Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thrifty, Thrifty, Oh So Nifty!

I know I've confessed my dirty little secret which I feel like makes me a LITTLE bit trailor trash love of Dollar General to you all lately.  But seriously.  I have a problem.  An "addiction" if you will.  I literally go in this crazy store (that smells like Formaldehyde and plastic bythaway) like, oh I don't know, 3 maybe 4 times a week?  And keep in mind, this place is by my work.  There are only 5 days in a work week mind you.  And one of those days I have a standing lunch "date".  So 80 - 90% of my work week lunch hours, I spend in the funeral-smelling general store on the corner.  Never-you-mind the fact that one of the guys who works there proceeds to HACK HIS LUNGS, possibly kidney and MAYBE even small intestines, up the entirety of the time I am in the store.  So much so that I am tempted to go all "post H1N1" on his arse and wear a mask every time I approach the store.  And maybe even plastic gloves.  You think he'd notice?  Oh and he's missing the whole top row a few teefies.  Not that I hold that against him, I'm just trying to paint a picture here ... N-E-WAYZ (seriously I can't stop with this throw-back to the 8th grade) Never-you-mind all the afore mentioned ... um ... characterstics of Dollar General.  I don't know whether it's the deals I get on my daily meal of soup, Diet Dr. Pepper, Splenda (no I don't eat it by itself, but I do eat enough of it for them to conduct tests on me like they would lab rats to see if there are any long-term effects to massive quantities consumed ...) and frozen dinners, or if it's the fact that it's the closest place for me to "shop" in a 5 mile radius of my work and I, as with many other things, have a ... shopping ... ahem ... problem (even if I don't buy a THING, a girl likes to look, it's therapeutic, DON'T JUDGE ME, mmmk?) but I'm pretty sure it's because I can get beauties like this ...

For $2 a pop.  YES, $2!!!  I saw similar beauties at Forever 21 (the cheapest clothing store I know, next to Walmart) for $8 a pop.  Dollar General has you OWNED Forever 21!!!  Now I realize the one on the far right is a tad bit ... large.  But I'm of the mindset (with jewelry, purses, and apparently, headbands) the bigger/chunkier the better.  And I think it could be pulled off with the right outfit.  But hey, it was $2, if it doesn't work, IT WAS $2!

ALSO, when I was at Walmart (another store with which ... I have a problem, I can spend 2 hours in there, end up with a sweatshirt and some bodywash and be completely satisfied, due to the fact that I went in thinking I would find some STEAL of a deal, plus don't get me STARTED on the people watching, FREE ENTERTAINMENT!) the other day, I picked up THESE little beauties, and by little I mean baby-sized ...

For my MOH's little MUFFIN P!  (Oh yeah, by the way MOH, these are for P!)  Aren't they CUTE!??!  $2.50 a pack!  Man I love big flowered-y headbands on baby girls.  And apparently on big girls (ahem, see previous picture) too ...

I just love a good deal.

So APPARENTLY it's giveaway week.  I swear there are 652 (not really, because I'm not that cool and haven't met that many people in my lifetime) blogs I follow that posted giveaways yesterday.  I mean, how rude ladies, on the DAY I posted mine.  We really should call each other and coordinate things like this.  Completely kidding of course.  There are some really and I mean REALLY good giveaways going on this week and I'm thinking I'm going to have to do a "all-inclusive" giveaway post ... maybe later today or tomorrow.  So stay tuned, because you're going to want to check out what these ladies have to offer!  That just sounds inappropriate ...

ALSO (I know there's a lot to this post, I will pause a moment to allow bathroom breaks and sustinance stockage ... crickets chirping ... chirping a bit more ...)

Alright, back to it, so ALSO I got this award from CUTE Kelly Marie over at Confessions of a Law School Drop Out, THANKS Kelly Marie! 

So that's about it ladies, I leave you this Tuesday with a visual of my favorite HUGE little furball last night.

