Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

Guess who's back?  Back again?  Shady's back, tell a friend.  Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back ...

Alright.  You get the picture.  Kelsey's Wishful Wednesday is back and this week the topic is ...

'I WISH' I could win the lottery REAL soon, and I would hope to continue working but we all know that's not going to happen ...

That's right.  I would like to say I'd be honorable and respectable and continue working, but this would SIGNIFICANTLY get in the way of my lunching, shopping and of course, traveling!  SO, there's my shameful answer.  I would be a career woman no longer.  Even though I LOVE my job and the people I work with, if I had an excuse to do WHATEVER I want WHENEVER I want.  I'd do it.  And of course, I would expect my mister to do the same so we could do said traveling together and not have HIS stinky old job get in the way.  Kidding, by the way, his job is not old nor stinky. 

In other news, I'm (again) the WORST SEESTER EVER and forgot to wish my baby (not so baby anymore) bro-ster a VERY Happy Birthday YESTERDAY!  Claytonius turned 26 yesterday and luckily me and the mister got to go by and wish him happy birthday in person!  I love you Bulldozer (and your precious wife too, my Schilly)

{Isn't he too cute?  This was at his rehearsal dinner, all wearin' a cute pink tie for his soon to be Mrs.  She loves her some pink.  PS - long hair, if you could come back that'd be swell.  Thanks.}

That's about it from this Fulmer in the Fulmer Lane.  I'm actually sick today, notsomuch feelin' too hot, and methinks it's about time for another nap.  Hopefully I'll shake this sore throat, tickly cough, awesome manly voice thing I've got goin' on and be good n' well for work tomorrow.  So for now, night night blog world. 


  1. Wouldn't that be so nice to win the lottery!? Happy Birthday to your brother too!

  2. Okay 1. What a cute picture 2. Happy Belated Birthday to your brother 3. Feel better soon!!!

  3. I {big PUFFY heart} You! So sorry you are under the weather today...and even more sorry I don't live in Texas...otherwise I'd come over and bring you a giant bowl of chicken noodle soup!

    Happy Birthday Clay! :)

    And umm...bytheway...not gonna lie...I'm a little ticked. I fully expected to see "I'd go to Nashville and visit my Soulmatey" under things you would do if you won the lottery. It's okay. I'll forgive you for forgetting that one. But just because you are on the cold meds. :)

  4. Oh your blog is super cute. I'm a new follower found you through Kelseys link.

  5. What an adorable picture of you and bro!
    Hope you're feeling better :)

  6. I couldn't agree more with you! Hope you are feeling better and that you have a great Wed!

  7. Feel better soon! Hopefully you will be back to your usual self tomorrow. Don't feel bad about admitting you wouldn't work anymore - if I didn't think I would go completely stir crazy I would stay at home too. Maybe I could find a job working like 2 days a week??

  8. Oh and I also left you a little something at my blog to help you feel better. ;)

  9. Hi Katie, I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad I did! Super cute stuff!

    I hope you feel better!

  10. Love your long hair! It's so pretty! I love having long hair in pictures but in reality it's not always so easy!

  11. First off, YOUR HAIR IS SO THINK AND GORGEOUS in that pic, and I want mine to look like yours STAT!!! Secondly, lets win together so we can play and take adventures! Ready, go! Problem though, I don't think I have ever actually purchased a lotto ticket.
