Friday, April 30, 2010

Telling Our Families ...

Before I tell you how we told our parents, I'm going to start this Friday with a little Favorite Fridays.

Favorite Fridays

And THIS week's favorite Friday topic IS ...

Favorite TV Competition Show:

Me and the TV have been good, well maybe even best, friends lately as I go home and don't move until I can pry my tired naseous ever-growing pregnant rear from the couch and take it upstairs to bed I have not been feeling so hot these first few weeks of pregnancy.  This year (although I'm KINDA embarassed to admit the first one) it's been the following two shows ...

Yes, the one show I ALWAYS vowed I'd never watch.  I have no idea why I was so against it, I guess I just couldn't see the appeal of watching people rumba, tango and cha-cha week after week, until I saw the stars line-up this year.  And then I had to watch.  One thing this show did do was confirm my suspicion that Jake the Bachelor was in fact, a HUGEMONGOUS douche (am I allowed to say douche now that I'm going to be a mom?  cause I just did ...) and also that I hate Kate-not-great even MORE than I did when she just annoyed me from the being in Us Weekly, well, weekly.  I'm going to go ahead and throw out that I LOVE Niecey and am pulling for her and her tiny little partner who I'm not sure HOW he doesn't come off his feet and TIP over when he picks her up.  Like she says, she's a thick girl (one of the reasons I love her) and he's a TEEN-NINE-SY little man!!!  And seriously, someone kick Nicole Zesheneywanasamazinger OFF.  It's so not fair.  Her JOB is to sexy dance, and to do it WELL.  Of COURSE she keeps winning everything.  Duh.  Anyways, moving right along, next ...

Yes, I know Paula's no longer there.  I'm just being nostalgic.  Because I CAN'T.STAND.KARA.  Like I literally fast forward (thank you DVR) through her comments because it will inevitably be "Waaaaa, I just didn't feel like you CONNECTED with the song, waaaa, I mean I know we asked you to sing an Elvis song and you're an 18 year old girl, but I just didn't feel like you CONNECTED with it, waaaaaa."  UGH.  BRING BACK PAULA IN ALL HER DRUNKEN STUPOR.  At least she was FUN most of the time and didn't think her you-know-what don't stink.  Kara, you are your biggest fan, no one thinks you're as cool as you think you are.  And seriously, if Simon leaves next season, I MAY be done with this show.  I have loved it for seasons, and it PAINS me to say that, but it just.may.happen.

And that's my Favorite Friday folks.  Click the button above to take you to Jen's little blogster and play along!!!

Alright SO, here we go.  How we told our parents/families.  After I told the Mister the best news EVER I, naturally, couldn't WAIT to tell my bestest friend in the whole world (my momma) who I KNEW would be so thrilled.  And of course the rest of our family, but I talk to my mom on a (bi sometimes tri) daily basis and it was KILLING me to have to skip over this little bit of GIANT news!  Well, unfortunately she'd been out of town with my step-dad and the twins and had just gotten back into town and now had HER in-laws staying with her.  My mom has the busiest schedule of anyone I know.  That's what happens when you have 10 year olds, of the opposite sex that play every sport under the sun and each have places to be Monday through Sunday.  So, in preparation, the day after I told the Mister I went and bought the following shirt ...

And our plan was to show up at my mom's house wearing the shirt and tell everyone (mom, Rich, twins, etc.) at once.  Well I couldn't get my mom to stay still for more than 5 minutes, so finally I decided I was going to go to her.  I told her that I was meeting her at my Mama's house where she was watching American Idol (apparently this is a family addiction) while waiting for my sister to finish soccer practice.  I didn't, however, tell her that I was bringing the Mister with me.  So we showed up and she answered the door and was surprised to see us both but I just said he'd gotten off work early and wanted to hang out with us.  So, as I walk into the house I open my sweatshirt, in a non-flasher way, and say "Mom, I wanted to show you my new shirt" and of COURSE she can't find her glasses so I stand there with my sweatshirt open for what FELT like an eternity until she finally found them and got it.  And then, as her face scrunched up about to cry, she said "NO!  REALLY?  NO!  AHHHH" and then she lost it.  I'm not sure the rest was actual english.  Just a lot of crying.  And then we went in and did the same to my Mama who was just as cute and sobby (not a word I don't think?).  We didn't think we had time, but afterwords the Mister and I decided this was so much fun that we were going to tell EVERYONE that night.  So we spent the rest of the night driving to my dad's house, my brother and Silly's and lastly, my MIL and FIL's house flashing them all in a similar fashion.  By the time we got to the Mister's parent's house it was 10:30 pm and they were both half asleep.  I think we took them a BIT by surprise.  It was a REALLY fun night, one I will never forget.

Happy weekend loves!!!  See you in a couple of days!!!


  1. I love DWTS and American Idol. I agree with you, I can't stand Kara either.

    What a sweet way to tell everyone your pregnant...I love it!

  2. Umm...F to the Y to the I - I had to boycott DWTS after Chuck and Julianne got booted last season. :)

    Anywho. You've definitely got the cutest family ever...and that was the cutest way to tell them! :)

  3. Love it! Where did you get the shirt? It's very cute.

  4. Such a cute way to tell your family! Did you have the video camera with you? I'm sure thier reactions were PRICELESS!!! Take it easy and fall more in love with the DVR this HOT HOT summer! :)

  5. I am madly obsessed with DWTS as well. (and my dad is rooting for Niecey too, cute.) I'm rooting for Erin Andrews because her and Maks are HOTT together! (sorry, I have to!)

