Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wishful Wednesday and Bumpdates!

Well, first thing's first.  Let's get this out of the way.  I can't believe I'm about to post these.  Because I look the SIZE OF A HOUSE.  But the stickers that my blog designer and also good friend, Kelly got me are too stinkin' cute not to use.  Even if I do have to wear a pre-pregnant tank top that I should never try and squeeze over my belly again tight tank top.  So here you go.  16 weeks.  In a white tank top.  Pregnant/fat + white tank top = never a good idea.

{It may be time to venture to Tarjay and get a maternity tank top ...}

{Maybe I should start having the Mister take these, so when I show these to the my child in the future they know their momma had a face.}

So there you have it.  My expanding waist (or lack thereof) line.  Now, to change gears a bit, on to play ...

Today's topic is

'I Wish' .... I had the opportunity to change careers and it would be to become a wedding planner!

That's right friends.  I absolutely L-O-V-E-D every aspect of planning my own wedding, so much so that I told my mom "HECK NO" when she asked if we needed to hire a wedding planner.  By the time it was my turn to get married I had been in no less that 10 weddings and I knew EXACTLY what I wanted and what I sure as heck did NOT want!  For example, I wanted the ceremony to be meaningful, full of the Lord and sentimental, but to the point, short and sweet and to mainly get us mawwied ("man and wife, just say man and wife" if you can tell me what movie that's from you get a cookie.) and to the reception where we could eat (wishful thinking) drink (that we did) and be MAWWIED.  All this is to say that I LOVED wedding planning and have actually helped a few of my friends plan their own!  Getting mawwied 5+ years ago means they have a lot of things today that didn'tsomuch exist in my days of wedding planning.  For instance, the whole fancy pants artsy fartsty photography?  Notsomuch a huge trend when I got married.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my wedding photographer, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wouldn't have been thrilled for my wedding pictures to look more like this ...

 {Not technically a wedding picture, an engagement one.  And yes I know this beautiful couple, that's my brother and his now wife (my Silly) then fiance.}

If I were a wedding planner, let me show you a few things that would inspire tickling my wedding designing fancy.

Amazing lighting ...

Gorgeous wedding flowers ...

White for any time of the year ...

Love these for spring ...

And these for fall ...

And I love these because they're peonies (LOVE) and the dresses are teal ...

Fabulous centerpieces (right now I'm into the whole "tree" thing)...

And delicious candy bars for favors ...

My Soulmatey will like this one.  She LOVES her some yellow ...

I'm sure some of those are "so last year" and "not what's in right now" but I just know what I like.  Plus I haven't been to a wedding in over a year so they may be hanging monkeys from the ceilings holding flower arrangements and using glowsticks on the dance floor these days for all I know.

And lastly (sheeshsters, when did I get so long-winded all of a sudden?) the Bumpdates!  I am 16 weeks, in case you didn't catch that from the sticker on my giant belly above.

How far along? Seriously.  I just told you this.  16 weeks.  Pay attention pregnancy questionnaire.

{Awww.  Such a cute little alien.  Even if he is to the left of the va-jay-jay word.  Seriously.  We all know what that is.  No need to label.}

Total weight gain/loss: Some how I went from 6 to 10 LBS.  Riddle me that?

Maternity clothes? Goodness yes.  Except, apparently, in the tank top area.

Stretch marks? Possibly from bending over and trying to shave my legs in the shower.  There is now a smallish bump in my way.  I know, I know.  Just wait til I'm huge ...

Sleep: Much better.  MUCH better.  I've figured out a way to take the boppy pregnancy pillow (i.e., my other spouse) and wrap it around my BACK side, put my head on the end and the other end between my knees and prop my other pillow (my other, other spouse) in front of me.  Once I'm in place there's NO gettin' me out.  When it comes time, I really have to think long and hard about how much I need to pee ...

Best moment this week: I'm going to say Friday (even though it's in the future) because we have an appointment where we get to hear the little one's heartbeat and, drumroll pleassssseeeee, make the ACTUAL gender appointment where I can stop saying 95% and move on to an actual 100% BOY!

Have you told family and friends: No.  JUST the blog world (she says with sarcasm DRIPPING from her tongue).

Movement: It's apparently any time now!  However, I hope what I felt this morning wasn't movement.  Because it felt like a cross between a running pain (and goodness KNOWS that's not what it was) and a tummy full of ... well, let's say for a better word, hot air.  And it hurt.  I'm not sure I can take 5 more months of THAT kind of movement.

Food cravings: Nope.  Still good friends with the Fatty Fairy.  She's set herself up a nice little home right on my hips and thighs and, from the looks of things, she's not leaving for a GOOD 6 - 9 monthsI wish she'd tell her friend, Pale Fairy to get the heck out though.  She's taken residence on my FACE (even after the Tan Fairy landed there for awhile) and WON'T LEAVE!

