Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Temptation Tuesday!

I know, I know TWO posts in one day, what the WHAT is going on!?!?  But I forgot (bad BAD Soulmatey!)  That my Soulmatey was having a weekly illiteration day like so many of us bloggers have, called “Temptation Tuesday” and I did NOT play along! Instead I rambled on about the Dollar General (which I have not paid a visit to yet today and I’m starting to twitch) and it’s H1N1 carrying co-workers and FORGOT about my Soulmatey’s (PS - don’t try and figure out what this means, IN.SIDE. jokester) fun day! SO here’s a few things I’ve been lusting after …

I know, I know you're thinking "Katie!  DON'T you have ANY fashion-sense?" 

And truthfully, that's up for debate, but I DO know what I like.

  However, with all the new blogs I've been reading, and pictures I've seen of so many new fur-babies, I want a new one for Koda.  He needs (notice how I said NEEDS) a friend.  How 'bout it sugar?  Wanna have a baby (puppy) with me?  I can hear the groaning and picture the eye-rolling now.  So that's my Temptation Tuesday.  Would anyone like to do a giveaway with one of these little fellas as the prize?  I'd PAY you to fix it in my favor ... ;) 

Happy Temptation Tuesday loves!  Head on over to my Soulmatey's blog to play along!


  1. oh my gawd!! that second picture could be the sweetest picture ever, burying his sweet little nose!!! :)i love it!!!

    well, i'm sure you already know what i think about this post! do it!!! that sweet little boy, koda, needs a little friend at home!!! :)

  2. oooooooooh they are so cute! I want a new puppy so badly. They are so sweet.

  3. Puppies are sooo adorable!

  4. I was looking at Dixie's puppy pictures today (check out my blog tomorrow - they will be posted!) and I was just thinking about how much I would love to have a puppy around the house. But we already have TWO dogs - so hubby put the kabash on that a long time ago.

  5. I am currently playing the same little game, and have taken to dogsitting for my guy's best friend to prove how much we NEED one in our lives! And a yellow lab just so happens to be at the top of my list, when the time comes. :)

  6. Anonymous3/09/2010

    omg!! So precious!!!!! Hope your having a great week!

  7. You mean girl. Why do you temp me with that??

  8. Oh my gosh! Those are the sweetest pictures...It made me sad because I'm puppyless this week:(


  9. suhh-woooooon!!! yes yes YES! i say get your fur baby a little fur baby brother or sister. do it...do it...do it!!!


    you know me, all about the fur babies.

  10. Oh no you di-int! I have been really, really wanting a lab or a golden. This is not helping! I'll blame you when justifying my desire to my husband! ha.

  11. I have a puppy or two you can borrow! heehee
