Thursday, January 14, 2010

She Bangs, She Bangs ...

Oh baby when she moves, she moves ... hopefully you can tell from my little intro that the votes were UNANIMOUS.  Bangs it was and bangs it is!  Well, sort of ... So I went to T&G on my way home from work yesterday.  And told them I wanted to cut bangs.  When you say "cut bangs" does it or does it not imply that you want to be able to actually TELL a difference from having grown out bangs and having ones that are, oh I don't know, say on your forehead?  I would think so, but maybe that's preposterous.  Don't get me wrong the girl was super sweet and did a good job (on the tiny bit she did) but HELLO timid.  This is the problem, I either get someone that is so afraid to be "bang offensive" that they're terrified to cut them (seriously, she grabbed my then long bangs, made a snip to make them a little less long bangs and then said "how's that, short enough?" ... um, no ...) OR I get the snip-happy guy (no, this literally happened, I will post a picture for proof) where he makes me look like a 3 year old child that somehow snuck the scissors away from her mom and then 10 minutes later emerges from her room and says "Look mommy, I cut, I cut!"  See exhibit A for proof of such occurance ...

Now let me explain before you all go saying "That's not that bad, you look cute!"  This is after several practice rounds of "fixing the disaster".  When I left the day of my appointment, the dude, who was their highest level cutter ... that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean ... ROLL BRUSHED those puppies.  They were bouncing like one of those bouncy balls you get for $0.25 at the front of the grocery store after you bounce it too hard and accidentally lose control of it.  Seriously.  People were looking at me like "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry ..."  I swear when I went to pay the lady at the front desk LITERALLY looked at me like "Is she going to pay for that, because I wouldn't fight her if she doesn't".  My "colorist" told me that she actually thought I'd never come back.  But OH, I did.  I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment. 

So, needless to say, I went home yesterday and (much to my fear and nervousness) took a pair of scissors to them myself ... and they STILL don't look like real bangs!  So, I've decided that when I go get my hair colored the next time I'm going to ask for bangs.  Again.  And see if they decide to grant me my wish.  Here are pics of my bangs (or lack there-of) ...

Well hello orange iPhone pictures, so nice of you to be ... well, orange.

I know.  Super anti-climatic.  Hopefully one day I'll have REAL bangs that I can show you all, but for now, it looks like I'm stuck sportin' the banglets ...

Thank you for all your votes!  I do have a confession to make.  I was going to make the chop no matter what the vote was.  But I SO appreciate all your taking time give me your sweet opinions (and comments)!  Oh, and if you didn't see my husband's comment please go look.  Hilarious.  He came home and said "Were you serious?  Did you really pay $100 for conditioner?"  Isn't he special ... my sweet little gullible mister.  I guess my humor isn't apparent enough.  I'm not sure it's possible for me to be any more sarcastic.  But I will sure rise to the challenge.  For his sake of course. 

Happy Thursday loves, it's ALMOST Friday!!!


  1. Ohhh girl, I totally feel your pain! I cannot tell you how many times I've walked into a salon, asked for bangs, and walked out looking exactly the same! But you are too funny! "Banglets"? Best.Word.Ever. I may have to steal it to use in daily life! :)

    And by the way, I still think you look adorable, even with your little "banglets!"

  2. Yay for bangs! I took the plunge about a month ago and I LOVE them but they're growing out waay too fast so gotta get a trim one of these days {my stylist does it free too lol}

    Your "banglets" as you call them, actually looked pretty cute. You should go back and get them shorter & hopefully they'll do it right this time!

  3. Ok, friends are honest right, tuck those suckers back until they grow a little. Was he scissor happy?!?!

  4. i'm not brave enough to cut my own. probably for the best because im pretty sure i'd look like i got in a fight with a weed whacker.

  5. I really dislike getting my hair cut because no one ever wants to cut my bangs the way I want. I have only had them cut to my standards once, by my aunt who I would go to every month, but lives in Kansas. I finally gave up and am letting them grow out until I get back up there to have my aunt cut them again.

    (PS: I found your blog through Christa this morning. I'm currently living in TX, too!