Anything making you queasy or sick: My Mister sliced his finger open on a steak knife on Saturday night.  It made me both queasy AND sick.

Have you started to show yet: See gigantic evidence above.

Leakage: Talk about leakage again.  I dare you.  See if I don't punch you in the face.

Gender prediction: This week I predict it's a puppy.  Oh GENDER prediction?  I thought you said species.  I'm still stickin' with the 95% boy results we got.

Labor Signs: Nada.  Except these dang round ligament pains.  I swear it feels like I've been doing situps every morning when I wake up and heaven KNOWS that's not the case ...

Belly Button in or out? Inwards.  And currently expanding from east to west.  This is somewhat troubling to me as, through shirts, it looks like I have a giant crater right in the middle of my stomach.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.  Unless I'm in traffic.  Or I'm hungry.  Or I'm tired.  But that's true pregnant or not.

Weekly Wisdom: Never look in the mirror (or take pictures) after you've put on your maternity swim suit.  Just don't do it.

Milestones: 4 months!  WOOT!


  1. Ah I thought I couldnt post for a second here and almost flipped the eff out on blogger.... phew... anyways...

    1. You are NOT huge I love you and I love your stickers. Please do this every week. Thanks.
    2. I can't wait to find out that baby is 100% male!! Then you can tell me your name choices in private haha.
    3. Wedding planning would be so fun - I have three friends getting married and I've offered my help planning, they say YES, but so far no one really wants it. HMPH! Their loss!

  2. Hahaha!! Well besides the bigger belly (Which is a good thing) Helllloooo, boobs!!

    1.) I am copying off Mrs. Bear and doing a list too!
    2.) The stickers are ADORABLE!
    3.) Will you please plan my future wedding? We all know that won't take place for like 10 years, so you can force your child to be your little assistant! :)

    Happy Hump Day girl!!

  3. Hi~ I'm a new follower. Love your blog and congrats on 16 weeks! :) All of your cat pictures are hilarious!

  4. So cute! Love the bumpdates!!

  5. Anonymous6/09/2010

    I love the sticker! And you look great! Well, what I can see of you. :)

    Second, love wedding planning. I am single but love weddings, to the point that I am getting my certification as a wedding consultant and I am loving it. it is the perfect career with someone like me with OCD

  6. Princess Bride, duh!! :-)

    Your belly is so freakin cute! And I don't think the tank top looks bad!

    How are you always so tan?

    Oh and I love that sticker! I need to get me some of those when I have a baby on the way!

    I'm with you on the wedding photography. The great creative pictures weren't really a big thing when I got married either. Boo! Oh well. At least we will have great maternity pictures! You plan on doing that, right?

  7. The sticker is so fun! OH, and although all books and websites tell you you can feel them move starting at 16 weeks, anyone who has been pregnant before will tell you it's more like 20. I felt it for the first time at don't think the gas pains are the real deal :) It's soooo much sweeter!

  8. I love the belly pictures with the sticker!! So cute. I would love to be a wedding planner, too! I think it would be so fun! && love your bumpdates - excited for you to be able to say 100% boy instead of 95%!!

  9. I like your long posts, they are not long-winded just a great read.

    You are not huge, you are just pregnant. And your pregnant tummy is just perfect. Just know that your growing belly just means your baby is going to be healthy.

    LOLcats rock... They are so much fun.

    I use to want to be a wedding planner and I have my moments that I do but I don't think I can do it year round. I like your ideas, you would make a great wedding planner.

  10. Yeah we had the same wishful job! High five! I love your sticker, where did you get it? I may need those when I get preggers they are so cute. You look great!

  11. You'd be awesome as a wedding planner!! I love your cute photos too!

  12. Anonymous6/09/2010

    Love your updates! And the belly picture is just too cute. You don't look like the size of a house. You look pregnant. :)

  13. I possibly might make your day... But my friend is about to have her baby and we actually featured a segment at my news station that showed the use of Belly Button Covers!

    That was the one I could find but they do have little things to help cover the belly button so when your stops moving east to west and north to south you might try these bad boys. I know they worked for my girlfriend.

    :) Loved the 16 weeks post and can't wait to see if the 95% is correct!

  14. Whoop Whoop for 4 months!! You are soo adorable! Where did you get the stickers?

  15. First off, you look adorable and congrats on making it to 4 months! :)

    Secondly, I think you would be a great wedding planner, I love all your choices!