{Are you supposed to be snoozin' on the bed while mommy's doing her Bible study and daddy's in the other room workin'?  No?  Do I look like I'm gonna make you move?  No?  Sounds like we're all on the same page here.}

Happy LONGEST POST EVER (really, not ever, I'm pretty sure y'all are used to this by now, it's a wonder you're still here!) Tuesday loves!


  1. Those are precious! I think I may need to start shopping there! I love the picture of the pup! Have a great Tuesday!


  2. I'm seriously starting to think we could be BFF if we lived near one another. We have a Family Dollar right by our house and I love to pop in and just see what great buys I can find. I'm not going to lie - there are a few decorative peices throughout my house from this store and NO ONE can tell. Everytime I tell a girlfriend "That's from FD" she almost freaks out. :) And don't get me started on Wal-Mart. I'm from Alabama, it's in my blood. They are building a new one about 5 minutes from my house - one of the super nice ones with the fake shops as the storefront. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  3. You are so funny!
    Great buys. :)

  4. Girl you've got a probbblem! But I can't say I'm any different. 4 out of 7 days a week I can be seen shopping around Stop & Shop. I LOVE that store. Love love love love it! Like you said, even if we don't buy anything.. a girl's gotta look!

    There ARE a lot of giveaways going on! I was going to have one for breaking the big 1-0-0, but two others that I follow are doing that, and you're doing yours, so, I'll be courteous and wait... Either that or, I'm SERIOUSLY lacking things to give away.. hehee.

  5. O.K. girly we would soooo be BFF's if you lived closer! I used to live in Houston Texas after Highschool with my mom and Stepdad!
    You are killing me with the N E Wayz....too funny! Our dollar store smells like that too yet they do have the cutest headbands and some of the little girl bows are just presh too! I laughed right out loud about the hacking toothless H1n1 spreader that worked at dollar genral what a visual miss katie....funny stuff

    You are sooo right about the giveaways....it must be giveaway week....I started on Saturday and I seen like 20 others....I really love your giveaway pick me....LOL

    This may or may not be my longest comment ever! I heart you my dear....

    Oh I think our dollar store may have you beat....hince I live in WV and um some of the customers look and smell like the guy you mentioned....just sayin.... LOL

    Summer :0)

  6. Apparently, like a lot of other things, the Dollar Generals are better in Texas. Love the cuteness! But not as much as I love you!

    P.S. I'm a huge fan of headbands and big bows on babies. Especially the holiday themed ones that come out around Christmas time! ;)

  7. I. love. your. blog. That's all (:

  8. awww. your dog is the cutest!

    and great finds missy!

    xo monica

  9. Anonymous3/09/2010

    I just love those head bands with flowers.....I think they are so cute and classy! I have to get me some! I love going to the family dollar to see what good buys and cute things i can get for cheap........another place is freds.....I know right?!? But seriously every once in a while they will have the cutes stuff for your home...and it so does not look like its from freds what so ever! your dog looks like my dog.....My dog lilly has to stay with my mom b/c my daughter mallory is allergic to dogs:(........The dr says she will prolly grow out of it like i did. I sure hope so bc they both love dogs and so do Bradley and I.Ok..sorry for the long post!! Have a great day girl!

  10. I love the Dollar General too! Sometimes a find cute PJ's there for the boys. Love the headbands. Hey the bigger the better, you are from Texas!!! What a big cutie pie catching some ZZZZ's!

  11. HAHAHA I love going into nasty smelling dirty dollar stores... and I stay in there for-ev-er...and come out needing a shower and Emergen-C. At one of my favorite dollar stores in ATL I watched an employee just randomly sit down in the middle of an aisle, grab a bag of doritos (generic of course) off the rack, and start chomping away. I contemplated joining here but was scared I'd have to pay for the chips.

  12. oh gosh...I sneak into Dollar General about once a week too. i LOVE me a good deal :) You just never know what you are gonna find!
