Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up, Lazy Style ...

Good Monday morning loves!  Let me just start by saying I didn'tsomuch sleep so well last night.  Don't get me wrong, we had an AMAZING Sunday, starting off with a little of this ...

{Sittin' in a suite at the Rangers game eating a pretzel and cotton candy.  Baby Fulmer likey.}

And PS - can I take a minute to SCREAM at blogger right now?   If I WANTED my pictures at the top of the page, I would PUT them there blogger.  I wouldn't return so many times I was SURE you would place them where I wanted only to STILL have them end up at the top of the page!  Phew.  Sorry about that.  I feel better now.  Anyone else screamed at blogger lately?  No?  Just me?  We'll blame the hormones.  Movingrightalong ...

After the OH so enjoyable game (Seriously, the Rangers are actually doing GOOD this year!  You might call me a fair-weather fan.  And you'd be right.) we came home and grilled burgers in preparation for ... (pardon me as I press enter a thousand times in order to insert a picture ... sheesh) 

Which was AWESOME.  I may have cried a few hundred times gotten a little emotional, don't get me wrong, I still don't know what the H is going on, but I will say I liked it.  The ACTUAL end (as in the last 5 minutes) could've explained a LOT more.  Like (SPOILER ALERT) how the ones that flew off the island in the Ajerra plane died, how Rose and Bernard died, how Hurly and Ben died, etc.  Since in the end they were all supposed to be dead, right?  But still.  I was happy.  And I MIGHT watch it a few hundred more times again tonight.  We'll see if I have time after watching DWTS and THE BACHELORETTE!  Anyone else as excited about this as I am?  No?  Well, it's good to know I have such a healthy relationship with my television.  Hopefully he never breaks up with me.  I don't know what I'd DO with my weeknights.

Friday night was super low key.  We watched a little of our Netflix'ed 24 and went to be at 9:30PM.  Yes folks, on a Friday we somehow managed to get our rears in bed EARLIER than we can on weeknights.  I don't know, don't ask.  Because of this, I was up with the chickens bright and early the next morning, which was good becaus we had a BUSY day.  Saturday night we had a wedding to go to followed by a couples baby shower.  At one point I was in Target with a wedding registry in one hand and a baby registry in the other and THANKFULLY this sweet man took pity on me and showed me where item numbers 134920353095 and 13914242424284 were since I can read Target code n' all.  After the wedding ceremony we rushed over to our friend's house for Charlie and Heather, some of our sweet Baylor friends who moved to Tenessee making it few and far between that we get to see them.  Heather's due in August with little Carter who I KNOW is just going to be adorable like his parents.  And, are you ready for this?  I. TOOK. PICTURES.!

{The mommas-to-be sportin' our baby boy bumps (well, 95% baby boy bump for me)}

{Three preggos in a row.  Heather, Mary Beth (who's due 2 weeks before me but I look bigger than her!  I'm going to blame it on my shortness and the fact that I was sticking it out to catch up wih the other two bumps!) and me.}

{Me and sweet P.  My bestie's baby girl who's almost ONE!  My little P Diddles!}

{My MOH and P.  Love my girls!}

{My Mister.  My baby daddy.  My love.}

Okay kids.  That's about all I have the energy for today.  I hope you all had equally loverly weekends, I'll be over to find out about them soon!!!


  1. Holy bump!!! You are bigger than me and I am due the week before you!!! Kind of jealous!!! My bump is still pretty low. Maybe it's the I'm taller than you???

    I am SOO confused by the LOST finale. Did they all die in the first plane crash?? Was sideways flashes there heaven? So many questions!

  2. Love your dresses in the pictures! You look so beautiful. Glad you enjoyed your weekend. :) Happy Monday!

  3. Sounds like y'all had a great weekend! Love the pics :)

  4. You look adorable!! Sounds like a very fun/busy weekend!!

    PS-I have the dress you are wearing and I LOVE it!!

    Happy Monday!

  5. I hated the finale. Well the end of it. Loved all the scenes with people remembering but Chad laughed at me because I cried like a little baby as Sawyer and Juliet reunited. Ugh. Then they were all dead? really Lost....really?

    You look so freaking cute preggers!!!

  6. (1) Thank goodness that I am back so that I can commence to commenting on your little bloggy blog. Oh how I have missed it.

