Friday, March 5, 2010

Giveaway Teaser ...

That's right friends.  I wanted to give you a little sneak peak of my giveaway that I will announce in more detail on Monday.  The fantastic site that is hosting this LOVERLY giveaway has all KINDS of fun stuff, from kids bedding to fun handbags and totes to home decor!

But, it's no secret how crazy I am about our child (and by child, I mean our furry one) and how CRAZY I am in general about animals.  And I know a bunch of my blog friends are as nutso about thier fur babies as well.  SO, the winner will recieve none other than this little beauty ...

No, not the big sleepy love of a Lab, the bed he's SNOOZIN' on! 

And this is how it works ... SO smart and SO green!  And it works for BOTH boy & girl dogs!  Can you tell I'm excited from all the exclamation points!?!?

From none other than  Seriously, I'm pretty sure I could spend a whole paycheck on here.  Yes, I love my pup that much.  Check back Monday to see how you can enter!  I'm SO excited (and kinda jeal) for one of you lucky ladies (or gent, but sugar you can't enter - I THINK that IS a conflict of interest ...)!!! 

Happy weekend loves!!!


  1. I have been eying one of those molly mutt beds forever!!!! I want it!!

  2. Ooooh what a great giveaway! I have a Basset Hound (well actually my Mi-Mi has him now) he doesn't like my kitties LOL.... and he would heart that bed!

    Sooo cute....
    Have a Happy Friday
    Summer :0)

  3. Oh I am sooo excited (:

  4. I love love love it. Go ahead and rig this giveaway in my favor, mkay?

  5. ok. . . seriously thought you were giving away the lab at first. . . :-) Can't wait until Monday!

  6. SOOOO cute. My THREE fur babies would love this.

    I'm soooo gonna enter :)

  7. Umm...I can't wait to enter!! Dixie would LOVE this bed for her birthday!!! :) Thanks for hosting!

  8. I can't wait for your giveaway on Monday! I'm super crazy in love with my fuzzy babies too!

  9. Me gustavo mucho...

  10. That pup is a happy one!

    sandy toe

  11. Oh I cannot wait to enter this! Can I guess that I am one of your blogging buddies that is obsessed with her pup?!?

  12. way freakin' cute!!! The puppers and the it!

  13. Oh I can't wait for the giveaway details! I love the picture of the pup! So cute!


  14. OOH MAVERICK NEEDS ONE! :) i am THE SAME way about my child :) she's my princess and i let her sleep on the bed with us, much to fiance's dismay :)

    WHAT A GREAT GIVEAWAY IDEA!!!! i'll be back monday ;) and you beautiful katie have a GREAT weekend! i'm sooo excited to be boarding a plane tomorrow heading back to our state... the state i love: TEXAS!

  15. Anonymous3/05/2010

    super cute stuff!!

  16. Ooh! Can't wait for this, my bff is in need of a new bed! :)

  17. such an awesome giveaway! you know why? because it's for all the dog lovers and let's face lovers kick ass! :)

    happy sunday!

  18. ...I absolutely am in love with this bed!
    We just got a new puppy on Thursday, an English bulldog..he would just love this bed just as much!

    pick me! pick me! :O)