  16. LOVE the cute!!! And being a wedding planner would be fun!! Stressful but fun!

  17. Love your WW choice I love weddings and I Interned as a wedding planner assistant for 2 basically my entire future wedding is pre planned in my head...hope Chad is cool with that! haha. Also seriously you are so adorable with the bumpdates I love :)

  18. I'm super jealous of those stickers! I want them now!

  19. PRINCESS BRIIIIIDDEEEE!!! LOVE IT! That picture is adorable! Those stickers are so cute! I wish I would've had them when I started taking pics!! OMG, yes, go to Target, their nursing tank tops are sooo comfortable! I already have three! I know you don't think so, but seriously, you are so tiny! Go to or another pregnancy website and look at some of their user submitted photos, those people are HUGE! haha, it makes me feel better! Oh and I had round ligament pain super bad for a bit, now it's just sporadic. Stinks, but it did help to stretch!

  20. love all of your ideas!!! i would also be a wedding planner! so fun!!

  21. okay first of all your bump is so stinkin cute! second of all I would love to be a wedding planner too...seriously how fun would that be!

  22. Oh my boobies have a cute baby bump too and I love that sticker....
    Ooooh you would rock as a wedding planner....
    Love the candy bar idea....super cute I think I am gonna try to do one for Kelcee's 3rd B-Day....

    Summer :0)

  23. I LOOOOOOVES the yellow! Do you know me or what?

    And umm, can we just quit our jobs and start a wedding planning company? I'm so there. :)

  24. Your blog makes me so happy. Seriously this post is eye candy that I will be scrolling up and down to for atleast the next 15 minutes to make sure it's full absorbed, love it. Your brother and silly are beyond adorable! One of my dream jobs would be a wedding planner too, I've heard the pay isn't great though unfort. xoxo. PS your stomach is adorable.

  25. Ummmm, shush. You are teeeeeeny!! And I want another wedding. HA!

    Our blog has moved! We would love for you to visit us at our new site:
    Unfortunately, if you followed us with Google Friend Connect you'll have to re-follow but everything else is the same! Hugs, K

  26. LOL...I had so many thoughts for this post but the i has cheezeburger cats made me forget everything!

    But PS- You don't look fat in the look PREGNANT! :)

  27. Anonymous6/09/2010

    YAY! My career is wedding planner too! And I love the pic from the movie...a classic!

    You are the cutest little preggo ever! I'm sure that means nothing when you feel huge, but you certainly don't look it!

  28. Wedding planning would be so much fun! That's definitely something I've always wanted to do!

    And love the baby bump pictures! You are adorable pregnant!

  29. Awww your belly is too cute :)

    Wedding planning would definitely be a fun job!

  30. Oh my gosh, your bumpdates are HILARIOUS!!

  31. your belly is SO cute!! dont be ashamed :)

  32. The Princess Bride!!! You have THE BEST taste in movies. Seriously.

    I actually picked a couple of those "fall" photos to get ideas for my wedding last September. :-) If that's not confirmation that you're supposed to be a wedding planner then I don't know what is!

  33. 1. You look fab ... those stickers are so cute!

    2. Love how we have to get so creative with the placement of our pillows to sleep well.

    3. I doubt what you felt this morning was movement - probably round ligament pains. When the baby moves, it doesn't hurt. Although now that he's getting a bit bigger, I'm starting to feel him up in my ribs sometimes and that's a bit uncomfy, but not painful.

  34. Being a wedding planner would be so much fun. Congrats on 16 weeks! You bump is really cute. I'm a new follower by the way.

  35. Those stickers are adorable...what a cute idea! I would love to be a wedding planner too...unless I change my mind in the next 4 months when I want to pull my hair out :)

  36. Anonymous6/09/2010

    Love the LOL cats. I haz a mad. ha!

  37. You are looking great! Love those stickers! Where did they come from?

  38. You are so cute and I LOVE those stickers! What a fabulous idea!
    Also, I'd loveeee to be a wedding planner!

  39. You look so stinkin cute in that tank top! And I wouldve been a wedding planner much fun!

  40. Saw your blog on Seattle Smiths! I love it. And you are too cute pregnant.

  41. If you think this is HUGE then I won't be posting a single photo of myself when pregnant, for fear I will scar your lovely little eyes. I'm 5'2" so you can bet it will be scary. All I see is gorgeousness!!!

  42. LOVE the prego pics, that's so what everyone thinks though that they look ginormous but you definitely don't! Awww wedding planner that would be such a fun job!

  43. Oh those kitten pics are cute. You look like a pregnant person. No shame in that. Strut your stuff girl.!!

  44. Those stickers are too cute! You should do this every week! I love the blog! :)

  45. The stickers are darling -- I haven't ever seen that before! How fun, and you are just cute cute cute. I bet you love officially showing now! As in party planning, go get em' girl! You could do it!
