Monday, June 21, 2010

Much Better Monday ...

Even though it IS Monday, I'm definately feeling less funky than Friday and more merry this Monday.  And bytheway, thank you to all my cheerleaders that wished me a great weekend and encouraged me to come out of my funk.  As suspected, it ended at precisely 3:30 pm (well, maybe about 5 minutes before when I was told I could go home EARLY!) and got even better as more weekend came my way.  And again, you're not going to beWIEF it, but I TOOK PICTURES!  I'm so very proud.  So, we'll start with Friday night.  After I got home from work (early, did I mention that already?) we headed over to our good friends the Milam's house for a going away party for our friend Laura.  Laura's moving to Disney World, ahem, I mean Florida, and I'm kinda jealous about it.  Her family is there so I'm sure she'll be thrilled to be close to them again (and Disney World, of course) but we're really going to miss her ...

{All the girls.  Hiding behind the bar for some reason.}

{The hostess with the mostess and myself.}

{Auntie Leesh lovin' on baby Fulmer.}

We had ourselves a good time.  And can we just talk about the schmorgasborg of DEWISHUS appetizers they had?  Let's just say I didn't look as pregnant when I got there as I did when I left ...

On Saturday the Mister and I went to the first part of my late birfday present, to see this FABULOUS production ...

Which, lemme tell you, I've seen it 3 times now, once here, another time in NYC and again here, and it's just as amazingly good each time I see it.  If you haven't seen it and it comes to the town you live in, I HIGHLY recommend getting tickets if you can.  AH-MAZING.

We then headed out to the second part of my late birfday present, my birfday dinner, which was so fun because my Mister told them before hand that it was my birfday (which, it was really a month ago) and so they had a card waiting at the table, with streamers decorating it as well.  Everyone kept wishing me a happy birtfday throughout the evening and I just had to do my best to say "thank you" and not giggle since it was a month ago.  We went to a steak restaurant in Dallas, Nick and Sams.  It's one of our favorites.

{Isn't he just so cute?  And don't worry, that's sparkling cider.  I so felt like I was celebrating New Years at age 13 again ...}

Afterwards we had a friend's 30th birfday party.  And amazingly I didn't take any pictures of his soiree.  BUT, to my defense, I did stay out until midnight.  Now that should count for something, right?

Sunday I woke up and gave the Mister his first Father's Day gift.  And I didn't take a picture of it ... wroooooops.  But I'll tell y'all what it was.  I ordered him a coffee mug (he loves him some black coffee in the manana, blech) with two different pictures, one on each side, of our last sonogram with the phrase "happy first father's day!" on one side and "i love you daddy" on the other.  It turned out REALLY cute and he absolutely loved it!  Then we went to my mom and step-dad's house to celebrate Father's Day with them.  We had burgers and opened presents and had SO much fun EXCEPT, I didn't take any pictures ... wroooooooops.  Afterwards following stuffing my face with a giant burger we headed over to my Mamo's house to celebrate Father's Day with my daddy.  Where I immediately proceeded to stuff my face with pizza we opened presents, had some dinner and a really good time celebrating my dad.  And I DID take some pictures here ...

{Opening his presents ...}

{Taking a picture with his favorite first born.}

{Hmmmm.  I wonder where I get my goofiness from?}

{My Silly took these ... and I played with them a bit on Picnik.  Pardon my awesome roots.  Dang prenatals making my hair grow like a weed ...}

{That SHOULD read ALMOST 18 week bump.  Wroooops.}

And last but CERTAINLY not least, please hop on over and vistit my Soulmatey for her FABULOUS giveaway on her blog of ...

EEEEEEEPPPP I hope I win!  There's a darling little diaper bag combo that I would LOVE to add to Baby Fulmer's soon-to-be growing collection of gear!

And there you have it!  There's my weekend in a pic & word-shell.  I hope y'all had wonderful Father's Day weekends and are having as merry of a Monday as I am!!!


  1. Aaaaaw! I am lovin all of this BABY action!
    And sweet sweet Baby Fulmer over there on the sidebar!
    Do you EVEN even know how much I LOVE WICKED!!!!
    We saw it in London...and it was spectacular!
    I'm sure you have the sound track!
    Oh how I adore all the songs!
    Don't you just LOVE the song POPULAR!!!!
    Oh...I've been in a FUNK too!
    Is it time to come out? ;o)

  2. What a cute baby bump you are rocking these days!! And I can see why your friday funk turned around, sounds like a fabulous weekend!
    being prego and staying out late is always fun the next day, I remember feeling like I was hungover from not enough sleep haha! I hope you are feeling good these days!

  3. Everyone say it with me now "awwwwww!" i'm ooooh'ing and awwww'ing over here. :) Is your shirt from Kohl's? LC? Love it. And love all of your pictures. Glad you had a good weekend, my dear!

  4. Such a cute belly bump you have sister! I have to post my 19 week bump pic exciting that we are just about a week apart :)

  5. Anonymous6/21/2010

    I LOVE Wicked! I saw it in NYC too! I think it's coming here the end of the summer, I am dying to go again!!! Glad you had such a great weekend.

  6. Again- you are looking fabulous! It could be worse...I have terrible roots and a head full of grey hair :(
    Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hi Katie!! Thank you so much for stopping by and following and entering the giveaway!! I'm so happy you did because I found you that way!! You and your cute baby bump!! I can't wait to read more about you and hubby and Baby Fulmer :)

    Happy Monday, lady! xoxoxo

  8. Looks like you had a fab father's day! :)

  9. Ah I want to see Wicked! I think it stops soon in SF. I need to get over there!

  10. You and your Dad are cute together! Love the mug idea!

  11. Wow sweet lady - you had a super packed weekend. How do you keep up with everything when you're preggo? You're my hero!

    PS - loving the baby bump. You're way too gorgeous!

  12. how fun! you are too cute!!!!!

  13. You look adorable sporting the bump.! It looks like you had a great time.! I am glad you are no longer in a funk. I hope you and the mister enjoyed fathers day, and happy first day of summer.!

  14. Sounds like such a fun weekend!! You look fabulous! And, I love, love that father's day gift you ordered... how precious :)

  15. Sounds like a great weekend! As always, your bump is adorable :)

  16. I have wanted to see wicked for forever now!! I will have to see when they are coming to my town again. Love all the pictures!

  17. Absolutely love the dress you're rocking at the going to Disney party.

    And your roots aren't noticeable, silly. Have you really noticed your hair growing longer? That is so cool! You look beautiful, seriously pregnancy looks great on you. I can only hope to some day have the same results, ha.

  18. Glad you had a great weekend! You are just so stinkin' cute with your adorable bump!

  19. Wicked is AMAZING! So jealous you got to see it! Looking great at almost 18 weeks!


  21. I have always wanted to see wicked!! Lucky!

  22. It looks like you had a super busy but super fun weekend. I want to see Wicked so badly! Loved all of the pictures and how cute was your father's day gift to your hubby!

  23. Awe, your baby bump is so cute! And I want to see Wicked so bad!!!! :)

  24. I gave you an award! Come on over and check it out! :)
