Friday, May 7, 2010

Favorite Fridays and I was TAGGED!

Praise the LORD it's Friday!  And you know what that means right?  Time for ...

Favorite Fridays

Today's topic IS ...

Favorite Animated Movie

And I'm going to answer with some pictures (and maybe a few captions) ...

"Look at this stuff
 Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?"

"Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything."

"I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more ..."

"I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Walking around on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - feet!"

"Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down a - what's that word again?
Streeeeeeet ..."

"Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world ..."

"What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land they understand
That they don't reprimand their daughters
Proper women sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand ... "

"And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it - what's the word?
Burnnnnnn ... "

"When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world ..."

Are you singing yet?  Because you should be ... Now, I love most all Disney animated movies (well, the classics that is) but I saw this one 13 times in the theater and bought it (well, my mom did) as soon as it came out and watched it until the lyrics from the songs were becoming everyday language for me.  I wanted to BE Ariel for much of my young life.  My cousins and I would play Little Mermaid in my pool growing up and I would ALWAYS fight to be Ariel (of course) and try and convince them they wanted to be one of her sisters because they were cooler.  Decieving at such a young age Kate, you should be ashamed ... We would then take the diving rings (hopefully you know what I'm talking about, the little rings you'd throw in the pool and have to dive down and get) and put our feet through them to make us swim like mermaids.  Oh to be young again.  Who am I kidding, if I had a pool and diving rings I can bet you that I'd have my feet through one eventually, much to my Mister's dismay.

NEXT, I was tagged my sweet blog friend Mrs. Bear of Think Happy Thoughts!  Oh how I love that little bear!

Here are the rules:

1]. Go to your photos files and select the 8th photo folder.
2]. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3]. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4]. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same.

Now I know this may not look very exciting to all of you, but OOOHHHH how I love this place.  This is a picture from the porch of our house at Coon Creek.  It's a private club in Athens that my family has been member of since I was born and I can remember spending many a weekend here from the time I was little.  But what makes this place even MORE special to me now is that I got engaged here.  The Mister knew Coon Creek had a special meaning to me, and the weekend of July 4th we decided to take a trip there, which would be the Mister's first visit.  Well, the day before he had sent me two dozen red roses to work and told me we were going to a really fancy schmancy pants dinner (for no reason mind you) and to get dressed up.  What does any girl who's been dating her boyfriend for 9 months, who at 5 months asked me what kind of RINGS I liked and at 6 months told me he saw us getting engaged in the fall, think when she hears all this?  OMG I'M GETTING ENGAGED of course!  So we go to dinner, have a WONDERFUL time, he takes me home and wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, NOTHIN'!  He drops me off at the door, tells me he'll see me in the morning when he picks me up to go to Coon Creek.  And I'm left thinking "Are you KIDDING me?!?!"  All that and no ring?  Man I sound like a brat, huh?  So once we get to Coon Creek the next day he asks if I want to go look at the stars that night, which a little back story.  When we'd been dating about a month we climbed up on the roof of his townhome at Baylor and looked at the stars in our sleeping bags.  We saw SEVERAL shooting stars and decided to make wishes.  We tried to pry our wishes out of each other, but each said (of course) that we wouldn't tell because they wouldn't come true.  I told him I'd tell him when my wish came true and on our 6 month anniversary, when we were talking about getting married, I told him that my wish HAD come true because I had wished that this was the guy that God had for me to marry.  SO, once we got to our star gazing spot, we stood in front of his truck looking for shooting stars to wish on.  He lied (stinker) and said he saw one but I, of course being stubborn, said I hadn't and we waited until I did.  So once we finally saw one TOGETHER he said, "Okay, make a wish" and I said "Okay, done, now your turn" and he said "Okay, now you have to tell me if it comes true." and turned me around and got down on one knee.  Definately one of the top five days of my life.  And THAT'S why this place, and this picture mean so much to me! 

Holy schmoly ravioli this has turned into a long post.  Okay, bear with me I just have a few more things, #1 - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all your mothers & mothers-to-be out there!  If this is your first, I hope you have a wonderful day, if this is your 10th, more power to ya momma!  And HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to the BEST mom and best FRIEND a girl could ever hope for.  I love you mommy, thank you for setting an amazing example for me to follow with the little one on the way.

{Did I mention my mom's hot?  Cause she is ... }

Also, I HAD to post this hilarious picture my mom sent me of the twins yesterday (new readers, the twins are my little brother and sister, they're almost 11, my mom had them when I was 18, doesn't she look A-MAZING?) They got a new pot for flowers at the front door.  Apparently it's quite large ...

{Aren't they so cute?}

And now, for a picture from my youth ...

{Apparently I was going for the "I'm tough holding a puppy" look?}

Happy Friday/Weekend/Mother's Day loverlies!!!  Make it a GREAT one!!!


