 2010


So, remember how I said (and my tan) to almost every picture on my post last night?  Well, it's because (like I said at the end of that post) it's no longer me (and my tan) anymore.  It's just "do you think that girl maybe used to be tan and now she's just trying to?"  Yes.  Yes I am.  I've been using bronzer like it's about to be discontinued, WHICH like I said below, produces less than desired results (i.e. blonde "Snookie" from Jersey Shore).  And also, that which is the killer of all tans is happening.  I am ...

Yes, it's true.  My skin is actually SHEDDING my tan, so as to get rid of it faster.  Thanks skin.  Jerk.  My only saving grace is (prepare to be grossed out) I. LOVE. PEELING.  I love to peel things.  It's a disgusting habit, yes I know.  But I can't help it.  I was that kid that poured a whole bottle of glue on my hands within 30 minutes, JUST so I could let it dry and peel it off.  I do it with everything.  It's the reason I have to have fake nails on, so I don't PEEL OFF MY CUTICLES.  Last night we had burgers and let me just tell you how much fun I had peeling the dang onion.  I literally had to tell myself "Kate, stop, you eventually have to cut the thing and if it's the size of a golf ball, it's not going to be easy to do or, more importantly, useful for to eat."  So let me bring it back to my skin.  It's peeling.  And I will probably peel it all off before it even has a chance to do so itself.  I'm kinda psychotic (I like this word, can you tell?) about it ... I've gone so far as, to when there is peeling skin on the back of my shoulder, stood in front of the bathroom mirror, turned with my head looking over my shoulder, trying to get to my peeling-ness, eventually starting to see stars because this is not an angle you can hold your head in for long.  Without getting light-headed.  It's kinda ridiculous.  I wish it was as beautiful of a thing as the second picture (seriously can someone come and do that somewhere in my house ... I don't know where, but somewhere, because I love it ...) but alas, it's not.  It's gross.  And I'm very aware that I may have lost half, if not all of my followers, but hey people, we all have flaws and one of mine is that I love to peel things.  Ack.  Even I think it's gross and I'm talking about myself.  Sorry if I just ruined every meal you're going to have this week.  Don't worry, next post I'll talk about butterflies or fun headbands or pearls.  But for today I'm peeling.  And I hope you all still love me.  I guess we'll see ... IF you come back tomorrow.  Don't worry I promise to be more girly and dainty.  And less ... well, gross.


  1. Anonymous1/11/2010

    lol! Im a peeler too..

  2. i totally put glue on my hands just to peel it as a kid, and i LOVE peeling sunburns....only not my own...i don't like the splotches that i try to peel the hubs' sunburns when he gets them...which is sadly rarely/never :(.

  3. I had my laughter controlled to about mid-tone until I read about you having your head turned around and seeing stars and getting light-headed while attempting to peel that 'just out of reach' spot on your shoulder and then I bursted out hyterically! Just a friendly fyi. :) Too funny.
