Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday!


That's right friends.  It's back.  Every Thursday.  I'm gonna beat it like a dead horse (Let's talk about this phrase, who came up with this anyways?  It's just horrible, beat a dead horse, what kind of person DOES that?  It's DEAD.  STOP. BEATING IT.  Sorry.  Sidenote.)  Thoughtless Thursday.  Here's the deal.  Pick a picture (or a bunch) of WHATEVER you want.  No explanation needed (but is more than welcome).  You want to post a picture of your cat, in a dress, on Halloween?  Go for it.  Your great aunt Mildred break dancing to Micheal Jackson?  Do it.  Your solo performance as ALL the Village People ... all at once?  Be my guest.  And like I said.  No. explanation. needed.  However I will, as usual, give MORE than ample explanation.  Because I'm long-winded like that. 

SOOOO without further adieu, my Thoughtless Thursday picture post-a-thon is of none other THAN ... my wedding pictures!!!  First off, I just got them back YESTERDAY (I realize that is a long time, by JUST got them back, I mean got all the CD's, negatives, and rights to put them on my facebook, blog, etc. and to print as many as I want.  My photographer does this for her brides after 4 years of marriage, maybe it's a test to see if they last that long?  Just a thought ... ) And 2nd I got a lot of "POST MORE WEDDING PICTURES" comments (and by a lot, I mean 2) after today's post, SOOO what PERFECT timing to "unveil" them all ... well not ALL, there are like 500 +, I'm not sure blogger allows that much picture postage.  So here you go ...

{Disclaimer: I weighed 90 lbs dripping wet, not really but almost, when I got married, PLEASE do not comment "That doesn't even LOOK like you, you're so pretty!" or I WILL hunt you down and beat you.  Or cry.  Whichever comes first.  I'm sewius.}

{Favors:  Teal jelly beans in little tin containers w/ our monogram on the top ...}

{Programs that we spent ALL night putting together ... and by we, I mean my bridesmaids that were handcuffed together and to the table with a glass of wine as a reward ...}

{Sweet baby girl watchin' her big sis.  She was only 5!  My little flower girl.  Can you GUESS what her brother was?}

{Little muffin ring bearer with the big boys gettin' ready ... that's right, I had a standing flower girl and ring bearer at my disposal.  I'm pretty sure that's the reason my mom had twins, boy/girl, when I was 18 ...}


{My whole big family (minus my new mister):  Richie, Andrew & Ally, mom, me, dad, Clay & Will}

{This is our "try not to cry" face ... Anyone who says I don't look like my dad, clearly hasn't seen our profiles ...}

{My mister's brother, my mister & my darling in-laws}

{Yes, their dresses (and most everything else) were teal.  Yes, I know JLO calls it the color of gangrene in the Wedding Planner.  No, I don't care, it has been, and always will be, my favorite color.}

{Wedding Party gettin' a little nuts ...}

{Eskimo'ing.  In public.}

{"I MELT"}

{My sweet Papa.  He passed away 3 years later, to the day.  I am so thankful for this picture.}

{Sweetest. Picture. Ever.  Precious MIL & FIL dancing to Unchained Melody}

PHEW.  That was a lot of pictures!  I'm hoping blogger doesn't EXPLODE (or your heads from insane picture overload) when I hit "post"!  There you have it.  There's a glimpse into the best day of my life.  Hope you enjoyed it!!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to enter my giveaway!  You can do so here.  It will close tonight at midnight.  GOOD LUCK loverlies!!!  I will announce the winner TOOOOOMORRROW, TOMMORRROWWW, I LOVE YA, TOMORRRROOOWW BECAUSE YOU ARE FRI-I-DAY, TOOOO ... what's that?  That's not how it goes?  Well it should be, on Thursdays that is.  I bet if Little Orphan Annie were 28, Daddy Warbucks-less and a working woman, she would've sang it like that.  Dontcha think?  I for sure do.

NOTE:  My button was being ... difficult for use of a nicer word, go grab the code now - it'll look like the cute one at the top of my post now as opposed to the smooshed up one it was posting before.  SPANKS GIRLS!!!


  1. Ooooooo honey....I love it! You were seriously like the most gorgeous bride EVER! :) You and the mister sure do make one hot couple...and I know that one day you guys will have some genetically superior children! :)

  2. Your wedding is Fab! Love it! A fairytale come true! I love the party favors and I like Teal too! I think it looks really pretty! Ya can't believe everything JLO says LOL....

    Your stunning....still ya don't have to smack me....LOL....

    I MCSteamy'd up for you! Sorry I use MCSteamy because after his shower scene in Grey's Anatomy um yeah....that's all I need to say LOL....

    Come check out the pics I used today....I hope you likey....
    Oh your hair looks gorg BTW!

    Summer :0)

  3. Oh my gosh, I love these pictures!! And, I don't care what you said, you looked SOO pretty (but you ARE pretty so it's not like a past tense thing.. so there! No longer necessary for you to come beat me up :p)!

    And I loved that Soon-to-be Mrs. Fulmer shirt -- too cute!

    Awesome post, thanks so much for sharing!! :)

  4. beautiful pictures! thanks for sharing!

  5. LOVE the pics. What a beautiful wedding and of course, bride!!!!!! So much fun!

  6. beautiful beautiful pictures! you were beautiful and still are!!!

  7. Soooo pretty! (I think you're even prettier now though!) :)

  8. Okay you're pictures are gorgeous! I think you look the same & are gorgeous!! LOVE them. My colors were brown, teal and pink so I feel ya with the teal - I LOVE it. Thanks for sharing them (:

  9. Your blog is so cute! I love the pictures. They are beautiful. Looks like the day was perfect!

  10. AHHH You are so freakin beautiful!! Your pictures are gorgeous - they have this old timey feel that I L-O-V-E!

  11. looooove your dress!! you two are just a lovely little couple! :)

  12. Beautiful Wedding Pictures

  13. Awesome pictures...we seriously had the EXACT same favors...Jelly Belly's in those little tin containers! Great minds think alike :) were such a beautiful bride!

  14. Beautiful wedding pictures! Love your dress, gorgeous! :)

  15. love, Love, LOVE!

  16. I just love weddings! Yours was beautiful! Great pics!

  17. beautiful beautiful photos. Love them!

  18. Beautiful Pictures! Love your dress, your hair, such a perfect day!

  19. I loved looking at those, you were such a beautiful bride!!! And like JLo know shit about wedding colors...puhlease!!!!

  20. AHHHH.....i LOVE all these photos!!! :)
    you were one beautiful bride!
    LOVE your dress!!
    your twin brother and sister are adorable!
    how perfect they both were in your wedding party!
    i love your color, teal is so pretty!!
    so many wonderful photos!
    i love that you have a pic with your paw, photos last forever.
    thanks for sharing all these!

  21. ok, wows!! I dont even know what to say.. Just beautiful!! ~every lasty pic is so beautiful. Looks like the perfect start to a precious life together... xoxo LA

  22. you spoil me so with these pics! i love them ALL!!! and whatev, like i said, you are gorgeous!! then and NOW!!!!

    remember that :)

  23. I am so glad you posted these -- AMAAAAZING!!!! What a gorgeous couple ya'll are, and so spunky!!