  1. Under the sea, under the sea...

    Wait. I'm sorry. I got a little carried away for a minute. :)

    Love the engagement the picture of the twin year olds...and love how gorgeous both you and your mama are! :)

    And, umm, this pretty much goes without saying, but love the Muffin that is responsible for this being your very first (unofficial) Mother's Day EVER! :)


  2. First of all...just watched Little Mermaid this weekend...LOVE that movie! Second, what a sweet story about your and your hubby! And lastly...I didn't know you had a twin bro/sis! How have I missed that? They are so stinking cute!!

  3. Aww I love your story!! That sounds like it could be in a movie!

  4. I sooo was singing!!!

    What a sweet story!! I just love reading your blog! It's so funny and you have some wonderful memories that you share with us! So thank you! :)

    The twins are ADORABLE!! Your Mom is a hottie!! :) That's where you got your looks from!! :)

  5. 1. Little Mermaid = <3
    2. What a sweeeeeeet engagement story! He is so sneaky and creative and awwwww, I just loves it.
    3. I wish I had that big pot to hide in to scare the kids I nanny.

  6. Athens?? Where do you live?! love the engagement story! happy mothers day on sunday!!

  7. Love the Little Mermaid! And what a great engagement story! Happy 1st Mothers Day to you!! :)

  8. Love Little Mermaid! One of my favorites! Love your sweet engagement story!

  9. I loved The Little Mermaid. It was one of my faves as a little kid, and still is!

  10. I LOVE the Little Mermaid - it will always be one of my favorites!

    I LOVE your engagement story.. that is sooo sweet! I understand the fast love. My husband and I got married 4 1/2 months after we MET! haha

    Happy Friday and Mother's Day, mama-to-be!!

  11. Loved the lyrics as usual (: what a romantic engagement story!! I love it & Happy Mother's Day to be you lil momma-to-be you!! <3

  12. That cracked me up! I was singing right alot with you! and looks like you have awsome genes too!

  13. I LOVED little mermaid (thought not as much as you did) I bought it on DVD a while back , now I really want to watch it tonight!

    PS your Mom is totally a hottie :-)

  14. I love love love this post! I love that song. I used to play Ariel in the bathtub and do the whole shooting out of the water up on the rock moment lol!

    Cute engagement story! Happy Mothers to you, mama!

  15. Ummmmm yeah, I started to sing the second I started reading this post. HA!

  16. Um seriously I could have just gotten up and starting dancing and singing at the top of my lungs to that song. I might even have to go steal my videos back from my moms and watch this weekend! P.S. Um right when you said you would play Ariel in the pool I thought "Oh ya and then me and Tracy would put the diving rings around our ankles".. LOL then you said you did the exact same thing! LOVE IT.. And your proposal story is to die for that's a perfect story!

  17. LOVE little mermaid.

    We used to sing a song (we didn't make it up) to the tune of Part of Your World, but it was called I Need a Man

    [look at my smile,
    Isn't it great
    wouldn't you think
    I could get a date . . . .]

  18. Ariel is one of my favorites too!! So fun!! I love that porch area on that house, it looks so relaxing! Loved this post!

  19. Love The Little Mermaid :)

    Such a sweet story too!

  20. I LOVE Classic Disney movies! And I could probably recite every word to the Little Mermaid! Hope you have a great weekend!

  21. First off, I looove The Little Mermaid. Second, I also love all Classic Disney movies and have made it my mission to get a copy of each of them somehow. Third, that is the sweetest engagement story!

  22. Ahhh such a good pick!!
    Thanks for playing, Happy Friday girly! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  23. So when my siblings and I were younger we were also obsessed with this movie as well.And especially that exact song you wrote. So this was of course the time before and internet. So we sat there paper and pen in hand and hit rewind like 500 million times so we can write down the exact lyrics of all the songs. Gosh to think what we use to go through.

    That was a very long blog but read it all. Once I got to the engagement story I just couldnt stop. OMG he is soooo romantic and sweet how cute....

    Happy mothers day to you!! This is your first one AWWWW. How fantastic. And your mom looks good. Lucky you for those great genes.

  24. You've definitely got the "I'm tough holding a puppy" look down! HAHAH! Have a great weekend! Happy "soon to be" Mothers Day!

  25. I love your engagement story! So cute! Hope your mom has a wonderful Mothers day! She looks great!

  26. OMG The Litte Mermaid is SOOOO my fave!! She is the best and i have def played the little mermaid game a time or two!

    A tear came to my eye when I read the engagement story, so perfect. He's good!!!!!

    Happy Mothers Day tomorrow, because you are already doing so much for you little Muffin!!

  27. what a special engagement story, I LOVE IT!~! sweet hubby you have :)