    IDOL. I completely 100% agree with you. I have a semi-crush on Simon Cowell and Kara Ellen is "tha bomb" though -randy jackson language

    So incredibly cute how you guys told your parents! Love love love it :) Hope you are feeling well and have a fabulous weekend.

  6. Thats so fun! I love the shirt too cute! I watch dancing but only the past 2 seasons...Never was into Idol...

  7. I love DWTS! Nicole should definitely NOT be on it! My fave is Erin and Maks :)

    Such a great way to tell your families! I bet they are all super excited :)

  8. Loved that you flashed them all. I saw that same shirt at Motherhood! So cute. By the way -- is Mama what you call your grandmother?

  9. Love Idol & DWTS! I'm rooting for Casey & Lee on Idol and Erin on DWTS..don't like Nicole at all!

    Love your story about telling your family your news! So sweet! Love it!

  10. Oh sweetie what a fun way to tell your families, what an adorable shirt, so you!! :) Your mother sounds like a doll, just like you. Hope you have a relaxing weekend and you are feeling well...You are going to be the cutest little pregnant mama ever!! xoxoxo

  11. What a sweet way to tell your families! Such a creative idea!

  12. hahahaha I def LOL'd about your mom having to go get her glasses, because I picture my mom doing the same!! It really is so fun to tell everyone and it sounds like it was something awesome to share with your Mister!

    PS-Kara DioMANiLOVEmyself is the most annoying thing on the face of this earth!! In complete agreement with you!

  13. This is such a cute idea! I've seen one where her family and her were taking a photo, her husband was taking a photo / aka video of it all and said 1, 2, 3 everyone say "We're Pregnant!" they all say We're Pregnant and start screaming then crying, it was such a great idea I think I plan on using it whenever my day comes along.. Love how you went around flashing everyone! So happy for you two!

  14. Weird...when I flash my family, I don't get the same response. Neither does my Uncle Charlie.

  15. Awwww I love the story of you telling your Momma! So cute!

  16. love the way you told your Mama! So cute!

  17. Definitely just cried a little while reading how you told your families. What a creative and sweeeeet sweet way to tell them a baby was on the way!

  18. So those are two shows that everyone is into to and I just dont watch. My addiction is Project Runway and Americas next top model. Also any food show:)

    Thats such a cute way to tell everyone! Glad you had so much fun:) Awww

  19. It so fun to tell people isn't it?! love the shirt!

  20. I love that you flashed everyone to tell them that you are pregnant bahahah! So fun!

    I totally agree about AI...I dislike Kara, a lot and if Simon leaves, I'm over it.

  21. HAHA!!! omg, I LOVE the fact that you're plans didn't go perfect either! We went to my in laws to tell them, and naturally, the ONE time my mother in law is outside pooper-scoopering dog poop outside for seriously an HOUR is when we had come to tell them, haha. Anyway, that's such a cute idea to wear the shirt and all! It's so much fun to tell people!

  22. oh yea, and I'm pretty sure it's acceptable to say douche because I yelled it at a guy who cut me off at an intersection this morning, haha.

  23. Dancing With the Stars is awesome... and so is the way you told your family! SO cute! :)

  24. Awww, what a cute way to tell you family!! Love the shirt. :) Oh, and DWTS is one of my favorite reality shows, too...right behind The Bachelor. ;)

  25. Anonymous4/30/2010

    so fun! very cute story!!
    I found out a few days before my birthday and thought it would be fun to tell my parents as they called me!

  26. First off; LOVE Idol (was my choice too!) and totally agree on Kara AND Paula! Secondly, love how you told your family! You are so cute and creative! Can't imagine that feeling of telling my mom one day!

  27. Aw, I like how you told them, cute!

    Um....LOVE dancing with the stars and I too think it's totally unfair for Nicole to be on there. I'm rooting for Pam, I love that she just doesn't care what people think about her. On AI, I stopped watching because of Kara. One night I counted the times she said the word "artistry" and it was over 30. I haven't watched since.

  28. i'm so excited for you! i bet all of your family was soo happy to hear your big news.

  29. Eeeeeeek I am so exicted for you! My friend Katie just told me to hop over to your blog that you had a suprise and I was like so excited for you I did the whole happy dance thing LOL.....Girl you are gonna be a fab mommy! How AWESOME! Love the shirt and how you told your family! I have been out of town and MIA so I am just getting this news tonight! CONGRATS FRIEND EEEEEEEEEEEEK!

    Summer :0)

  30. Anonymous5/01/2010

    I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Congrats sweetie!!!!! Its so exciting telling people isnt it.........Have you had any morning sickness or anything?!?!? I cant wait to read your journey over the next 7 months!!!! I am so happy for you I cant stand it!!!! :)

  31. This is adorable!! You're making ME want to have kids! Your mom sounds absolutely thrilled as she should be :) xx

  32. I'm SOOOOOO excited for you!! now you can buy all the fun stuff on my blog for babies!! :) Glad someone can use it!! XOXO