    (2) Could Sweet P be any more stinking adorable? I don't think so.

    (3) I love the baby boy bump. And I love you.

  7. Your hair looks great!! And I am loving the baby bump!!! :)

  8. oh my! I see your bump now!! you look adorable! I love Heather's dress!

  9. YAYYY love your pictures! You are the cutest mommy to be =0)

  10. ahhhh! a baby BUMP! I love it! You look so stinkin cute.

    I'm uber excited about DWTS & the bach tonight. I'll be posted up on my couch all night, for sure. :)

  11. You are so Adorable and I see your precious little 90% baby boy bump!! Eeeeeek I am so stinkin' excited for you!!

    O.K. soooo I have never really got into Lost for the fact that I am um Lost when I watch it LOL

    All the pics are presh and I am so jealous over the ballgame and more so over the cotton candy yummo!

    Glad you had a fab weekend
    Love that pic of you, your mister and the baby to be.....

    Summer :0)

  12. Oh you are so so so gorgeous :) Lovely pics with all of those bumps hehe xo

  13. You looks beautiful Preggers! And don't feel bad...I seem to have a special love affair with TV myself! Atleast I know i'm not the only one! Glad you had a great weekend! xoxo

  14. You look beautiful!! What a fun, relaxing weekend you had miss!

  15. You are so cute with the bump! That makes pregnant look good! I am a recent follower! Love the blog!

  16. You look so beautiful :)

  17. How awesome to have other preggo friends!!! That's so cool. You'll be able to have play dates and call girls who are going through the same things at the same time. :) Ya'll look fab!

  18. Ooh I so need to get Lost on Netflix starting from Season 1. I've never seen a single episode. That really is so cool that you have preggo friends to share with. Your lil bumps adorable.

  19. You look so stinking cute as a preggo lady!!!

  20. Thanks for the Bachelorette Reminder!! I have to set my DVR as the boy doesn't agree with that show. You and your girlfriends look adorable I love the baby bump!

  21. Oh ya and Blogger was totally hating on me too when I was trying to post photos this morning I was like dude where did it go!? Top of the page. EERRR..

  22. We had a very lazy weekend too! But that's okay to do that because the week is always so busy!

    You look so precious!! Love the dress!

  23. You look so darn cute! Sounds like a very fun but busy weekend! How fun to be pregnant at the same time as good friends!

  24. Anonymous5/24/2010

    You have got to be the cutest little prego of all time! I love that dress you are wearing! :o)

  25. Awww! CUTE pictures! Your baby bump is P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S!!! Oh and kudos on cotton candy, love it!

  26. Blogger has been driving me up the wall lately. I hate the new(and so not improved) photo posting!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend! You and your little baby bump look great :)

  27. Sounds like a great weekend! And I was at the Rangers/Cubs game yesterday too...although jealous that you had a suite. It was so hot in the stands!

  28. WOW you look adorable!! would it be cliche to say glowing? hehe

    ALSO I LOVE LOVE Love that orange and beige dress. its amazing.

  29. Baby showers are my nightmare. Actually showers in general. My new thing is avoid them all together and just send gifts. I figure no one wants to be around the bitter hag right? Haha.

    You look adorable preggo btw.
    Looks like a fab weekend...hey we both did the baseball thing. Look at that! Here's to a fab week as well!

  30. It looks like it was a great day! I love your cute baby bump! PS: Lost was amazing!

  31. how i miss the Rangers ballpark! Michael Young is my hottie!!!!

    you look SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! man oh man, i can't wait to have a baby bump :)

    and LOST-- wasn't it great? ya i was still LOST ha but i LOOOOOOVE the candy machine part with sawyer--- and when jack said out loud to his father what happened- AMAZING. The Ben & Locke thing-- cried. wow sooo good! you cracked me up about vincent cos i was the same ;) i was glad he was there with jack. EPIC SHOW!

  32. Girly you have the cutest bump! You look fantastic!

  33. YAYAYAY for the bump-ed-e-bump-bump!!! You are darling and your girlfriends dress (orange,white,beige) is DARLING!!! Yours too of course, but I just loved that!

  34. I need your dress and heather's desperately could you tell me how to get them please, pretty please
